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I stand up off my bed, and set my American government text down.

“Now we need to dress you.” Karissa stands in front of my closet frowning.

“Um… If we’re just going to try on dresses, how does it matter what I wear?” I ask.

The two friends both freeze and stare at me. Lora laughs.

“Don’t worry, Ziah. You’ll get used to them. Best to just nod and smile.” Lora’s gri

Mardie turns to Karissa. “I think Ziah needs that blue halter top of yours.”

“Oh!” Karissa’s eyes widen. “Yes, and find some ski

I stand in my room in a daze, and by the time they’re all done primping, there’s no spot of carpet visible on my floor, and I don’t feel like myself. But I do think I might pass for twenty-one. I’m under this makeup somewhere, I’m just not sure where.


All of us are in our dresses, and standing together, I finally get it. Lora’s dress is that slim sheath of antiqued lace that drifts out around her—gorgeous doesn’t even begin to describe it. Me, Mardie, and Karissa are all in the same simple black heels, and our dresses are all very different but go together. Mine’s totally the best, and Lora even had them add some sheer lace to the top so I don’t feel too naked.

All the sewing is done, and they just marked Karissa’s for her lack of chest.

“So not fair.” Mardie shakes her head at me. “You and your sister have the same tall, lithe body. I’m stuck forever as ‘cute.’”

Karissa laughs. She’s not quite as tall as Lora and I, but she’s thin, almost too thin. Almost no boobs, and her red hair isn’t as shockingly red now that it’s pulled up. But it’s still shockingly red.

“Wow,” Mom says as she sits watching. “You girls all look so beautiful.”

Lora’s beaming. “I’m getting married. Like really, seriously, getting married.”

We stand in this awkward group hug of girlie elbows and perfumes and overdone hair.

“Let’s go get wasted.” Karissa laughs as she jogs in the shoes back to her dressing room.

“Ziah.” Mom gives me her stern look, and instead of being embarrassed, I walk carefully toward her in my stilt shoes while the girls head the other way.

I’m definitely going to need some practice time in these heels.

“I have no idea what these girls have pla

“Okay. Thanks, Mom.” I have no idea what we’re up to tonight, but I’m not going to be the one who goes home early.

I’m done with James, there’s no Dylan, and I look like… Well, old enough to have some fun.


I’m floating. And laughing. And I’ve been hit on so many times, my ego’s probably almost as big as Dylan’s.

“The boys will be here any second.” Lora raises her glass before her and her two friends down another shot.

I’m drinking a margarita, and it’s amazing. I’m not sure how many I’ve had, but we’ve been here a long time. My lips are totally numb, so I’m thinking a way lot.

I knew Lora’s friends were fun, but I had no idea they were so hysterical. I’m laughing harder than I remember laughing in forever.

Derrick runs up behind Lora and grabs her around the waist. She screams but turns and falls into his arms.

“Wow. You got a head start.” He chuckles as she pulls away.

“You can’t keep up with me when we start at the same time.” She kisses his cheek. “I figure we’re even.”

Derrick laughs and some blond guy that must be a friend of his from out of town slaps him on the back, and in moments, Blondie and Karissa are dancing on the small corner of the bar that’s a sort-of dance floor.

And there’s Dylan. Who is staring. And I’m not afraid of him at all anymore. At all. Way at all. This is brilliant. He walks around the table, I’m assuming to say hi to me because we’ve been talking a bit since his whole big admission on why he’s such a chicken shit about relationships.

I giggle a little. Chicken shit. And when I stand up to greet him, the room tilts at such a crazy angle that I end up in his arms. My face is plastered against his hard, delicious smelling chest, and he’s holding me up.

“Hi.” He has this fu

I frown as I stand and find my feet again, staying way too close. “You’re not twenty-one. How did you get in?”

“My dad’s business partner owns the place.” Dylan still looks smug. “How did you get in?”

I ignore his question. “Do you think I look pretty?”

I’m only half aware this is something I’d never, ever, in a million years say. I even spin around so he can see my super-tight jeans and Karissa’s blue halter top, which might be a size too small, and my hair, which is in a perfectly messy pile on my head, leaving my neck exposed and my back bare.

“Of course you do.” His eyes dart around before he does his ear-scratchy thing.



“I’ll dance with you,” some guy says from behind me.

When I turn to face him, he’s pretty cute. Too old for me, but what the hell. One dance.

“Perfect.” I reach my arm up and slide it over his shoulder as his hands slide around the lowest part of my waist.

“I don’t think so.” Lora grabs my arm.

The guy looks between us twice and backs away.

“Ziah.” She puts a hand on either shoulder and looks at me way too closely. “How much have you had to drink?”

Her face is so scowly and hilarious. I start to giggle again. Derrick’s smirking behind her, and Mardie starts to duck away.

“Oh, no you don’t.” Lora turns to Mardie. “How many of these things has she had?”

Mardie shrugs. “I du

“But Mardie was sneaking them in.” I giggle again.

“Thank you.” Mardie’s eyes widen at me, which brings Lora’s attention to her and off me.

“It’s one thing to let her come, but she’s plastered.” Lora sighs.

I tug on my bottom lip, pulling it away from my face wondering if I can see it because it feels fu

Mardie leans toward Lora. “We were curious, you know? You can drink like a fish and just keep on moving, but Ziah…”

“Can’t.” Lora puts her arm around me. “We should get you home.”

“I just got here.” Derrick slides his arm around her waist.

I get all warm and fuzzy again seeing them close together. I touch them both on the cheek and push their faces a little closer together. “You two are soooo beautiful. Your children will be almost as gorgeous as me.”

And then I lose it laughing until Lora catches me because drunk and stilts don’t go together. Maybe tonight wasn’t a good night to practice in the heels.

“At least you’re a happy drunk.” Lora rubs her hand on my back a little. “Geez, Ziah. Really.”

I start to talk, but I’m still laughing too hard. Giggles tickle my body making me laugh more, and the room is like the best roller coaster ride ever.

“Come on, Hanes.” Dylan’s arm slides around my waist. “I’ll get you home.”

“Why do you have to smell so delicious?” I frown.

“Hygiene. And I thought that was a good thing.” He turns to see me, but it puts our faces close together, and I lose my head a little.

“Not when it gives me these happy tinglings way down here.” I tickle Dylan just under his belt, and he half-jumps away, which makes me stumble.

“Oh-kay.” Derrick slaps his brother on the back and leans in close.

I strain my ears.

“Lora told me about the kiss. No touching. I’m serious.” Derrick’s practically growling, which is hilarious.

Dylan knocks his brother’s arm off him. “Give me some credit, will ya?”

“Sorry.” Derrick pats his back before stepping back.

“If Mom and Dad are up, just blame me. I’ll deal with it tomorrow.” Lora gives me a kiss on my cheek.

I’m still floating as Dylan leads me to his car. Maybe I should be mad I have to leave, but this night is too fun for me to care.