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“Yeah… I got this,” he whispers.

Behind Lora, Ziah steps out, somehow even more gorgeous then when I saw her a little while ago. She doesn’t look up at me, but I can see the concentration on her face. I know she was nervous about the shoes, but she looks like she’s doing it right to me.

“Yeah, I do too.”


~ Ziah ~

I catch Dylan’s eyes as I step slowly down the stairs, and he’s smiling at me, which makes my heart stutter, which I’m terrified will make my feet stumble. Miraculously I make it to the bottom. Now I’m following my sister, whose short, lace train flows out behind her, and it hits me again what a big deal this is for her. For all of us, really.

Derrick’s it. My brother-in-law. My grin spreads as it hits me again that Dylan will be sort of my brother-in-law, too. Now that I’m thinking about him, I glance his way, and his eyes are still on me, making me blush. I have got to hold it together or I’m going to fall on my face.

Dad gives Lora a kiss on the cheek before putting her hand in Derrick’s, and I’m amazed he remembered to do that.

In what feels like seconds, but also hours because of my shoes, I’m holding Lora’s bouquet and looking at all our friends and family—Mom wiping her eyes and Dad looking both proud and stu

Then I turn toward Dylan’s dad and the very well-dressed group sitting on the Gibson side of the room. And I think about Dylan and his mom and what a big deal it is for him to like me enough to move forward. I think about how Lora’s going to laugh and love the donuts because after losing the perfect wedding cakes, it’s the only way to make it better.

And Dylan did it.

I catch his eyes only once as Derrick leans over to put the ring on Lora’s finger, and the way he’s looking at me makes me feel like we’ll be okay.

After they kiss and we cheer, it’s time to touch Dylan again. I get to touch Dylan again.

“Hey,” I say as I slide my arm through his for him to lead me back up the aisle. I’m an idiot. Hey?

The photographer kneels down to take pictures of us, so I plaster on the smile I know Lora would want to see.

“I’m sorry, Ziah. I shouldn’t have bailed like that, I—”

“And I should have told you that James and I are talking as friends again.”

It sucks that we’re walking arm in arm and not talking somewhere private, but after being interrupted over and over, I can’t wait.

“I just freaked. It was me.”

“If you would have stayed on the phone, Dylan. I would have helped you. Gone with you, or…”

“I had to do this on my own.”

I finally laugh. “Let’s just say we both screwed up, is that cool?”

“Start over?” he asks as he tips his head toward mine. “Do you still want to?”

“Yeah. I want to. But no more disappearing. Talk first, okay?”

“Deal.” His breath hits my neck and shoulder sending shivers through me. “I’m totally falling for you, Hanes.”

I stumble, nearly fall, but he grabs my waist, holding me up. I can hear the photographer clicking away, and my face gets hot. So much for playing it cool.

Dylan’s eyes meet mine. “Don’t worry, Ziah. I got you.”

And he does.

Right there, a few feet off the end of the aisle, I drop my bouquet to throw my arms around Dylan’s neck and give him a kiss that makes Derrick and Lora look like amateurs. We’ll definitely be okay.



Lora squeals like a five-year-old when she sees the donuts. She’s like a Disney princess on crack.

“You did this?” Her eyes are wide as she turns toward me.

“I shrug. Someone had to step in and save the day.”

“Oh my God!” Her eyes water all up as she slams into me and chokes me with her hug. “You’re the best, Dylan.”

I have no idea what to do, so I stare at Ziah over her sister’s shoulder before patting her back a few times. Ziah’s smile hits me in really good places, and I can’t wait to get her on the dance floor.

Derrick rests his arm over Ziah’s shoulders, and I sort of pry Lora off me. No reason for Derrick to be so close.

I tell Lora, “I think there’s another guy who wants his hands on you.”

She blushes and glances at the floor. “Seriously, Dylan. Thank you.”

“No problem.”

Derrick winks and drops his arm from Ziah about two seconds before I grab her waist. “Dance with me, Hanes.”

“I’m not go

“I’m totally okay with that.” And as she moves with me, and I breathe her in, all I can think is this isn’t so bad. All of it. Having a girl and a sister-in-law. My family becoming bigger. Hell, maybe even Dad will get a girl. Not that I want to think about that too much.

I squeeze Ziah tighter and look at the smiles on everyone’s faces.

I actually lied. This is better than not bad. It’s perfect.

The End

About Nyrae:

When not playing with her kids or spending time with her husband, Nyrae Dawn can almost always be found with a book in her hand or an open document on her laptop. She couldn’t live without books—reading or writing them. Oh, and chocolate. She’s slightly addicted. Nyrae is a romantic at heart, living her very own happily-ever-after in California with her gorgeous husband and two incredible kids. You can find Nyrae online at www.nyraedawn.blogspot.com

Other books by Nyrae:






About Jolene:

Jolene wears juvenile T-shirts, worn-out chucks, and eats too much chocolate. She writes. A lot. She makes up words, drinks Shirley Temples, and suffocates a little without her iPod. Jolene once used her degrees in political science and French to teach math to middle-schoolers. Now that she’s all grown up, she tells stories. You can find Jolene online at www.jolenesbeenwriting.blogspot.com

Other books by Jolene:









Nyrae’s Acknowledgement:

As always thanks to my girls. I am blessed with the best daughters in the world. My husband who is a huge support to me. My mom and all the rest of my family. My wonderful friends who are always there for me. Wendy Higgins, Steph Campbell, Kelley York, Jolene Perry for continuing to experience this publishing journey with me. Cassie, Wendy, Jess, Heather, and Leigh for the beta reads. To all the readers out there who pick up this book or any of my other books, THANK YOU. I couldn’t do this without you!

Jolene’s Acknowledgement:

To my EVER-patient family. Seriously. No one around here knows what five-minutes means, because when I say I need five more minutes, it’s never only five minutes…

Author Wendy Higgins who read not just the first, but the second version of this book. And Leigh T. Moore whose mad editing skillz are legendary. And ALL of the people that Nyrae mentioned above that helped get Dizzy ready for the world. I’m SO grateful to all the people that still love to read!!!!!!

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