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“Faith will save us all”

“Blind faith? Here, look!” He said passionately and pulled a small silver cross from inside his black silk shirt.

“How can this be?!” She recoiled, staring in surprise at the cross, then at the imp and at George sleeping, probably afraid that he would wake up at the wrong time.

“I believe too! I believe! I do! What surprises you? He doesn’t forbid us to believe in anything. Yes, I don’t pray to your God. But I believe that He exists! Yet, prayers are different. It isn’t necessary to memorize other people's words, talk about the correct consonances of letters and their effect on energy. It’s enough to speak with Him from your heart.

How could he knew about it? Why was he speaking so easily as if it was allowed to him? But who could forbid him?

“This is just because you have a soul...” Mary mumbled, shutting out a

oying thoughts.

“Do you think it’s co

ected somehow? Alright, you don’t have to answer. There are questions of more importance.”

“For example?”

“If he had eaten that damned flower of life to the end...”

“How could it be a flower of life when he’s dead?”

“What you did to him is worse than death.”

“B-but ...”

“Do you believe that there is eternal life on earth? Well-well, the highest level of intelligence! He would have simply eaten this flower and died, and got his eternal life. The life he wants, and no one would choose for him.”

“Why then you take people’s souls away?”

“Oh, so you aren’t fill in on this either! Interesting! You know, our chief told us everything at the very begi


She threw an angry look at him. He continued:

“What’s happening in high places right now will inevitably lead to some global changes. In this case, the side with more votes, that is, souls will get the priority. So both yours and ours are fighting for the same thing now, but our methods, as you can see, are different. But experience shows that this is a contentious issue.”

“It doesn’t surprise me that our methods are different. But everything else is scarcely believable to me. It looks more like extracts from human thoughts. George thought this way too.”

“To believe or not is deeply personal. But our common case,” he looked at George, “should be solved immediately.”

“What’s wrong with him?”

“It’s almost death, something like a lethargic sleep. It’s still possible to come out of this state. Till, of course, there is someone who really needs you.”

They looked at each other desperately, thinking the same thing.

“He just has nobody. And all this time he will be wandering alone in limbo.”

“Does it hurt?” Mary asked before she thought. Why did she suddenly started to worry about physical pain? Or maybe it hurts the soul to wander in limbo? Perhaps, neither awake nor asleep like this. People always need to understand what’s happening. And if you don’t give them a sensible explanation, they will find it themselves and will find the wrong one. Then, it he turns out to be right? No, it can’t be!

“It’s worse. It’s scary,” he confirmed her fears.

“I think you’re exaggerating. What should we do now?”

“I have one idea, but I’m afraid you won’t agree and I can’t do this on my own…”

“I think you don’t have any choice really,” the angel sighed sadly. “What idea?”

“To find him in this limbo we should pull the huge scheme. We’ll have to cheat everyone, including our chiefs.”

“But it’s impossible to cheat Him!”

“That’s your opinion. Experience has shown that everything is possible.”

“What’s the idea?” She asked, hopelessly lowering her head.

“That’s a very difficult and painful process. I’m not quite sure it will work. Because, to be honest, I’ve never faced such problems before.”


“Never. And don’t look at me like that! I’m not always lying!”

“Ugh…” Mary said skeptically, looking stealthily at the imp. “For a moment I thought that you’ve faced everything in your life. So, what’s the plan?”

“I know one potions master,” he got strangely embarrassed, looking away, but quickly pulled himself together. “We'll drink some potions. One that will turn us into people and another that will bring us to the same state in which he is now,” the imp nodded his head towards George. “Only in this state we’ll be able to find him and bring him back from there,” he looked at the fragile creature in front of him doubtfully and added: “It hurts.”