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“Where are the wings?” He asked suddenly, trying to somehow revive the situation.

“Where are the horns and hooves?” She shut back after moment’s confusion.

“Fair enough…”

“Yes. Fair.”

“And what should we do now, eh?”

“What to do? Report on everything – and that’s that.”

“So everything is so simple for you?!” The imp resented.

“It's not for me, it's all simple in the universe, and there is no need to complicate everything.”

“Now listen to what will happen if we tell the chiefs everything as it is. And besides, I can tell my superiors myself, and you, with your stupid laws, will send your, so to say, “revelations”, through the ‘third person’...”

“What do you mean ‘stupid’?!”

“It’s out of place, buddy…”

“I’m not your buddy”

“That’s enough! Stop being so childish! Listen to me! Do you even understand what happened?

“Of course. I saved him from you…” Mary said timidly with some doubt.

“What a beneficial point of view. Don’t you think he looks a bit… unsaved? Doesn’t it give you any ideas?”

“I don’t understand.”

“That’s it! You should have admitted that straight away. And you’re telling that conceit is a sin…”

“Let's get to the point!” She flushed.

He gri

ed, either feeling a

oyed or superior to her.

“Our chiefs will destroy both of us if they find out the whole truth! He had to die and give his soul to me, and I would deliver it to its destination. And then he would have received his eternal life, and I, as usual, would have done my job flawlessly. Their thirst for eternity is killing me! We’ve been constantly telling them that eternity on the earth is impossible. Every product is made for a customer and thus each is sold at a price. So what? Has anybody listened to my numerous warnings? You, by the way, had a brilliant opportunity to complete your mission and take him with you. Please note that though we have different methods, he would have died anyway. Now he only seems dead. I gave you a head start, almost twelve hours! And what did you spend them on, our sweet dandelion?”

“I’m not a dandelion! We don’t need your charity! I spent time on…”

“Flowers, kittens and pointless arguments.”

“You been watching me?” She surprised.

“Haven’t you felt it?” The imp mocked her in irony.

Mary frowned. Why hadn’t she felt him? Why hadn’t she noticed him even when he came again and hadn’t heard any word about him in George’s thoughts?

“Not at all! I tried to convince him!”

Having looked at her and assured she was serious, he laughed.

“Seems that I do it better. You ca

ot tell people bare truth. It makes them sick to the stomach! The masses never felt the thirst for truth. They demand illusions without which they ca

ot live. Only bread and circuses. The collective mind is nothing but the absence of mind. The thing that leads them is instinct and only.”

“Do you think I should have lied? What difference would be there between us then?”

“And what difference we have now, if there’s the same outcome for a person?” The imp remarked philosophically. “A little lie would've been nice.”

“But that’s!..”

“What? Not allowed?”

She nodded.

“So others are allowed to lie to you, but you’re not? Do I get it right?”

“What do you mean lie to us? Nobody does!”

“Really? And what do you know then about Him? Has anybody of you seen Him? Let alone people!”

“But this is…” And she stammered, realizing that she started to say “not allowed” too often, but shook her head immediately. “Why are you leading me into temptation?”

“Wow! You also can think!” The imp mocked her, raising his eyebrow and looking at her archly. “Well, this simplifies my task a lot.”

“What task?”

“Do you even understand what you’ve done to a human right now? Or you’re not allowed to understand either?! Or they don’t teach you, dandelions, anything before giving you such tasks? What they teach you there?” He bristled, pacing around the room.