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More than half a century later, keeping the pot of his great predecessor boiling, Leonid Niessma

I am convinced that Korney Chukovsky would welcome the publication of this book with all the might of his boisterous temper. Because all his life he served Russian literature and Russian language and was able to make any investigation associated with texts, words, phraseology, linguistics involving and grasping. This is exactly the first thing that distinguishes the brilliant work of Leonid Niessma

Back in his time Boris Slutsky wrote: «Physicists are in honor now, lyrists are in dishonor». Our hero disproved this wonderful poet's formula.

Being a distinguished engineer and creator of automatic design systems, the author of many technical inventions, Leonid Niessman has been faithful to art and literature so far. It is difficult to list all his friends among actors and celebrities in politics and culture, one would consider honor to stand next to. Let's name Mikhail Derzhavin, Artur Chilingarov, Alexander Shirvindt, and of course, Yuri Luzhkov.

Leonid Niessman was born in the Arbat and lived in the house where Stage Directing Department of Shchukin Art School is located today, so he first-hand absorbed the unique traditional Moscow speech. Generally he belongs to the people who, despite everything, remain interested in life in an easy childlike ma

Being an obvious digithead, as it would seem, he easily fits into the most evident humanitarian projects. Having moved to Germany, Niessma

The truth is that Leonid Niessma

Just fancy! A man lives in Germany. He is an engineer, not a professional philologist or linguist, but he is writing a book about the Russian language. And he delivers this awesome work in the frame of sayings, comparisons, different catch-phrases, and set-expressions. And those unaware of what treasure the Russian language is, will be fascinated and stu

Well, who, for Chrissake, knows that the Russian word «vrach» (doctor) comes from the verb «vrat'» (to lie), moreover, it has more distant roots to the word «zagovarivat'» (cast a spell). «Filkina gramota» (a meaningless paper) was born after the tragedy of Metropolitan Philip, who stood against the power of Ivan the Terrible. One remembers this image realized by unforgettable Oleg Yankovsky in one of his last films. «Yerunda» (nonsense) comes from the word «gerund»– the rule that was hated by students, studying Latin. The saying «The Moor has done his duty» does not derive from the passions of Othello, but was pronounced in Schiller's play «Fiesco's Conspiracy in Genoa». The saying «Zhiv Kurilka» (alive and kicking) does not appear to be invented by Pushkin, but originates from an old children's game, when children passed each other a burning long dry stick until it went out. As for the arrogant phrase «blue blood», it comes from excessive pride of the Spanish aristocrats. Unlike the Moors they had blue veins standing out on their white hands. The Russian saying «Seven Fridays in the week» (equal to «Rain at 7, fine at 11») originated from holding markets and bazaars on Fridays before the weekend. Many buyers took the goods, and promised to pay next Friday. And so on and so forth…

These seem to be amusing investigations only at first glance. But in fact, there is more behind it – a great cultural and historical layer, which remarkably extends the «person's self-identity», described by Pushkin.


But yet, this is not the whole story. The author also cites a number of sayings and collocations from other languages and compares them with the Russian ones. Just to name a few, the Croatian «Day of Holy Noone» means our «When crawfish whistles on a hill» (When pigs fly) and the English «Raining cats and dogs» is equal to our «pouring from a bucket». By the way, it turns out that the Portuguese call their downpour a «Rain of toad beards».

And that is what lifts the veil on other cultures and visions of the world in an easy and intriguing ma

Let's pronounce all the sounds in the same tone? The way a dog barks. To make everyone have cold feet.

At the same time, the author, who has done so much to let the Russians feel at ease and confident outside their country, finds words from different languages, which sound similar to Russian, but have completely different meanings. Just take, for example, the Czech «úžasný» which in our language means «perfect.» However, the word «klobasa» will be clear to anyone.

Do not think I intend to sound ostentatious, but the book by Leonid Niessma


Русский язык

Люблю русский язык хотя бы за то, что в нём есть гениальная фраза: «да нет наверное».

Русский язык – один из восточнославянских языков, национальный язык русского народа. Является одним из наиболее распространённых языков мира – шестым среди всех языков мира по общей численности говорящих и восьмым по численности владеющих им как родным. Русский является также самым распространённым славянским языком и самым распространённым языком в Европе – географически и по числу носителей языка как родного.