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out—she’s my best friend!”

“And her dad’s worried sick. I’m sorry, Holly, can’t

let you stay here. Your dad wasn’t exactly thrilled the last

time you stayed over without his consent …”

“Mom, she’s eighteen.”

“It doesn’t matter, he’s still her dad.”

No, he’s not, think. He never was

“You just need to talk to him, sweetie, work this

out.” Melissa’s mom smiles gently. “You need to go home.”

“Sorry,” Melissa sighs as her mom shuts the door.

“This sucks.”

Once again, her analysis is flawless.

Crap sigh.

If can’t stay here, there’s only one place can go



“There’s no place like home,” Dorothy chants on the

screen, clicking her ruby heels, eyes closed tight as Ben

copies her. “No place like home, no place like home …”

close my eyes. There’s no place like home

In the week since Holly left, the house hasn’t felt

much like home. It’s been like living in shell, everybody

wandering round like zombies, waiting for the phone to

ring, for her to come back. Jack’s still kicking himself for

asking Melissa’s mum to send her home—at least she was

nearby before. But while he’s not exactly thrilled she’s

staying at Harvard, at least she’s safe, and as he doesn’t

want to scare her off again, he’s got no choice but to wait,

hoping she’ll come back or call when she’s ready.

The shrill ring of my mobile makes me jump. Jack


stare at it, and Megan comes racing in from the


pick up quickly. “Hello?”

“Rosie?” Sarah’s voice sounds unfamiliar, strained.

“Oh—hi!” say, surprised. “Just sec.”

Jack looks at me anxiously, hopeful, but shake my



friend from home,” whisper, watching his

shoulders droop as

head upstairs. He’s been like this


ever since Holly left, jumping up at every knock on the

door, every telephone ring. It’s killing him that she’s gone.

Mentioning Sarah might not go down so well just at the

moment either.

“Hi,” say again, closing the bedroom door behind

me. “Is everything okay? It must be the middle of the night

with you!”

“It is,” she says quietly. “I just got in.”

“Sarah?” Something in her voice makes me sit up.

“What is it? Is Nana—”

“Your nana’s fine,” she sighs. “At least for now …”

“What do you mean?”

ask, my skin prickling.

“What is it?”

“Rosie …” She hesitates. “Look, don’t blame you.

really don’t, just wish

just wish you could’ve given me

some warning, that you could have told me yourself.” She

sighs heavily, and imagine her ru

frazzled hair. “Rosie, someone’s found out—about the

swap—I’m being sued.”

“What? No!” tell her, relief flooding through me.

“No, it’s all right. There was

there was

problem, but

it’s over. The case was dropped.”

didn’t know Kitty’d

even opened the case.

“Really?” Sarah’s voice is hesitant, hopeful. “So this

email I’ve got—I don’t need to worry?”

“No, it’s all over,” promise. “Kitty called it off.”

“Who’s Kitty?”

“My—my real mother …” trail off awkwardly. “I’m

sorry, Sarah, came over here to find her—I had to



she called week ago. The charges were all dropped, don’t


There’s short pause.

“Rosie …,” she says slowly. “The email was sent



stare at the phone. “That’s impossible.”

She can’t have changed her mind, she can’t …

“I check my emails every day,” Sarah says. “It just


“It was sent to you personally?” gasp, my breath

tight in my throat.


“Sarah …,”

say carefully, dread trickling through

me like ice. “Who is the email from?”



smile as stare at the little pink address book for

the hundredth time.

don’t know why didn’t think of it before. After all,

why should Rosie get everything while I’m left with


And Sarah—well, she’s going to get what’s coming

to her, I’ll see to that. Kitty had the right idea. Make her

pay. Make her pay for causing this whole mess. But Kitty

didn’t care enough. Her precious career was more

important than the truth. Well, now I’m going to tell the

truth—just like Rosie did when she arrived on my

doorstep, ate my birthday cake and stole my life.

How does the saying go? The truth will set you free?

Let’s see if Sarah sees it that way.

After all, Melissa was right:

Don’t get mad.

Get even.



This can’t be happening tell myself as Jack swings

the car onto the main road and slams his foot on the


She can’t do thisshe can’t sue Sarahnot


not after all we went through with Kitty

But of

course, she can. And why shouldn’t she? It’s Holly’s right,

after all

it’s her right more than anyone’s.

But can’t let her. have to stop thishave to stop

this nowbut how?

hang up miserably. She still won’t answer her


“Keep trying!” Jack urges, the passing headlights

picking out his frown lines in the dark. “We have to find her, make her see that suing won’t help anything, help


He thumps the dashboard and

quickly redial,

getting through to voice mail over and over all the way to

Boston as Holly and Josh refuse to answer.

Finally Jack swings the car to the curb outside vast

redbrick building and jumps out. hurry after him across

neatly manicured quad crisscrossed with pathways and

lined with naked, shivering trees.


He hammers on the locked door until finally

someone answers.

“Where can find Josh Samuels?” he barks.

The girl shrugs, startled. “I’m sorry, don’t—”

“Which room is he in?” Jack pushes past her.

“Where’s my daughter?”

“Hey.” muscly guy strides forward. “You can’t just

barge in here.”

“I’m looking for my daughter!” Jack says firmly.

“She’s with Josh Samuels, and need to see her now!”

“I’m sorry, sir, you’ll have to leave.” The guy walks

right up to Jack, his hands balled fists at his sides. “Now.”

Shit. “Jack …” tug on his sleeve.

“I’m not leaving,” Jack growls, eyeballing the guy,

“till find Josh Samuels.”

“Really?” The human wall raises an eyebrow.

“Jack, maybe we should—”

“I saw Josh.”

Jack spins and pins the second guy with his anxious

stare. “When? Where?”

“Uh, about half hour ago—”


“He was getting into his car with



“Where were they going?” Jack urges.

“No idea.” He shrugs.

“Shit.” Jack sighs.

“But he had suitcase.”


Jack looks up quickly. “A suitcase?” His face relaxes.

“She’s coming home …”

“You leaving now?” Mr. Muscle grunts.

“Down, boy. We’re going,” Jack mutters, sighing

with relief as we head back toward the car. “My little girl’s

coming home.”

follow silently, an uneasy feeling niggling in my


