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Home There’s no place like it.

watch the city lights fly past the car window and

know I’m doing the right thing.

Whatever’s happened—whatever happens—it’s

still my home.

Where the heart is.

Where my family is.

Where belong.


can’t wait.



hear the familiar ringtone before we even reach

the car, and hurry to open the door.

“Rosie, finally!” Andy cries as answer my phone.

“I’ve been calling for, like, an hour!”

“Sorry, I’ve been trying to call Holly, she—”

“Has she got new mobile?”


“She broke hers—did she get new one? need to

contact her.”

“I du


“No, she’s not.”

blink. “She’s not?”

Jack looks up sharply as he starts the car.

“No, just

if any of you hear from her, tell her to

call me, okay?”

“Wait—Andy, how do you know?”

“I’m sorry, can’t tell you—I promised.”

Andy Holly’s moved out. Jack’s beside himself! If

you know where she is …”

“I don’t …” Andy hesitates. “But know where she’s




Andy sighs. “Rosie, she’s going to England.”


Jack stares at me. “Shit! The airport.”

My head slams against the window, the phone

tumbling to the floor as Jack swings the car in sharp U-

turn and hits the accelerator.

Panic races through my veins.

England Sarah …

Nana …



“Hey.” Josh appears beside me in the line for check-

in with bag of candy. “I thought you might need these for

the plane—for when your ears pop.” He grins as he chews.

“And maybe few for now?”

smile as he offers me the already-opened bag. It

wasn’t until spent time with him this week that realized

just how much I’d missed him—his warmth, his laughter,

his reassuring presence beside me. It’s been weird staying

in his dorm, though. It’s like he’s got this whole other life,

filled with friends don’t know and experiences


share. He’s on the debate team, the university

newspaper—he’s even in the choir! My Josh, who I’ve

never even heard sing before. He’s thriving—changing and growing before my eyes, embracing each new challenge

and adventure, gaining more and more confidence in

himself. He fits here. He belongs in this world, this new life.

But that hasn’t stopped him from being there for me

when needed him most. smile. Maybe we will find

way through this—maybe it doesn’t have to be all or

nothing, college or us, engagement or breakup. We can

bridge this gap, we can make it work if we try hard

enough. I’ve met all his new friends now, after all, and he’s


been incredible this week—lending me his phone to call

Charlotte, who’ll contact

clinic in England when my

results are ready, and listening without judging as finally

told him everything.

Well, almost everything.

bite my lip. feel awful not telling him about the

baby, but with things still so undecided between us after

our engagement fiasco, don’t want him to commit to me

again just because I’m pregnant—especially when the

baby and

might both have inherited


disease. When still don’t know whether should keep it


Just one more secret. Just for now.

Until know.

“You okay?” Josh asks gently. “D’you want me to

come with you? Get flight?”

stare at him. He’d do that? For me? The girl who

ditched him? He’d leave his studies and come with me

halfway around the world to find my family?

smile and squeeze his hand. Of course he would.

That’s exactly why can’t tell him about the baby. Can’t let

him sacrifice everything for me.

“Thanks.” smile. “But this is something need to do


“Okay.” He nods,

frown flickering across his

features. “But if you need anything at all—I’m here.

Always. This isn’t leaving my sight. Okay?” He holds up his

cell phone and want to cry.


As if to prove his point, the phone buzzes as he

receives yet another voice mail.

“My dad again?” sigh.

He nods, listening to the message, wincing at the

raised voice, almost audible from here. “Crap.”

“What now?” frown.

Josh looks at me. “He’s on his way.”



“Come on, come on!” Jack hisses, thumping the

dashboard as we stop at yet another red light. “Which

terminal does the Website say?”

check his mobile. “Terminal E,” tell him, fidgeting

in my seat, all my fingers and toes crossed as stare at the

lights, willing them to change.

We have to stop Holly, we have to—this is worse

than Kitty. She was just looking for publicity, but Holly’s

out for revenge. On me, on Sarah

press my eyes closed.

have to stop her.

Before it’s too late.

Finally the airport looms up beside us, and

unbuckle my seat belt.

“Rosie, can’t leave the car here—”

“You park,”

tell him, opening the door. “I’ll find


slam the door behind me and sprint toward the

terminal building. have to find her

burst through the

doors, my breath tight in my lungs, ru


Because it does.



Come on, come on

tap my foot nervously as the

check-in guy scans my passport.

“Never been abroad before, huh?” He grins. “Hope

you don’t get airsick!”

smile tightly, glancing anxiously at the entrance.

Still no sign of Dad, thank God—this’ll be so much easier

without scene.

“Aisle or window?” the guy asks.


shrug, my eyes glued to the doors,


and remember to breathe.

Finally the guy gives me my boarding pass, and

watch my bag disappear on the conveyor belt. No going


niggle of doubt squirms inside me, but ignore it.

I’m doing the right thing,

know I’m doing the right

thing—she’s my nana, it’s my family—I deserve some answers too.

And as for Sarah

My skin turns cold. She deserves

everything that’s coming to her. It’s time she faced the

consequences of what she did—faced me.

“Hey.” Josh grabs me in warm hug and begin to

soften. “You take care of yourself, okay?”


“You too,”

whisper, his strong arms wrapped

around me like he’ll never let go.

“Bring me back gnome.”

laugh despite myself. “A gnome?”

“Yeah.” He grins. “I always wanted gnome. Named


grin. “It’s promise.” kiss his cheek softly.

Then my smile fades.



“Holly!” yell at the top of my lungs.

She turns and hurries away, and sprint faster, grab

her arm. “Holly, wait!”

“Hey!” Josh warns as she wrenches away.

“Holly, please—just listen. Please don’t do this.”

“Why not?” she challenges, her eyes cold. “Why

shouldn’t I?”