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alone, but you made me tell her. You said had no choice!”


“No, Andy, you’re in this as deep as am, but it’s so

much easier to just blame me, isn’t it? To do


when things get complicated—like you always do? When

the truth is, we wouldn’t be standing here if it weren’t for


“Well, maybe you’re better off without me, then,” he

counters. “You’re right, I’m wrong, whatever.” He shrugs.

“I’m well out of it.” He swings his bag onto his shoulder

and pulls on his Yankees baseball cap.

My heart hurts, beating frantically.

bought him

that cap in New York—we’d laughed so hard.

“Andy, wait!” grab his arm. “Please!”

“Why?” His eyes bore into mine.


“You don’t need me, Rosie—you’ve got your family

now. The whole reason you came, remember?” His eyes

blaze at me.



“Goodbye, Rose.” He yanks open the door. “I hope it

was worth it.”

Helplessly, watch him go, pi

words—the truth—as the door slams shut behind him.



“Holly?” Josh looks up at me. “Holly, what’s going


can’t look at him, can’t face him. My cheeks are

burning and feel nauseous.

“Holly? Could you come down here, please?”

close my eyes, then walk slowly down the steps,

my grip tight on the handrail, my eyes on the ground.

“So?” he says when reach the bottom. “You wa

tell me what’s going on?”


mumble, my eyes glued to the path.

“Nothing’s going on.”

“Right,” he says, nodding thoughtfully. “I get dozen

missed calls, plus texts and voice mails begging me to call

you—there’s something urgent you have to tell me—yet

when try calling you today you don’t answer your phone,

then when come all the way down here find you kissing

some other guy!”

close my eyes.

“So tell me, Holly, what was it that was so urgent?

What was it you just had to tell me?”

He looks at me and look away, take deep breath,

willing the words to come, the impossible, awful, life-

altering truth.


He laughs bitterly. “I suppose that’s



frown. “What do you mean?”

This is what you were so desperate to tell me?” he

says. “That you’re dumping me for someone else?”

stare at him incredulously, the blood pumping

wildly through my veins, the enormity of my news

overwhelming as look at him, so agitated, so outraged.

Then suddenly laugh—a brittle, edgy sound.

“Yes, Josh,”

tell him. “Yes, that’s exactly it. I’ve

found someone else—I’m in love with Andy.”

“What?” He stares at me dumbfounded. “Who the

hell is Andy?”

“I’m sorry.” close my eyes, forcing the words out

painfully. “It’s over.”

“Holly …”

march away from him.

“Holly, wait—”

bite my lip, don’t turn.

“Holly!” He grabs my arm. “What’s going on? What’s


“It’s over!” tell him, pulling roughly away. “Are you

stupid or something? Do you need me to spell it out?”

stare at him, my blood racing, out of control. “It’s over,

Josh. I’ve moved on Deal with it, okay? You’re free—go screw as many college girls as you want.”

“What?” Josh stares at me. “Holly—”

“Why didn’t you answer your phone, Josh?” ask

miserably. “Where were you?”



“You knew how upset was, how much needed

you, yet you wouldn’t let me come with you, wouldn’t

answer your phone …” Hot tears streak down my face. “I

needed you, Josh. needed you and you weren’t there.”

“Holly, baby, I’m sorry—I’m here now, I—”

“It’s too late.” turn away sadly. “You’re too late.”

“Holly …” He sighs. “… didn’t get your calls,

couldn’t answer. didn’t have my phone—I left it


friend’s room and when

got it back

called—I came

straight over!”

bite my lip.

“Jeez, Holly, it was just one day!”

One day? Is that all? One day and my whole world

has fallen apart.

He looks at me for

moment, then sighs heavily.

“Look, Holly,

don’t know what’s happened, what’s

changed, but—”


mumble. “Everything’s changed.

I’m—” sigh. “You don’t understand.”

“Then help me understand.” He cups my face, his

hands trembling. “Holly

Look at me. You’re what?”

look at him and see our future in his face. The

sacrifice he would make—the future I’d destroy.

“I’m …” take deep breath, trembling on the brink,

the precipice. “I’m

not in love with you.” turn away,

closing my eyes against the hurt in his eyes, the lies in

mine. An awful silence trails behind me, and shiver at the

enormity of it, the great abyss I’ve created, filled with


shock and hurt, as walk away from him, from our life


“I—I don’t believe you,” Josh says, panic lacing his

words like arsenic. “Holls, don’t believe you. Holly


is me!” He grabs my arm. “This is us!”

His eyes are full, deep wells of sorrow. “Holly


this about that kiss? About kissing another guy?”

close my eyes.






understand …”

shake my head miserably. “You don’t understand.”

“Holly, do …,” he says, his voice trembling. “I do


He looks pained suddenly, distraught.

“The guys, they

they told me was crazy to get

engaged so young—insisted on taking me out last night,

drinking, clubbing

They wanted to show me what I’d be

giving up, what I’d be missing out on, and …” He sighs,

his face crumpling. “That’s why

didn’t get your


My phone was—”


friend’s room,” quote, the blood leaving my


“Holly, it’s not what you’re thinking—nothing

happened—I couldn’t! love you!”

look away.

“Baby, I’m so sorry.” He shakes his head. “I feel sick.

came straight here when got my phone. haven’t eaten,

haven’t slept—”

“I bet.” bite my lip so hard it bleeds.


“Holly …” He shakes his head wretchedly, his eyes

swimming. “Baby, nothing happened, swear! left before

anything happened—I realized it was mistake. Like you

and him, right?”

turn away, tears flooding my eyes.

“It’s this engagement, it’s freaked us out, made us

crazy, that’s all!” he insists desperately. “I knew you were

scared, that you were worried about our future when left

for college. That’s why took you to New York, to prove to

you that nothing had changed, that I’m yours—I’m yours

as long as you’ll have me.”

close my eyes.

“And New York

it was so incredible, so perfect—

and then

saw that ring vendor and suddenly realized

there was one way could truly convince you, one way

could prove my commitment to you once and for all …” He


“But we’re too young, Holls, we’re teenagers, for

God’s sake! It was too much,

get that now.


That’s why we both freaked out—that’s all

it was—a knee-jerk reaction,

meltdown, right?” He

searches my eyes, his gaze pleading, desperate. “Let’s just

take step back, okay? No ring, no pressure. Just you and

me. We’re great together—so great—let’s just go back to

the way we were.”