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The way we were …

“Holly, please,” he begs. “Just you and me.



Just you and me


shake my head. “It’s too late.”

“No,” he insists, squeezing my hands hard. “It’s not

too late, Holly, please. You’re still you and I’m still me and

love you so much …” Tears streak his face. “Please

forgive me, Holly. Please.” His voice cracks, breaking my

heart. “I love you, Holly Woods.”

Tears blur my vision as look up at him, biting my

lips to stop them from trembling. Here it is—my excuse

for leaving him, for setting him free, handed to me on

plate. But somehow it doesn’t make it any easier.

“I forgive you,”

say, closing my eyes, the tears

spilling down my cheeks. “But it’s too late.”


hard, pulling gently away. “It’s over.”

turn and run blindly up the steps, past Andy

coming down, into the house and up to my room before

can change my mind—before turn back and crumble into

Josh’s arms and ruin his life forever.

This is for the best tell myself. It’s better this way.

It’s the right thing. For both of us

throw myself on my bed and curl up around my


For all of us

So why does it feel like the end of the world?



watch helplessly through the bedroom window as

Andy walks away down the back steps, out of my life.

Suddenly Holly rushes up past him and he looks

back after her for

second, as if undecided, before

continuing on down. He walks up to Josh, starts to say

something, then Josh turns and punches Andy hard round

the face. gasp. Josh’s eyes blaze with tears as he turns

and stalks away, hurling the daisies scattering to the


Andy just stands there for

moment, staring after

Josh, holding his jaw, and every part of me wants to run to

him, comfort him—but then he looks up at me, scowls,

and disappears round the corner.

close my eyes, wave of loneliness washing over

me as clasp the beautiful birthstone necklace he gave me,

hanging heavily next to my heart.

He’s gone. This time he’s really gone

And it’s all my fault

My throat dry and sore, slump down to the kitchen

for glass of water.

Andy’s wrong,

do have

right to be here. Jack

wants me here—and Kitty. They’re my parents they want me—I have to stay.


I’m about to run the tap when hear Megan’s voice,

raised in anger.

“Is this what it’s all been about, Jack? All these

years? Finding Kitty?” she yells.

freeze, my eyes drawn to the closed living room


“Is this why you came to the States? Jeez, Jack, is

that why you married me, so you’d be able to stay?”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Jack’s voice is low, defensive.

put the empty glass down carefully.

“Is it ridiculous?” Megan asks, her voice shrill, so

unlike the happy-go-lucky Megan I’ve gotten to know

these past few days.

“Then how come you never mentioned her, huh,

Jack?” she demands. “How come you gave me the same

spiel you gave Holly about her mom being dead—when all

along you’ve been sending her letters? All through our


Despite myself

wander into the hallway, drawn

like moth to the flame of destruction.

“It’s not like that! was only sending her photos of

her daughter—of Holly!”

Megan laughs bitterly. “Her daughter is she? No

matter that she’d never laid eyes on her mother till this

morning—that she thought she was dead? No matter that

I’m your wife—for all intents and purposes Holly’s mom

too—but you didn’t think to mention that her real mother was still kicking around somewhere, not so far away—on

our television every week, for Christ’s sake— being sent


regular updates? That she might just turn up at our house one day and stand there in our kitchen letting me gush

about her stupid show?” She snatches ragged breath. “Do you have any idea how humiliated

feel, Jack? How


“Megan …” Jack sighs. “Yes, sent her letters, okay—

she’s Holly’s mother,

wanted to give her

chance to

know her. But she didn’t want that. She didn’t want

anything to do with me, or Holly. didn’t think I’d ever see

her again!”

“And now you have.”

“Yes, now have.”

There’s long pause, then Megan’s voice, clear and

controlled. “Are you still in love with her, Jack?”

hold my breath, the silence so long I’m convinced

I’ve missed his answer. Then finally it comes, quiet, almost


“Don’t be stupid. love you, Megan.”

Megan sighs. “You know what?” she says, her voice

bright with tears. “I think need some air. Can you pick up

Ben? You know, your second child, born of your second



retreat quickly to the stairs as the door flies open

and she storms through the hallway and out the kitchen

door, Jack in pursuit, but she’s too fast for him. hear her

quickly pattering down the steps outside as Jack watches

her through the kitchen window, his head bowed over the

sink. Suddenly he punches it hard, the dirty cutlery


clattering in the bowl, my empty glass shattering on the


pad slowly, softly, back up the stairs to my room,

careful of every footstep on the soft carpet. But still the

trail of destruction continues.


think. How did this happen? Just half an

hour ago

raced into this house, on top of the world,

buzzing with excitement, desperate to tell Andy about

Kitty, thrilled that everything was somehow, amazingly,

falling into place

But actually everything was falling apart. twirl my

necklace miserably. Andy’s right. caused this. caused

this whole mess. And now he’s gone.

just let him go.


Well, not this time. pull out my mobile and punch

in his number,

thousand apologies poised on my lips.

But he doesn’t pick up. sigh. don’t blame him.

“Andy, I’m so sorry,” tell his voice mail. “You were

right. I’ve screwed everything up. Sarah changed

everything when she swapped me with Holly and,

whether she was right or wrong, should’ve had the sense

to just live with it. To get on with my own life and make

the most of it. With you. love you, Andy. miss you.”

sigh, clutching my birthstone tightly. “Please call me.”

click off and stare at the phone, willing it to ring. It


curl up on the bed, my head throbbing in my arms,

loneliness descending around me like cold fog.

What have done?



dive into the pool, the cool rush of water

swallowing me whole as swim for all I’m worth, slicing

through the water, barely time to snatch

breath as

propel myself forward, one length and then another,

kicking faster, pulling the water past me in swift powerful

strokes. push myself harder and harder, until suddenly

break the surface, gasping for air, adrenaline still surging

madly in my veins.

It’s no good, realize, throwing my head back and

rubbing the chlorine from my eyes. used to be able to