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baby, couldn’t have one of their own.”

look away, thinking of Trudie, of Sarah.

“I was terrified. was having baby and was alone.

couldn’t call Mum, not now I’d made my decision,

couldn’t call my friends—anyone who knew my


So finally called Jack. Fu

whose number I’d kept, who lived miles away, who I’d

only known for two weeks and who totally expected to

tell me to get stuffed. Who told me he was on his way

before I’d even put the phone down …” She smiles weakly.

“But for hours he didn’t come. gave birth, had to

give my baby

name for her bracelet, then she was

rushed away to special unit while the nurses cleaned me

up. Then started to panic all over again. thought Jack

had changed his mind, gotten cold feet and left me all on

my own after all. couldn’t cope—couldn’t be mother—

couldn’t deal with it all, so I—I ran away …” She looks

away, shame painting her cheeks scarlet.

“And then, suddenly, there he was, driving up the

road. Jack, my knight in shining armor. couldn’t believe

it. He promised he’d look after us both, that we’d be

family. But

just couldn’t.


really did—we


registered the birth together, visited you in hospital—but

was so scared of ruining your life the way I’d wrecked

my own. You were already ill—premature—and felt it

was my fault, my punishment. didn’t deserve you …” She

swallows. “So when Jack went to bring you home, left.

told my parents I’d got

job in L.A., got on

plane and

arranged to sleep on my friend’s floor.”

She shakes her head wretchedly. “I had to go—had

to get away. You have to believe me, Rosie, was no good

for you—I was

mess—I’m still

mess …” She sighs

miserably. “But don’t ever think that didn’t love you, that

don’t think about you—feel horrible for what did. I’ve

had to live with it every day of my life, eating me up

inside, never able to tell anyone.”

“What about Luke?” whisper. “You’re engaged.”

“Oh, we’re not engaged, Rosie, not really—Luke’s

gay! It’s all


career move—my whole life’s one

big charade! It may look glamorous—the bright lights, the

makeup, but it’s all an act, Rosie. Nothing’s real. You’re the only thing that’s ever been real. You and

and Jack …”

She trails off. “I couldn’t believe it when got his letter all

those years later. That he’d followed me to the States …”

She gazes wistfully out the window.

“But it was too late,” she continues, her eyes

clouding over. “It was too late. He was married, and

couldn’t risk wrecking that for him by crashing back into

your lives—however much wanted to. Too many years

had passed and was still so ashamed of leaving you, so

frightened you’d reject me

couldn’t even open the


letters that followed—it was too painful, seeing the

photos, hearing about all the things I’d missed. You guys

were obviously doing so well without me—you looked so

healthy, so happy …” She squeezes her eyes shut.

“I had no idea …” Kitty groans. “No idea—that that

wasn’t you at all—that you were on the other side of the

world!” She looks at me, pain-stricken. “You’re my

daughter and

had no idea that they’d given me

completely different baby!” Black tears trickle down her

cheeks. “What kind of person does that make me? What

kind of mother?” She shakes her head miserably as she

crumples on her stool. “Oh, Rosie, can you ever forgive


look at her, dressed to the nines, her lips painted

an u

and tears flood my eyes as think about what it must’ve

been like to be so alone, so scared, so young.

take deep breath, then nod.

Immediately, she engulfs me in tight hug, her ribs

shaking with sobs.

Over her shoulder,

see Janine smiling at our

reflections through gap in the curtains.

“Reunited at last!” she sighs, dabbing at her eyes.

“Mother and daughter.”

smile through my tears,

warm feeling growing

inside me.

Mother and daughter At last.



“I still don’t see any whales,” Andy says doubtfully,

leaning over the rail of the boat and studying the murky


“Patience,” chide, hiding smile. “We’re barely out

of the harbor yet.”

The salty air billows through my hair and shivers

on my skin as the dark waves surge beneath us.

“Choppy today.” frown.

“Not seasick, hope?” Andy grins.

“Don’t you worry about me.” smile. “I’ve been out


thousand times—it’s your own breakfast you


“Whatever.” Andy laughs. “That’s what Rosie said

before we went on Nemesis at Alton Towers. Wasn’t too

cocky afterwards when her ice cream sundae made

sudden reappearance! Though neither was I—she puked

all over me!”

“Eww, gross!” grimace.

“Must be love,” Andy sighs, staring out to sea.

look at him for long moment, his eyes pained, his

cheeks blasted pink by the wind, and

bite my lip.

shouldn’t have brought him out here like this, under false

pretenses. He’s got nothing to do with this mess—I just


wanted to hurt Rosie like she’s hurt me. Make her suffer

like I’m suffering.

“Like you and—Josh, is it?” He turns suddenly,

catching me off guard.

My heart plummets and stare at my feet. Josh

“You’re serious, right? You’re engaged?”

“Yup,” say, my throat swelling. “Though how long

that’ll last …”

He frowns. “Why?”

“Oh.” shrug, embarrassed I’ve spoken the thought

out loud. “No reason.”

stare determinedly at the sea, scouring the

horizon for imaginary whales, ignoring the sick feeling in

my stomach, the thumping of my heart.

“Only …,” Andy begins, then breaks off. “Nothing.

Sorry. It’s none of my business.”

“What?” ask, turning to him.

“Well …” He takes breath. “It’s just hope it’s not

because of the Huntington’s that you’re unsure.” His eyes

search mine and look away, my cheeks burning.

“Have you told him yet?” he asks gently.

“You’re right,” say briskly, warm despite the biting

wind. “It’s none of your business.”

He nods, turns back to sea. “Just like Rosie,” he



turn on him furiously. “What do you

mean? I’m nothing like her!”

He smiles. “You’re more alike than you think.”

stare at him.


“She never told me about the disease, Holly. She

kept it all secret. We even broke up because she was too

afraid to tell me.” He looks at me. “You’re telling me you’re

not feeling the same? You’re not scared to tell Josh?”

bite my lip.

“You know,” he says gently, “if she had told me—

even if she knew she’d got it—it wouldn’t have mattered.

It wouldn’t have scared me away.”

stare at him, incredulous. “It wouldn’t have


He shakes his head. “Of course not.”

“That she was going to die?”

“Everybody dies.”

stare at him. “It wouldn’t have mattered that in

ten, maybe twenty years’ time you’d be feeding her from

spoon That you’d have to be her caregiver It wouldn’t have mattered that you could never have children without worrying that they’d have it too?”