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He sighs, troubled frown clouding his brow.

“No.” shake my head, my stomach lurching with

the surging waves. “No, you’re wrong. It matters.”

“Holly,” he says gently. “You don’t even know you’ve

got Huntington’s. You don’t have to worry yet—”

“I do!” argue, the boat rocking wildly. “You don’t

understand!” The icy wind whips at my face, stinging my

eyes. “Nobody does, nobody knows …”

“Nobody knows what?” Andy asks, struggling

against the roar of the wind, the crash of the waves

against the boat.


“That I’m—”

sudden lurch of the boat sends me

reeling into the barrier, heaving my guts into the swirling

sea below.

“Not seasick, huh?” Andy grins, crouching down

next to me and rubbing my back as collapse, shivering,

onto the deck.

“No,” sigh, swallowing painfully. “Not seasick.”

He frowns at me, confused.


deep breath and close my eyes, my head

aching. “I’m not seasick,”

tell him, the words finally

forming on my lips. “I’m pregnant.”



gaze out the car window, craning my neck to try to

see the tops of the brownstone buildings, but they’re too

high—stretching for the sky, snagging the clouds.

People walking by stare as we pass and have to

remind myself that they can’t see me.

glance at Kitty.

How do you ever get used to this?

“C’mon, come on,” Kitty mutters under her breath

as we stop at yet another red light, headed for lunch. She

smiles apologetically at me. “Sorry—city driving is such

pain.” She sighs and leans back in her seat. “It’s really

almost better to—Actually

Jerry, stop the car—pull over


look up, surprised.

“What?” Janine stares at her. “But Nautica’s still

over mile away.”

“I’ve changed my mind. Jerry, just here will do fine,

thank you.”

“Where are we going?” Janine asks, hastily

collecting her things as we pull to stop.

We’re going for walk.” Kitty flashes her smile as

she blocks her way. “You stay here with Jerry, and I’ll call

you when we’re done.” She grabs her clutch and winks at


me as scramble out. “I think Rosie and can manage on

our own from here.”

“What? But—” Janine protests, looking slighted as

Kitty slams the door. “Wait—don’t forget your tote!”

She thrusts her huge Gucci bag through the window

at Kitty, who looks at her for

moment, then rolls her


“Don’t need it.” She grins. “Bye!” She waves as the

limo crawls away, Janine anxiously staring after us.

“C’mon.” Kitty smiles at me, tossing her scarf over

her shoulder and hooking her arm through mine. “Quick,

let’s make run for it!”



“Oh, my God,” Andy says quietly.

“I know,” sigh.

“You’re sure?”

nod, biting my lip. “About eight weeks or so …”


congratulations?” he says tentatively.

glare at him.

“Perhaps not.” He swallows. “What does Josh


“He doesn’t know,” admit miserably.

“What? What about your dad?”

shake my head. “Nobody knows.”

“Holly!” he stares at me. “Eight weeks?”

nod. “Or so.”

“But Holly—your arm—you could hurt the—”

“I know,” say, my cheeks burning. “It was stupid.

wasn’t thinking. It was one-time thing.”

“Are you sure?”

“I was just upset,”

mumble, pulling my jacket

tighter. “It won’t happen again.”

“Okay,” Andy says gently. “Wow …” He takes deep

breath and sits down beside me.


close my eyes, the motion of the boat gentler now,

rocking softly, but

still feel sick, everything inside me

sore and trembling.

Andy slips his arm around my shoulders


“It’ll be okay,” he says gently.

stare at him. “How?”

“I mean—”

“I’m eighteen. I’m pregnant. Oh, yeah, and might

have Huntington’s disease,” fire at him. “Please, Andy, tell

me how it’s all go

“I only meant …” He hesitates, then looks at me, his

eyes deep and blue. “Do you want it?” he asks, his voice

whisper. “The baby?”

close my eyes, tears prickling as remember the


“I’m just trying to understand why you haven’t told

Josh,” he says gently. “I mean, before Rosie and


arrived, before Huntington’s was ever an issue.”

stare at the floor, my head throbbing, trying to

untangle my thoughts, my feelings.

“Was it that you were afraid he wouldn’t want it?”

trace the grain of the wood with my fingers,

stroking the knots.

“Or were you afraid that he would?”

My head snaps up. “How dare you!” turn on him,

angry and guilt-stricken. “You don’t know me, Andy—you

know nothing about me, so how dare you judge me?”

“I’m not!” he protests.



was afraid, okay?

was afraid of being

pregnant, afraid of what that means, afraid that Josh

would leave me—or worse, that he’d stand by me just

because was pregnant. Ever since he left for college I’ve


I’ve been sort of expecting us to break up.”

“Why?” Andy frowns.

“That’s what happens, isn’t it? It’s what’s happened

to some of my friends, anyway. And Josh and I—we’re

from different worlds. He’s so clever. He’s going to be

great scientist,” tell him proudly, the words clogging my

throat. “Someone really important. couldn’t tie him down

like that—couldn’t let him throw away his dreams!”

shake my head. “I can’t let him do that.”


what were you going to do?”

“I du

see …”

stare at my feet. “If we were go

anyway, there seemed no point in telling him.”

Andy sighs.

“And then we went to New York and he proposed

and everything was perfect.” smile miserably. “I almost

told him then—I should have—but thought no, no I’ll just

hold out another day, wait till we get home, a


it’ll be so perfect—” Tears gush through

my words. “But now it’ll never be perfect because can’t

tell him—I can’t tell him about Huntington’s because

we’re already engaged—he’s already trapped. He’d never

walk away from me now. And can’t tell him about our

baby, because might—because it might …”

Andy holds me tighter.


“And don’t know why I’m telling you all this.”

sniff. “I hardly even know you!”

“It’s okay,” he soothes. “I do think you should tell

your dad, though.”

“I can’t,” protest. “He’s too busy ru

after fricking Rosie And even if did, he’d think that was why we wanted to get married in the first place!”

“But if you talked to him,” Andy says gently. “If you

explained …”

“I can’t.”

shake my head firmly. “I can’t tell


look at him suddenly. “And neither can you,

Andy, swear it.”

“Holly …”

“Swear it,” demand. “Not even Rosie. Especially not Rosie.”

“Okay.” He holds his hands up. “I swear. won’t tell

anybody. Scout’s honor.”

look at him carefully, his clear eyes, his concern.

“Thank you,” say quietly.

“You’re welcome,” he says. “But

do think you

should talk to someone


look at him. “A shrink?”