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close my eyes.

Leave me alone! This is all your fault! If you’d only

told me about her maybe would’ve gone looking for her,


would’ve found herand then she’d be here

looking for me, not Rosie!

“Holly, talk to me!” Dad begs. “I’m go

out here until—Shit!”

Above the roaring water hear Megan calling him

from downstairs.

close my eyes.

He knocks again. “Holly? Sweetheart, I’ll be just

downstairs when you come out, when you want to talk,

okay?” He sighs. “I love you.”

hear him lean against the door, resting his weight

on it for moment before he walks away.


rest my head back on the wall, relieved that he’s

gone, angry at myself for feeling so hurt, so disappointed

that he left. He left me. Just like everyone else. My “buddy,”

my “pal.” My dad.


The steam fills my head, making everything fuggy

and damp as tear off my clothes and crawl into the stall,

gasping as the hot water strikes my body. close my eyes,

hugging my knees to my chest, enjoying the heat, the

noise, the pain that drown out the outside world, washing

it away.

Who needs Kitty with her perfect hair and

expensive clothes? She couldn’t even be bothered to stick

around after was born. Who needs Trudie either? All she

ever gave me was Huntington’s disease. Who needs dead

father or

dad who lies—who’s not even my real dad!

And who needs

fiancé who can’t even be bothered to

answer his freaking phone?

fiancé who’s always got his

head buried in his books, who’s always studying, always

aspiring to something bigger, something better

Than me

realize. We’re living in different

worlds, taking such different paths.

Especially now …

bite my lip, my tears mingling with the water

streaming over my body.

And who needs children anyway

More trouble

than they’re worth

choke on my sobs, drowning as reach blindly for

the shampoo.

grip something sharp and drop it immediately,

sucking at my stinging thumb. My blood tastes warm in

my mouth. Warm and sweet and strangely comforting.

open my eyes and spot my razor lying foot away.



reach for it, the gleaming blades

winking at me in the shimmering light. Gently, run my

thumb across them, watching, mesmerized, as bright fresh

blood seeps from the cuts and is immediately washed

clean by the gushing water, leaving two neat stinging

lines. suck my thumb again, ru

wounds, tasting their sweetness and feeling their pain.

Losing my own.

press the razor into my forearm, feeling the

stinging, pulsing throb of my veins, watching my blood

trickle down my arm, bright and gleaming and scarlet as it

swirls away down the drain with my hurt and my pain, my

arm painting itself more red with each cut—scarlet-




This is all her fault. All of it. If she hadn’t come here

everything would’ve been fine. But oh, no—the blood

gushes faster now—oh, no, she had to come and stir

things up, had to take everything

everyone! Both my

fathers, both my mothers, my brother—and even any

future family

might have had! She’s taken everything,

and what’s she left me with? Nothing!

hold my arm out to the water, the stinging pain

relief as it washes the redness away, cleansing and

purging my wounds. touch them gingerly, ru

fingers across them like I’m reading Braille.

Yes, it’s all Rosie’s fault. Little Miss DNA. She’s taken


Well, maybe it’s time took something back.



“Don’t forget your scarf.” Kitty grins. “It’s freezing in


head for the stairs and nearly collide with Jack

rushing down.

“Hey,” he says, spotting the open front door.

“What’s going on?”

“Nothing’s going on Jack,” Kitty says, glancing at

Megan, who disappears into the living room with Ben. “I

just asked Rosie if she’d like to spend the day with me,

that’s all.”

“That’s all?

Jack laughs bitterly. “Kitty, you

abandoned your daughter eighteen years ago, and now

you suddenly turn up here out of the blue, and—what?

You think she’s just going to drop everything and forgive


Kitty blushes. “It’s not like that.”

“You’re just going to pick up where you left off?”

“No, but—”

“No, damn right you’re not! You really think after

eighteen years—after what happened in New York—


“She said yes,” Kitty says softly.

He turns to me, stu


shift uncomfortably.

“Rosie—how can you? After all she’s done, how can

you just …”

“She’s my mother, Jack,”

say helplessly. “That’s

why came here, to find my mother.”

“Yes, and look how she treated you when you did

find her!” Jack protests. “She kicked you out, Rosie, she

abandoned you as baby, she hasn’t wanted to know you

for eighteen years!”

“But now do,” Kitty says desperately. “Now do—

more than anything in the world.”

Jack snorts.

“I know what did was wrong,” she sighs. “I was

seventeen—I was scared senseless.” She bites her lip. “I

know that’s no excuse, but I’m trying to make up for it

now. know nothing ever will, but …” She looks at me,

smiles gently. “If Rosie can find it in her heart to give me

second chance …”

“It wasn’t just Rosie you left,” Jack says quietly.

She stares at him. “Jack …”

His jaw tenses as he stares at the coat-rack.

gaze intently at my feet, my cheeks burning in the

long silence.

“I’m sorry,” Kitty says finally. “Jack,

really am


“Yes, well.” Jack clears his throat, runs his hand

through his hair, looking anywhere but at Kitty.

“Whatever our issues may be, you’re right, Rosie should


come first. As you said, it’s her decision.” He looks at me

again, sad, tender look. “She’s an adult now.”

feel awful as they both look at me, like I’m caught

in the middle of custody battle.

“Rosie?” Kitty says gently.

look from her to Jack and back again, utterly torn.

Jack’s been so good to me—I don’t want to betray him or

hurt his feelings

but Kitty’s come all this way—and it’s

my only chance to see her for months

“Look, it’s okay,” Kitty sighs. “Jack’s right, it wasn’t

fair of me to just turn up like this. We’ll schedule

something else, some other time, let things cool down …”

“No, wait—”

cry as she turns away. “I want to

come with you.”

She’s the whole reason

came all this way, after

all—I can’t bear for her to walk out that door, not knowing

when I’ll ever see her again.

“If that’s okay,” add anxiously, turning to Jack. “I’ll

be back later?”

“Of course.” He smiles, his eyes tired. “Of course, if

that’s what you want.”

“Thank you, Jack,” Kitty says gently. “For


He looks at her for

long moment, his expression

unreadable, then swallows hard.


look after her,” he says, before turning to

walk away down the corridor.

“Goodbye, Jack,” Kitty whispers as he disappears.