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upstairs as Megan stares at Kitty, her face strange shade

of gray.

“I, um …” She falters. “I have to—Ben needs—”

Head bowed, she hurries from the room.

Kitty watches them go, then turns to me, my heart

beating wildly as try to take it all in.

“Rosie, sweetie.”

“I—I don’t understand …”

stare at her, still not

quite able to believe she’s here. “What are you doing



just wanted to see you— had to see

you, …” She glances quickly at her companion. “Why

don’t we sit down?”


She pulls out chair, but don’t sit.

“Rosie, please

let me explain, apologize


my daughter my—” She clutches my hand, tears springing in her eyes. “My little girl …”

My chest tightens as my own eyes prickle painfully.


but when came to see you, you said—”

“Oh, please, don’t!” she protests, her expression

pained. “Please don’t remind me of what said then—how

behaved.” She sinks miserably into

chair. “I behaved

abominably, Rosie. And I’m so, so sorry.” She sighs,

shaking her head. “I just—I have to be so careful. People

come up to me all the time with outlandish stories,

preposterous claims, blackmail …”

“I wasn’t trying to blackmail you!”

“I know!” she gushes, squeezing my hands. “Oh,



just—I never expected



after so many years …” She blinks quickly. “I

hadn’t seen my daughter in eighteen years never thought I’d see you again …” She trails off, her eyes lingering on

mine, filling with tears.

sit down, numbly. “Aren’t you meant to be in Las


“Yes.” She nods. “Yes, am. I’m meant to be shooting

movie there. was there, but after you left—”

“After you kicked me out,” correct her.

Her perfect features crumple in pain as she nods,

tears streaking her face.

“Rosie, can’t eat, haven’t slept

just keep going

over and over it in my head. My daughter found me—after 301

eighteen years you found me!—and instead of welcoming

you with open arms, …” She shakes her head wretchedly.

“I will never forgive myself, Rosie. And won’t blame you if you tell me to leave—if you never want to see me again …”

She looks at me desperately. “But had to come, had to

find you

had to try—I wouldn’t have been able to live

with myself if didn’t at least try—you’re my daughter …”

My heart twists, her words echoing my own in New


That’s why I’m here. That’s why came all this way,

why I’m in trouble with my director on the first day of

shooting my first big movie—because there’s nowhere on

this earth need to be more than right here, right now—

with you. My beautiful daughter.” She gazes into my eyes

and my throat swells.

“And understand if you can’t forgive me, if you tell

me to go—I do …” Her lips tremble. “But more than

anything in the world

would really, really love the

chance—a second chance—to spend some time with you.

To get to know you …” She takes deep breath, bites her

lip. “If you’ll let me?”

stare at her, her green eyes mirroring mine,

memories of New York fading to nothing as recognize

the undisguised hope glistening there.

“I’d like that,” say quietly.

“Oh!” she gasps, tears spilling over as she grabs me

in tight hug. “Oh, Rosie! Thank you!”

hug her back, this stranger with my hair, my eyes.


My mother …

think, my heart swelling as her

perfume washes over me, exotic and intoxicating. She

came back


“You won’t regret it—I promise!” she gushes. “I’m

going to take you for the most fabulous lunch, know the

best little seafood restaurant—you do like seafood?” She looks up quickly.

“Yes.” smile.

“Wonderful! Something in common already!” Kitty

beams. “Oh, you’ll love it—it’s right on the edge of Boston

Harbor, the view’s incredible.”

“Boston?” look at her, surprised.

“Yes! It’s just gorgeous, and the crab cakes are to die

for—I hope you didn’t have too much breakfast!”

look at her. “You mean now? Today?

“Yes!” She grins. “The table’s booked for one


“Oh …”

think of Andy suddenly, of our day

together. “Today’s bit

bit difficult …”

“Oh.” Her face falls. “Oh, right.” She bites her lip. “My

fault—I should’ve called, shouldn’t’ve just …” She runs

hand through her perfect hair, then smiles sadly. “Never

mind, next time—there’ll be next time, right?” She looks

up anxiously.

“Of course!” smile. “How about tomorrow? Next


“Oh, darling,

can’t.” She looks crestfallen. “The

movie’s only given me two days off—I have to fly back



“Oh.” My heart sinks. “Oh, see. So when—”

“I’ve got

week off in March, before filming

resumes,” she suggests brightly. “Maybe you could come

down then?”

stare at her. March? That’s two months away.

“Oh, darling, it’s my fault. just thought, just hoped

that you’d be free for couple of hours. Total presumption

on my part.” She sighs.

“No,” hear myself saying. “No, it’s okay. can come

with you.”

“Really?” Her face brightens like the sun coming

out. “Oh, sweetie, you’re sure?” She grabs me in


“We’re go


spend some time together.” She smiles,

strokes my cheek. “I want to get to know you, Rosie.”

look at her, her eyes so full of hope, of expectation.

smile. “Me too.”



slam the bathroom door and lunge for the toilet,

heaving my guts out through painful, shuddering sobs.

She’s here After all these years—all my life—she’s

here Now? And she’s

freaking superstar? She’s Kitty


collapse on the floor, trembling and cold, my

throat sore and sour.

After all these years without so much as birthday

card—a letter!—now Rosie’s her daughter, she suddenly

wants to be

mother? And where’s my mother? She’s

dead! Rosie already had her and now she’s got Kitty too—

and my dad!—And who’ve got? Who’s left?

As if on cue, my cell phone bleeps in my pocket and

grab for it desperately, so thankful, so relieved, that

finally just when need him most, Josh—

OMG! Is that

STRETCH LIMO@ur house? WTF?!


scream, hurling the phone, smashing it against the

wall, and bury my head in my hands as the tears gush

uncontrollably, burning my eyes, my throat, my cheeks.

She’s got everything. Rosie’s taken everything. There’s

nothing left


“Holly?” Dad knocks gently on the door and try to

swallow my sobs. “Sweetheart, are you okay? Can come


No! scream inside. No! You’re

liar! You told me

my mother didn’t want meyou told me she was dead!

“I’m in the shower!” call, my voice horribly wobbly

as reach for the faucet and turn it on max, the water

thundering in the stall.

“Holly!” He knocks again. “Holly, please!”