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Full signal. Full battery. No missed calls. No texts—

except from Melissa, who’s left

dozen impatient

messages demanding to know why wasn’t at school, why

I’m not answering my phone, begging me to call her to fill

her in on all the exciting news about my awesome new

family and my amazing new mom


think. My amazing new dead mom, who’s

probably given me fatal disease


try Josh again, but when he still doesn’t answer,

don’t leave message. I’ve already left five voice mails—

and ten texts.

Where are you, Josh?


Maybe he’s lost his phone? Maybe it’s been stolen?

Maybe it’s charging—plugged into his dorm-room wall

while he’s been out

all night long

Come on, Holls

tell myself. Josh loves youyou’re

engaged! What more reassurance do you need?

stare at my ring, its plastic gem glowing


But that was before

glance at the computer screen, then close my eyes,

which are red and sore from reading and surfing and

searching and crying all night as

watch my future

showcased on YouTube.

9:32 a.m.

sigh and reach for my glass of water. Empty.


weigh my options dully. Die of thirst or get up and

face the world. Pretty even.

take deep breath, then heave myself out of bed,

the blood rushing to my head as my feet hit the floor, the

room spi

open the door.

Nothing happens.

No tornado transports me to Oz, no snowy forest

appears beyond the doorway, no scenes of destruction

and desolation. Just the landing and the stairs and the

sound of Megan clattering in the kitchen.

The world hasn’t changed at all, hasn’t stopped

turning, hasn’t stood still.


So why do feel like I’m falling so fast right through

its center?

make it safely down the stairs and wander slowly

into the living room to find Ben watching cartoons.

“Hey, Benji,” say, kissing his head as sink down

beside him.

“Hey,” he replies, flopping onto my lap and gri

up at me.

My heart lifts. “Who’s wi

brushing his bangs from his sparkling eyes.

“Jerry,” Ben giggles, pointing. “Duh!”

Duh smile, my fingers curling absently in his soft

hair. Ben’s watching cartoons, Jerry’s eluding Tom.

Nothing has changed.

close my eyes and let the loud

cartoon music fade away.

Nothing has changed

loud knocking sound wakes me before realize

I’m asleep.

glance at Ben, still glued to the TV screen. Maybe

imagined it.

Another knock and hear Megan rush to open the

front door.

“Oh, hello.”

woman’s crisp English accent floats

through the doorway, “I wonder if you could help me, I’m

looking for Jack? Jack Woods?”

frown at the strange voice—she sounds oddly

familiar, yet somehow can’t place her. Who do know

from England? Besides Hurricane Rosie.


peer over the back of the sofa through the half-

open living room door, but can only see Megan.

“Oh! Right. Please come in,” she says, brushing her

frazzled hair out of her eyes, leaving streak of soap suds

across her forehead. She wipes her hands on dishcloth.

“Can get you cup of tea? Coffee?”


Megan steps aside, blocking my view as the woman

enters, her heels clicking down the corridor to the kitchen.

Burning with curiosity, slide Ben gently onto the

sofa and stand up.

Then see it.

There, on the street outside my house, is limo.

bona fide stretch limo.

stare at it gleaming by the

sidewalk, then pinch myself. This has to be dream.

Dazed, creep down the corridor and peek into the


wasn’t dreaming.







gorgeous—about thirty, but just so glamorous, her

bobbed black hair gleaming in the morning sunshine, her

makeup flawless, her tailored cream dress clinging

immaculately to her curves. She’s stu


“Black coffee, no sugar.” She beams at Megan.

“Thank you so much.”

“Same, thanks,” another woman says.

blink—I hadn’t even noticed her. She’s


older, with pointy features,

tight blond bun and an


oversized Gucci bag. She reminds me of Meryl Streep in

The Devil Wears Prada—only with Gucci.

“Jack should be here any minute.” Megan smiles

nervously, the best cups and saucers clattering in her

hands. “I’m Megan, by the way.”

The movie star steps toward her smoothly, hand


“Lovely to meet you, Megan. I’m Kitty.”

“Nice to meet you,” Megan says, wiping her hand

quickly on her skirt and shaking Kitty’s hand. “Sorry, you

look so familiar, have we met bef—” Suddenly her eyes

pop. “Oh, my God!” she gasps. “You’re Kitty Clare!”

Kitty Clare! Oh, my God! My heart beats quickly. I’m

such an idiot—of course that’s who she is—she’s on our TV every single weekFor Richer, For Poorer Dad’s favorite sitcom! Oh, my God, Melissa will totally flip when

tell her! Kitty Clare is in my house! In my kitchen! And

I’m in my hippo pj’s!

“I love your work!” Megan gushes excitedly, her

curls frizzier than ever. “That episode where you and

Mitch got stuck in the elevator—hilarious!”

Kitty smiles graciously.

“And then when the firefighter finally arrived and

you said—”

“Megan?” Dad calls, bursting in through the back

door. “Megan, have you seen my—” He stops midstride.


frown, confused, as he stares at Kitty Clare.




it’s Kitty now.” She smiles,

hint of

nervousness in her eyes as she stands up to face Dad,

turning her back to me. “Hello, Jack. It’s been long time.”

watch as they stare at each other, my head

whirling. What’s going on? How does Dad know Kitty Clare?

And why’d he call her

My heart stops.


Dad spins around, horrified. “Sweetheart!”

back away from the doorway as Kitty begins to

turn, just as Rosie strolls down the stairs.

“Morning!” She smiles at me, walking obliviously

into the kitchen.

“Rosie—” Dad starts urgently.

“Rosie!” Kitty cries, swooping toward her. “Oh,

Rosie, darling, thank God!”

freeze, paralyzed, as she engulfs Rosie in



It’s her. KatharineKitty. Kitty Clare. The mother

who never wanted me

stare at her as she drowns Rosie with affection,

sick feeling growing in my stomach.

The mother who never wanted me



stare at her, this woman who’s squeezing me as if

her life depends on it. It’s Kitty—it’s really Kitty, and


need to pinch myself.

“Oh, Rosie,” she whispers, stroking my hair. “I’m not

too late, thank goodness!”

Behind her, footsteps pound quickly up the stairs.

Oh, God, Holly Helplessly,

watch her go, Kitty’s

arms tight around me.

“Sweetheart, wait!” Jack moves to chase after her,

then glances back at me. “I—I’ll be right back.” He sprints