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promisedtill death do us part …

However long that’ll be.

blink quickly, reaching into my pocket for my cell

phone; turn it on.

Seven missed calls All Josh. press Redial, then hold

my breath.

It rings for few seconds, then goes to voice mail.

“Josh, please call.”

hesitate, unsure what to say

next, the words need to say playing dangerously on my

lips. close my eyes, take deep breath, but can’t—can’t

tell him. Not over the phone.

“I love you,” sigh, the words snatched away on the

wind as hang up quickly, swallowing hard, trying to stifle

the questions, the fear rising in my chest.


Do you love me?

Did you mean it when you said you’d always love me,

no matter what?

Even if might have Huntington’s disease?

close my eyes.

And I’m pregnant



check Andy’s text again as

hurry up the hill

toward the glowing neon-pink café, its rainbow flag

fluttering proudly beside the Stars and Stripes.

Provincetown keeps surprising me with its mix of old-

world charm—clapboard houses, traditional churches and

tributes to the Pilgrims—nestled harmoniously next to

brightly graffitied shops, weird sculptures, vibrant art

galleries and liberal gay scene.

double-check my phone, making sure there’re no

new messages. He’s sent four since saw him—the first

from another café, then an art gallery, then the library and

the last from right here.

push open the glass door,


little bell jangling merrily as scour the white

wicker tables, beanbags and hammocks lit by festival of

colorful paper lanterns.

“I canceled the taxi.”

turn to see Andy sitting alone at table beneath

fluffy pink lamp, his rucksack slumped beside him.

“There you are!”

smile, walking over. “I wasn’t

sure I’d got the right place—this doesn’t really seem like

your scene.”

He shrugs. “It’s dry, it’s open. Nearly everywhere

else shut at five.”


“I’m sorry,” say, sliding into chair. “I lost track of

time. Holly wanted to talk—about everything. It helped,


“That’s good.” He smiles tiredly.

“Yeah, yeah it is.” nod. “Anything can do to make

this better, right?”

“Right.” He nods, stroking my hand. “So take it you

don’t want to leave, then?”

“No.” shake my head. “No, they need me here.”

He nods. “They’re your family.”

“They are.”

beam, warmth flooding through me.



might actually be able to do some good

now—help Holly through this—salvage something from

this whole mess.”

“That’s great, Rose.” Andy squeezes my hand.

“Really great.”

“It is.”

smile, weary with relief. “Anyway, we’d

better get back, coz Jack’s making us soup—I hope you’re


stand up but Andy doesn’t move.


“Yeah.” He hesitates. “Yeah

think might still go

back to the and B.”

“Why?” stare at him. “I told you, we can stay.”

“You can stay,” he tells me. “You can stay, Rose, and

you should. This is what you came for—this is your family,

your place.” He sighs. “But I’m just getting in the way.”


“You’re not,”

insist, sitting back down and

grabbing his hand. “Andy,

couldn’t have done this

without you.”

“But now you have,” he says softly. “You’re here.

You’ve told them. You’re helping Holly.” He smiles. “But

this is difficult situation, Rose—it’s really fragile, and my

being here

it’s not helping.”

“It’s helping me!” protest. “I need you, Andy. love

you. You’re the only one who knows me, really knows me.

Don’t leave me on my own.”

“I’ve been on my own all day.”

“I know,” say. “I know, and I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay—I understand.” He sighs. “And it would

be different if thought you actually needed me, Rose, or

even if could help somehow. But I’m not family, can’t

help, and you have to admit it’s easier to talk to Holly

when I’m not there.”

open my mouth to protest, then look away


“She doesn’t need an audience, Rosie—it’s hard

enough already. It’s easier if make myself scarce while

you all work through this

and that would be fine if we

were still in New York—in any city, really—but this


most of it’s closed for the winter, I’ve been

everywhere else and the only places open late are bars

can’t even go in because I’m not twenty-one!”

“I’m sorry.” squeeze his hand desperately.

“Don’t be!” Andy sighs. “You need to do this, you

need to give all your time and energy to Holly—without


worrying about me. This is difficult enough for everyone

without me complicating things.” He strokes my hair away

from my face. “How about just give you guys some space,

some time alone together as family to work things out?

I’ll go on down to Washington, stay with my family—”

“No!” protest vehemently.

“Rosie, it’s just

few hours away, there’s


train to Boston—I can be back in no time if you need me.”

He smooths my frown lines. “You’re not really interested

in all those stuffy monuments anyway, are you? And you’ll

escape my Aunt Patty’s inquisition—she can be pretty

brutal when it comes to her boys—ask Lola.” He grins, his

eyes softening as he gazes into mine, and my heart falters.

“Then I’ll come back, or you can come and join me, and

we’ll go on traveling together when …” He trails off.

“… whenever.”

stare at him miserably. When will that be? In


month? He’s right, it’s not fair to keep him here

twiddling his thumbs indefinitely, and he wouldn’t be far

away, but

My heart twists. But I’d miss him so much.

“No,” decide. “No, just give me few more days—

I’ll make this work,

promise. Tomorrow—tomorrow

we’ll spend the whole day together—just us,”


desperately. “I’ll make up for leaving you alone today.”

He sighs.

“We’ll—we’ll go whale watching, okay?” clutch his

hands. “Second-time lucky? You can’t leave without seeing

any whales!”

“Rosie …”


“I want to be with you.”

He sighs heavily. “And what about Jack? And Holly?”


“You see?” he says sadly. “It’s impossible.”

“It’s not.”

shake my head stubbornly. “It’s not

impossible—I love you …” thread my arms around him,

knotting him to me as he runs his thumb gently over my

bottom lip, his gaze troubled.

“So, what do you say?” search his eyes hopefully.

“Tomorrow? Just the two of us?”

“Scout’s honor?” He raises an eyebrow. “Just you

and me?”

“Dib dib dob,”

say solemnly. “Just you and


and whole load of whales.”

“Well,” he sighs, pulling me closer and kissing me. “I

suppose one more night can’t hurt.”



stare at my cell phone as the first morning rays

peep through my window.

It’s 9:31 a.m.

feel like I’ve been lying here for days, watching the

minutes drag slowly, silently by. Just lying. Just breathing.

Too weary to move, too tired for tears.

pick up my phone and check it’s not on mute.

It’s not.