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She sighs quietly. Then she blinks quickly, takes

deep breath and turns to me.

“You ready?” She beams. “Lunch reservations


rush upstairs for my scarf, then remember Andy.


try the bathrooms but they’re both locked, the

sound of ru


call. “Andy, I’m really sorry, I’ve got to


“I can’t hear you!” he shouts back. “I’m in the


“Andy, open the door! Andy, it’s important! I’ve got


“Ten minutes!” he shouts back.

Ten minutes? don’t have ten minutes!

Kitty’s car horn beeps outside. swear under my

breath, then run into my room and grab my notebook

from my bag.

Andy scribble quickly.

Kitty’s arrivedone day only. Have gone to Boston

with her. Back tonight. Please forgive me boat trip


love you

Rosie xxxx

prop the note against my pillow and rush


The door of the limo is waiting open for me—I can’t

believe the size of it! slide onto the smooth leather seat


feeling light-headed, like I’m in dream. I’m going out for

the day in stretch limo! To Boston!

I’m going out for the day with my mother!



The front door slams downstairs and

hold my

breath, listening carefully.


creep out of the bathroom and pad silently to the

top of the stairs.

Still nothing.

Slowly, oh-so-carefully, tiptoe to Rosie’s door and

gently push it open.

It’s empty.

Feeling like

fugitive in my own house,


cautiously inside and close the door behind me.

My eyes flick quickly around the room, skimming

over the furniture I’ve seen

million times, to Rosie’s

toiletries on the desk, her bag on the bed,

note on her


bite my lip, my heart deafening in my ears as

cross to the bed. This is wrong, so wrong, but can’t stop


scowl at the page, her loopy handwriting, her


Rosie xxxx

Outside, car door slams, making me jump. cross

to the window to see the stretch limo pull smoothly away


from the curb and disappear down the street, Kitty and

Rosie tucked smugly inside.

My vision blurs and the paper crumples in my fist,

opening my stinging wounds. stuff it in my pocket and

grab Rosie’s bag, new fire raging through my veins as

tear it open, yanking at its contents and strewing them

over the bed. Clothes tumble out, books and hair


there must be something—she must have

something can use against her

pick up


leafing swiftly through its pages for anything, anything at

all—and photograph slips out. Eagerly, grab it—

Kitty smiles back at me like

knife through my


stare at her, her eyes bright and gleaming, and

suddenly scream, tearing at the photograph, ripping it

into long jagged strips, clawing at her perfect face, that

smug smile!

You didn’t want me! tear the photo again, my blood

blazing. You never wanted meso why now? Why her?!

tear again and again, furiously, fiercely, slashing

and shredding every last trace of her, the pieces scattering

over the bed like ashes.

grab at Rosie’s clothes, eager for more destruction,

more relief—then something small and pink tumbles out

of pocket. pick it up. An address book.

“What are you doing?”

spin around quickly, sliding the book into my back



Andy is standing in the doorway, tucking his shirt

into his jeans.

“What are you doing in here?” he says warily.

“Where’s Rosie?”


tell him defiantly. “She went out. More

bonding time,” add bitterly.

He frowns. “That’s impossible, she—we were …” His

eyes drop to the bed, all her things scattered wildly over

it. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, Holly—that’s

Rosie’s stuff!”

“So what?” yell, my remorse melting away as my

anger boils. “So what? This is my house.” gesture around wildly. “This is my stuff She’s taken everything from me—

why shouldn’t have something of hers?” grab Rosie’s

things—clothes, shoes, books—and hurl them around the


“Stop it!” Andy snatches at them. “Holly, stop!” He

catches my arm, and wince. He looks down, then stares

at me, shocked. pull quickly away, yanking my sleeves

down over my weeping cuts and folding my arms.

Andy just stands there, staring at me. His eyes fall

on the shredded picture and he brushes the pieces apart,

recognition in his eyes.

“What?” challenge, his pity scorching my cheeks.

What? She was mine—she was my mom. Why shouldn’t


feel his gaze on me like

spotlight burning as

snatch handfuls of the scraps and dump them into the


trash can. When turn back am surprised that they’re all

gone. look at Andy, his cupped hands full of paper.

wipe at my eyes and sniff. “Well?” demand.

To my surprise he moves slowly toward the trash

can and drops the paper in. Then he takes something from

his own bag.

cigarette lighter.

look at him, startled. He smiles and raises his


“Ever thought about cremation?”




flick of her wrist, Kitty lights her cigarette,

the flame dancing for

second before vanishing as she

drops the lighter back into her clutch bag. She closes her

eyes, sighing blissfully as she exhales, and watch the thin

plume of smoke curl like ribbon toward the ceiling of the

car, thinking of Trudie and her cigarette holder.

“God, I’m sorry!” Kitty cries stubbing it out quickly.

“I’ve been trying to quit, but there are moments when I’m

stressed—or nervous …”

“It’s fine, really,” protest.

“No,” she says, flicking the cigarette out the

window. “It’s disgusting habit, I’ve been meaning to quit

for years.”

“Really, it’s not like I’ve never

tried it once,”

say clumsily, my cheeks growing hot.

“Did you?” she asks, her green eyes wide. “Tell me.”

shrug. “There’s nothing to tell, really.”

“Please,” she says, her fingers soft and cool on my

knee, her eyes insistent. “There’s so much don’t know, so

much I’ve missed.”

stare at my lap, my cheeks on fire. “It was just at

school.” shrug. “Some of the girls were passing it round


you know …”


“You didn’t like it?” she asks.

screw up my nose. “It tasted of

ashtrays and bad


She laughs,

tinkling sound, and beams at me.

“Very smart. can see you didn’t get your brains from me.

I’d rather have got lung cancer than be thought uncool.”

She smiles, but inside I’m back in high school gazing

at the popular kids, feeling geeky and awkward. Kitty’s

assistant, Janine, catches my eye and looks quickly away,

hugging the large bag on her lap.

“What about guys?” Kitty’s eyes gleam. “Look at

you—you’re gorgeous.

bet you’ve had guys falling for

you left, right and center, right?”