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bite my lip. “If that’s really the way you feel …” He

looks away. “… then I’ll move out.”

Dad’s head snaps up.

“We’ll live together,” tell him, tears trickling down

my cheeks. “I’ll leave.”

“Holly!” He stares at me, dumbfounded.

“I don’t want to,” say, my voice cracking. “But if

you make me choose …”

He stares at me, then suddenly stands up.


away, but to my surprise, he moves over to the counter

and clicks button on the answering machine.

“Jack? Are you there? Jack?”

Dad turns to me. frown, confused, then glance at

Megan, who looks away.

“Jack? Jack, answer the goddamn phone! How dare

you send your daughter to me, Jack? We had an agreement.

She has nothing to do with me. Do you have any idea what

this could do to my career? To my relationship? My life?

knew this was mistake. should never have trusted you.

should never have had anything to do with you!”

The message clicks abruptly and there is silence.



Oh, God!

can’t bear this. Can’t bear to hear that

awful message again—to stand here behind the half-open

kitchen door, watching what it’s doing to Jack—to Holly—


can’t move either, can’t go back in, can’t


Andy’s hand finds mine.

“I’m sorry you had to hear that, sweetheart,” Jack

sighs. “But it’s for your own good.”

Holly stares at him. “What’s going on? Who was


He sighs again. “Holly …”


“Holly, I’m not angry, just want to know the truth.”

“What truth, Dad? What are you talking about?”

He shakes his head. “We could’ve worked it out, we

could’ve handled this together, if you’d just come to me,

trusted me. We’ve always trusted each other, haven’t we?”

He looks at her, his eyes sad, tired. “It was for the best.



thought it was all for the best.” He

squeezes her hand. “How did you find out, Holls?”

She stares at him. “About what?”

He presses his eyes shut, screws them so tight it

looks painful. “About Katharine.”

Oh, God


She looks at him blankly.

“I know Holly,” he sighs. “I know you went to New

York to find Katharine.” He opens his eyes, his features

strained. “To find your mother.”

Holly’s mouth drops open as she stares at him, her

face deathly pale.

The frustration in Jack’s eyes slowly melts into fear.

Didn’t you?”

“Daddy …” She hesitates, her eyes wide. “My mother

is dead …”

Oh, God!

“But—but you went to New York—” Jack insists.

“You went to find her

you found her! …”

Holly shakes her head slowly, her lips trembling.

“My mother is dead,” she repeats faintly. “You told me,

Daddy. Mommy died. She died when was born …” She

stares at him, swallows. “Didn’t she?”

He just stares at her, horror-struck.

“Daddy?” Holly whispers. “Is my mom alive?”

close my eyes, praying the ground will just

swallow me up.

“But then how


don’t understand …” He

falters. “If you didn’t find her—if you didn’t go looking for

her …”

“It was me,”

tiny voice mumbles. I’m startled to

recognize it as my own. The door swings open and my

cheeks burn as everyone turns.

can’t breathe, can’t

believe just said that, but couldn’t watch any longer.

Jack stares at me. “I’m sorry—what?”


“I—I went to New York—I …” trail off, the words

stuck in my throat as my eyes lock on to Holly’s, so scared,

so confused. Oh, God

My heart races and start to panic.

can’tcan’t do this!

“Honey.” Megan smiles kindly. “Look, think you’re

bit confused—could you just give us minute?”

“Of course,”

breathe, flooded with relief. “Of

course, I’m sorry, I—”

“Actually,” Andy says gently, blocking my exit, “you

all need to hear this.” He meets my gaze evenly. “It’s really


stare at him desperately.

“Go on, Rose,” he whispers, squeezing my hand

encouragingly. “You can do this.”

swallow hard and force myself to turn back round.

“I—” begin, but the words die on my lips as meet

Jack’s gaze. He looks so sad, so lost. And I’m about to make

everything million times worse

Andy squeezes my hand again.

squeeze back—

hard—then take deep breath, my knees trembling.

“It was me,” tell them. “I went to New York and

found Katharine Sinclare …” hesitate, search Jack’s big

green eyes. “It’s me she’s talking about in her message.”

He frowns, rubs his brow. “I—I don’t understand.”

“I’m her daughter,”

say quickly, the words

tumbling out clumsily. His eyes widen, and look away,

burning beneath his gaze. “I’m—I’m your daughter.”



The silence is deafening. I’m not sure I’m even

breathing. stare at her, this strange girl standing in my

kitchen, wearing my clothes, hardly daring to move.


glance at Dad, who’s just staring at her,

frozen to the spot. His daughter? My sister? have sister?

Dad runs

hand through his hair, and suddenly

see her there, in his black hair, his green eyes. His

daughter My mind frantically tries to co


We share birthday—an eighteenth birthday—oh,

my God, we’re twins! Which means

we share mother—

mother who’s alive—she’s alive! My heart thumps

against my chest. After all these years, my mom’s alive

she’s in New York


gasp, breaking the silence, excitement

bubbling inside me like champagne. cross the room to


better look at her, take her hands in mine—my

sister—my twin! “Wow, wow, wow! This is

this is


beam at her but she just gazes at me uncertainly,

then glances at Dad. Why didn’t he tell me? So many

secrets—my mom, my twin sister It’s like The Parent Trap


“I don’t understand,” Dad mutters quietly, clearing

his throat. “How


Katharine is your mother …?”

She nods. “I was born at St. A

Maybridge, the night of January the fifth, eighteen years

ago,” she begins, speaking quickly but clearly—as though

she’s rehearsed this. “I was premature—”

“Daddy—we’re twins!” interrupt, laughing at his

apparent confusion.

Rosie stares at me then, faltering midflow. She lets

go of my hands and sinks into chair, her face draining of


“I was born prematurely,” she continues, clearing

her throat and staring at the table. “To Katharine


We were,”

correct her, smiling. She closes her


“And rushed to the Special Care Baby Unit.”

cold chill shivers through me—oh, God, is she

sick? Did they think she’d died—is that how we were

separated? watch her intently, twirling my finger in my


“Then”—she takes

deep breath—“there was—

there was mix- up at the Unit,” she continues, glancing at me.

hardly dare breathe.

“I was brought back to

different mother. Not

Katharine.” She glances at Dad. “This other woman,

Trudie, she brought me up—I thought all my life she was