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my mum.” She stares at the table. “But she wasn’t.


Katharine was,” she states, hesitates. “And you are my


Wow. Oh, my God.

watch as she struggles to

control her emotions, my heart aching for her. want to

hug her, to let her know it’s okay, that we’ll accept and

love her—my lost sister. But something in her eyes stops


Dad stares at her for

long moment. “But


…? Katharine didn’t have …”

She trembles as she shakes her head. “No, no, she

didn’t …” She glances at me, looks away. Her boyfriend

squeezes her shoulders.

freeze, utterly lost now. look from her to Dad,

trying to make sense, to rewind the conversation in my


“There was

another baby,” she says, her breath

coming in starts. “The woman

was given to also gave

birth to daughter—a beautiful baby girl.” She smiles at










Katharine …” stare at her as she swallows hard,

looks away. “Like said,” she whispers. “There was mix-


My heart stops.

swear, it just stops stone-cold

dead. stare at this girl, at my dad, this wild story whirling

dizzily around my head.

“What are you saying?” ask quietly.

She looks at me, her face pained. “Holly, I—I only

just found out, I—”


“What are you saying?”

repeat, my voice harsh,


“Holly,” she whispers, taking my hand. “You and I—

we were swapped at birth.”

The words rip through me like knife as my hand

grows limp in hers.

“I—I don’t understand …” look at Dad, who’s just

staring at her. “I—I don’t …” run out of words.

She sighs. “I know—I’m sorry, know this is huge,

huge shock, but—”

“What would make you think such

thing?” Dad

interrupts, his face ashen.

She looks at him then, her eyes sad.

“I’m sorry, know this is hard to believe—I didn’t

believe it at first either—I couldn’t …” She hesitates and

glances at me. “But then

had a—a test done, and it

showed wasn’t genetic match with my mother. When

was born, Katharine was at the same hospital at the same

time, and when met her …” She pauses, smiles weakly.

“Well, it was obvious.”

My chest tightens as

look at Dad, praying he’ll

disagree—but recognition blossoms in his eyes. She looks

like Mom—the mom I’ve never met—the mom he told me

died. The mom who’s

who’s not my mom.

Rosie swallows. “But didn’t know for certain—for

definite—until met you, Holly.”

look up sharply.

“You’re so—you’re just …” She smiles. “You’re



eye her warily.

“And you’re the spitting image of my mum, of

Trudie.” She slides photograph across the table.

turn away, refusing to look, though every part of

me itches to see—to know—to prove her wrong.

watch, frozen, as Dad slowly picks up the

photograph. He gasps, then stares at me, his jaw hanging


It can’t be true, it can’t

snatch the photo from his hands,

shiver racing

down my spine as stare at it, unbelieving, horrified.

It’s meit’s me, only older

The chestnut hair, the

hazel eyes, the freckles—even the kinky ear

“This is horseshit!” reel backward, laughing loudly

at the absurdity of it all, but then look at this girl, so sad

and sympathetic, and at Megan, so confused, and then

see my dad—my daddy—who’s staring at me like he’s

never seen me before, and my laughter dies.

“Daddy, tell her!” beg, my voice laced with panic

now. “Tell her it’s not true—it’s ridiculous!”

“It’s impossible,” Dad says, his frown deepening. “It

can’t be

and yet …”

“Get out!” scream at her, wrenching open the back

door. “Just get out!”

“Holly …,” Megan says gently.

Get out of my house! yell, my whole body shaking.

“Dad, tell her!”

“Please, let me explain—” she begs. “There’s more.”


“How dare you? How dare you! After we’ve given

you somewhere to stay, given you food, birthday cake

my fricking birthday cake!” Tears burn my eyes. “And my clothes You’re even wearing my fricking clothes!”

lunge at her and she tumbles to the floor as tear

at her sweatshirt— my sweatshirt—trying to yank it

roughly over her head.

“Hey!” Her boyfriend tries to pull me off.

“Get off me!”

yell, kicking him so hard he falls.

“This has nothing to do with you! This is my house! My life!”

“Holly!” Megan reaches for me.

“She can’t have it!”

scream, clinging to the

sweatshirt, pulling, struggling, desperate to get it back.

“She can’t have my life!”

“Holly!” Dad bellows, lifting me roughly by my arm.

“What the hell are you doing?”

Everyone’s staring at me like I’m some sort of freak

show. look at Dad helplessly, my heart breaking into

thousand jagged splinters.

“Tell her it’s not true,” gasp. “Tell her she’s liar—

tell her to go away and leave us alone!”

beg. “Daddy,


He looks at me, his face aged with lines I’ve never

noticed before.

“No, Holly-berry,” he sighs, the familiar nickname

breaking my heart. “I—I can’t …”

stare at him for

long moment, the splinters

turning to ice.


“Then she’s welcome to you.”

turn my back on them all, slamming the kitchen

door hard behind me.



Shit. look at Andy. He helps me up, rubbing his leg

where Holly kicked him.

Well, that went well.

Jack is frozen, staring at the door Holly just

slammed, the shudders still rippling through the room.

“Look,” Megan says quietly. “This has all been quite

shock, think we just need some time …”

nod. “I understand. I’m so sorry

it’s just—”

“Unbelievable …,” Jack murmurs, gazing out the

window, frozen in time, in shock. “You’re Katharine’s

daughter?” He turns, his eyes unreadable. “You’re really

Kathy’s daughter?”

look at him for moment, uncertain suddenly, in

spite of everything. Then

nod tentatively, my voice

whisper. “I’m your daughter.”

His eyes soften visibly for moment; then he looks


stare at the floor, aware of every heartbeat

pounding in my chest, my head.

“I’m sorry,” he sighs, sinking into

chair. “It’s just

so …”

“Unbelievable,” agree quietly.


“Sweetie.” Megan turns to me. “Have you


would you

consider …” She hesitates. “A test—or


to confirm …?”

“Of course.”

nod quickly, my cheeks burning


“I’m sorry, don’t mean to imply …” She stumbles.

“Just to be certain, to be sure—just because you and Holly

were born the same night …”

“It’s fine.”

swallow. It’s not like

can tell them

about Sarah, about the identity tags she switched


that would push them over the edge—more than already


Somewhere overhead

plane hums through the

sky. wish were on it.

glance around the kitchen, my eyes flicking over

anything, everything—anything to avoid looking at Jack or

Megan—and my gaze snags on framed photo by the sink.