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clothes! All clean now.” She nods at pile of fresh laundry.

“Holl’s are good fit, though, huh?”


shift uncomfortably and glance at Andy.

“Is, er, is Holly around?” clench my fists, digging my nails

into my palms nervously.

“Nope, sorry, she’s gone out.” Megan shakes her

head, her blond curls bouncing as she irons


“She’ll be back for lunch—you’ll stay, right? Then I’ll drop

you back at your and B.”



smile, relieved. She’s not here. There’s

still time

“Hello—you’re up!” Jack grins, stepping into the


“Hi.” beam, staring at him. can’t help it. His black

hair, his sparkling green eyes. My dad.

“How’s the head?” he asks.

“Oh, fine—fine, thank you,”

stammer. “Sorry,

don’t know what came over me.”

“Don’t be silly.” Jack winks. “You’ve gotta black out

on your eighteenth, one way or another—it’s tradition!”

smile. “And thanks for breakfast, too.”

“Not at all—proper English, eh? None of this

pancake malarkey.”

Megan rolls her eyes.

“It was wonderful.” beam. “Just like home.”

“Hear that?” Jack turns to Megan. “Maybe we should

do breakfast at the restaurant too—show ’em how it’s


“We have enough grease as it is, thanks.” Megan

laughs. “Besides, you can’t handle the customers you’ve

got—there’re seven messages on the machine this



“Uh-huh.” She looks at him. “You did check it


Jack looks at her blankly. “I


um …”

“Jack!” Megan exclaims. “What is the point of us

having an answering machine if you never check it?”


“I do,” Jack protests, looping his arms around her

waist. “I do—when remember …”

“And when was the last time you remembered?”

Megan asks skeptically.



“We’ll see, shall we?” She pushes the button on the


“First message: received Friday, January fifth,” the

machine intones.

Megan cuffs Jack round the head. “Friday!”

“What can say?” Jack shrugs. “We had weekend

without the kids—I got distracted …” He nuzzles her neck.

“Jack!” she giggles, pushing him away. “We have


“It’s okay,” say quickly. “We were just going to—

uh—go and change, anyway!” grab our clothes and head

out of the room, Andy following quickly.

“Hello?” the woman on the answering machine

snaps impatiently. “Jack? Are you there? Jack?”

freeze in the corridor, the familiar voice stopping

me in my tracks.

“Jack!” she shouts irritably. “Jack, answer the

goddamn phone!” It’s Kitty.



“You ready?”

ask, gazing up at Josh as he

straightens his jacket. He looks so nervous, standing there

in his uncomfortable suit, sweating despite the January


“You’re gorgeous,” tell him, standing on tiptoe to

kiss him. “You’re smart, and you’re Harvard scholar!”

straighten his tie. “What man wouldn’t want you for son-


Josh glances down at me, an anxious smile

flickering across his tense features. “Your dad?”

“Don’t worry!” laugh lightly. “He loves you. Almost

as much as do.” flash him grin and push through the

back door. To my surprise, both Dad and Megan are sitting

at the kitchen table.

No time like the present!

“Daddy …”

smile, taking

deep breath and

squeezing Josh’s hand. “Dad, Josh and have something to


“Josh, go home, please.”

My smile freezes. “Dad!”

“Holly,” Megan says softly. look at her, then back at

Dad. His face is tight, tense.


“Please, Josh.” Dad doesn’t look up. “We have some

family business to attend to.”

“But Dad—” glance at Josh. “Daddy, Josh—”

Josh squeezes my hand. “Maybe

should go,” he


“No!” hiss, gripping his hand tightly. “No, Josh …”

“It’s not good time,” he says meaningfully, gently

disentangling his fingers and kissing my forehead. “I’ll see

you later.”


watch as he closes the door behind him, then turn

on my father, my blood boiling.

“Well?” demand. “Well? What’s so important that you had to be so rude?”

“Why don’t you tell me?” He doesn’t look up.

stare at him. “What?”

“Why don’t you tell me,” he continues, “what you

were doing in New York?”

“What do you mean?” ask, my cheeks flushing. “It

was just holiday.”


holiday,” Dad repeats, nodding slowly. “So,

what happened?”


“Why’d you come back early?” he says tersely.

“Why’d you cut your ‘holiday’ short?”


“The flight back was paid for, right? Josh won the

tickets?” stare at him.

“So why didn’t you stay the whole weekend?”


He looks up and falter.

“Okay,” sigh. “It wasn’t


Josh bought the


He closes his eyes, nods grimly.

“I’m sorry didn’t tell you, Daddy, but it was the

only way we thought you’d let me go—you’d never have

let me miss my eightee—”

“So why’d you get the bus back early?” he

interrupts, staring at the table. “If Josh paid so much for

flights, why miss them?”

sigh. “We didn’t have flights back,”


miserably. “We were always going to get the bus. We only

flew down there because Josh got cheap deal—because

I’d never been on plane before—it was my present.”

“Your present.” Dad nods, his jaw tight.

move toward him. “I’m sorry, Daddy.”

“Then why don’t you tell me the truth?” He looks up

sharply, stopping me short.


“Why don’t you tell me the real reason you went to

New York, Holls?”


“And what exactly happened to make you come

home early.”

He looks straight at me. He knows.

don’t know

how, but can see it in his eyes.

“If you already know, don’t see why you need me

to tell you,” mutter.

Megan shifts uncomfortably.


Because Holly, I’m your father and have



“I’m eighteen years old, Dad,

don’t need your

permission,” say bitterly. “Or your approval.”

“My approval? My approval?” He stares at me.

“Holly, you obviously thought wouldn’t approve, or you’d

have told me yourself!”

look away, tears stinging my eyes. never thought

he felt that way. Never. thought he liked Josh—I thought

Josh was just being formal by asking his permission.

never dreamed Daddy might say no

chill trickles through me.

What’ll he say about the baby?

“Holly, you must see what mistake this was.”

My insides twist. mistake?

Dad sighs. “I don’t think you should have any more


stare at him. “What?”

“It’s for the best.”

“You can’t—you can’t mean it! Megan!

beg her for

help, but she looks away. “I won’t,” say defiantly. “You

can’t make me. This is my life and I’ll decide who’s in it!”



“I’m sorry, Holly,” he says, rubbing his brow. “I

really am, but can’t just stand by and watch while—”

“Then you don’t have to,” interrupt quietly.
