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might’ve worn, the house I’d be living in, the family I’d

have—the person I’d be. look myself in the eye. Holly

Woods. try the name on my lips, whispering at first, then

out loud.

“Holly Woods.”

The shapes are alien to my mouth. It’s not me—it

doesn’t sound right. try again, lengthening the vowels

and attempting an American accent.

“Holly …” No. “Holly,” correct. “Holly Woods.”

shudder, the girl in the mirror unrecognizable.

“What are you doing?”

Andy stands in the doorway.

“This is mistake,” tell him. “I can’t do this. This is

her life, not mine.”

“I know.” Andy frowns. “But you have to tell her.”

He looks at me. “Don’t you?”

slump down onto the bed. “Yes—no!”

run my

hands through my hair, pulling it tight. “I don’t know!”


“Rose,” Andy says gently, sitting down next to me.

“Remember how you felt when you didn’t know if you had


nod miserably.

“And you said the not knowing was the worst bit,

right? Well, Holly hasn’t got clue!”

“I know! But that’s the difference!” look at him.

That’s the difference, Andy. knew there was chance of inheriting the disease—well, thought knew—and saw

what it did to Mum. had to live with it hanging over me

every day. But Holly doesn’t even know there’s

possibility She could live for years and years without any signs—she might not have Huntington’s, Andy! So what

good would knowing do?” shake my head. “It’d ruin her


“So ignorance is bliss, huh?” Andy says quietly. “You

want her to live Trudie’s life? Not knowing till it’s too


look away.

“What if she has children, Rose? What if she passes

the disease on to her kids because she doesn’t even know

she has it?”

“I don’t know! don’t know Andy.” stare at the

floor. “What’s worse? Living your whole life normally until

one day you discover you’ve got Huntington’s—or

suddenly being told you’re not who you think you are,

your family’s not your family—oh, and there’s


percent chance you could inherit fatal disease?”

He looks away.


“It’s impossible!”

shrug helplessly. “How can

make this life-changing decision about girl don’t even


“You can’t,” Andy sighs, taking my hand. “Because

it’s not your decision to make.”

look up.

He squeezes my hand. “It’s hers.”

stare at him hopelessly for

moment, then sigh

heavily and collapse back onto the bed.

“It’ll ruin her life,”

say simply, closing my eyes.

“Either way, I’ll ruin her life.”



When there’s no answer to Josh’s doorbell, head

around to the backyard, to find Melissa midlunge.

Immediately, every inch of me itches to tell her my

news, to squeal and scream and leap around celebrating

with my best friend.

Not till after Dad remind myself for the hundredth

time, biting my tongue.

“Holls!” Melissa grins, looking up. “Perfect timing.


run? It’s, like,

total record—I’ve

managed to keep my New Year’s jogging resolution for

whole week!”

“Congrats!” say, struggling to keep the grin from

my face. “But not right now, thanks. Your brother


“Nope.” She jogs on the spot. “Still in bed.”


“Uh-huh. You two must’ve had

pretty eventful

weekend, huh?” She winks. “He’s exhausted, and you look

like the cat that got the cream.”

beam. “You have no idea.”

“Please—spare me!” She grins, rolling her eyes as

she jogs off down the driveway. “See you later, then—

some of us have to exercise alone.”


laugh as she blows me

kiss and disappears

around the corner, then

push open the back door.

Slipping off my sneakers, creep carefully upstairs, tiptoe

to Josh’s bedroom door and listen. Silence. Gently, ease

the handle down

Josh is lying in bed, gri

“You’re awake!” accuse, disappointed. “I wanted to

surprise you!”

“You have.” He reaches for me, as

pull off my

baggy sweater. “You’re more and more beautiful every


Is that new shirt? Wow!”

“Eyes on the face.”

grin, climbing onto the bed

beside him.

“Always, baby, always,” he insists, stroking my hair.

“I meant it brings out the color of your eyes.” He grins, pulling me close as

settle into his chest, my fingers

twirling and tangling in the soft black curls. He catches my

hand and slides his fingers through mine. We look like

candy bar: chocolaty brown striped with creamy vanilla.

“Where’s the ring?” he whispers.

smile. “Somewhere safe.”

“You’ve managed to keep it secret?” he asks. “Even

with your big mouth?”

“Hey!” slap his chest and cuddle closer. “For now,”

sigh. “But you’re go

to Harvard tonight.”

“Yes,” Josh promises, his heart beating faster

against my cheek. “I’ll ask him today. After lunch.”


Before lunch,” beg, sitting up. “Please, Josh, can’t

stand it. can’t wait any longer!”

“Okay, okay. Before lunch,” Josh relents, pulling me

back down and hooking his leg over mine. “Just as soon as

get up the courage.”

“Hey!” giggle. “That’s not courage you’re getting


He leans his head into my neck, his huge warm

body pressing against me, pushing me down into the


“No!” laugh, pushing him away. “Joshua Samuels,

don’t believe you’re taking me seriously!”

“Holly Woods.” He grins. “I’ll take you whichever

way you like.”

He slides his hand under my top as he nibbles the

kink on my right ear, sending shivers tickling deliciously

down my spine as collapse against the pillows

“No!” With an immense force of will

push him

away, struggling upright. “Come on!”

“Not even the pixie ear?” he asks i

Especially not the pixie ear!”

laugh, pulling my

sweater back on.

He looks at me mournfully. “You’re really serious?”

“Deadly.” grin, kissing his nose and fixing my hair.

“Not till after lunch! When we’re officially engaged.” lean forward. “Then we can do whatever”—I kiss his cheek—

“we”—his nose—“want.”

cup his face and kiss him

deeply, pressing myself against him for

long moment.

Finally break away, leaving us both breathless.


He stares at me for second, then suddenly lifts me,

shrieking, over his shoulder.

“Well then, what are we waiting for?” he cries.

“Come on!”



“Ready?” Andy asks.

nod, my heart racing. “As I’ll ever be.”

He squeezes my hand, take deep breath, and we

push into the kitchen.

“Oh, good!” Megan looks up from her ironing board.

“Holly lent you something to wear—sorry—didn’t mean

to leave you without anything! But thought I’d better get

to your clothes before they stained,

hope you don’t


“Thank you.” smile. “And I’m sorry—”

“Don’t be silly, it was party! Ben’s always spilling

things—try cleaning up after

toddler!” She grins.

“Besides, think you got the brunt of it, judging from your