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“Are you okay?” Andy frowns.

“No.” shake my head. “I’ve got to go. We’ve got to

go. Now.”


“We shouldn’t be here!”

cry. “We should never

have come—we have to go—”


“Rosie.” Andy catches my arms. “What’s going on?

What’s wrong?”

“Didn’t you see?” stare at him, trembling. “Didn’t

you see her?”


“Jack’s daughter!” stare at him incredulously.

“What? Yeah, briefly, but

was more concerned

about you when you conked out.”

“It’s her Andy,” say meaningfully. “She’s Trudie’s daughter.”

Andy stares at me.


Trudie’s daughter died.”

“Well, obviously not!”

stare at him wildly.

“Obviously not, Andy—that’s just one more mistake to add

to the list!”

“But wait, mean—are you sure?”

“Andy, she’s Holly Woods.”

“What?” His eyes widen. “She’s called Holl—”

“Holly.” nod grimly. “Holly Woods. And she’s the

same age as me, she’s got the same birthday she’s living with my father and she’s the bleeding spitting image of Trudie—look!” thrust the photograph at him.

“Knock, knock!”

freeze as the bedroom door creaks open. Holly

peers round with friendly smile.

“Hi there! How’re you doing? Did you sleep okay?”

nod helplessly, the blood draining from my head.

“I’m not surprised after that fall!” she says

sympathetically. “Anyway, know Megan’s washing your


clothes, so here’s

pair of my jeans and

T-shirt and

hoodie. We’re about the same size, huh?” She holds them


nod again, staring at her hair as it gleams in the

sunshine—the exact same shade

“Is there anything else you need?” She smiles, her

hazel eyes shining.

shake my head numbly. She even has the same

kink at the top of her ear

“Okay.” She beams, looking from me to Andy. “See

ya later!”

She closes the door behind her and sink onto the


“Oh, my God.” Andy sits down next to me. “Oh. My.


stare at the door. “Do you—do you think she heard

us?” whisper, my voice cracking.

“No.” He shakes his head. “No, don’t think so.”

“I just can’t believe it, Andy. She survived. She’s

alive. She’s here How did this happen?”

He looks at me. “I don’t know. really don’t know,

Rosie. There must have been

mistake. The baby

must’ve recovered.”

“But how? My voice comes out high and shrill as

hot tears spring into my eyes. “And how did Sarah not


Andy squeezes my hand. “I don’t know.” He shakes

his head. “I suppose she was too concerned about Trudie


and you.”



stare at him. “Me? She’s me Andy! She’s

Rosie Ke

stare at him

miserably. “Don’t you see, there was no need for Sarah to switch us—no need for any of this— because Trudie’s baby

didn’t die!

Andy pulls me to him tightly, my heart thumping

against his.

“She— she should have stayed with Trudie, she


and I should’ve …”

“Shhh …” He strokes my hair.

“This is my family, Andy,”

whisper against his

chest. “My dad, my brother …”

“Then you have to tell them.”

sigh heavily. “I can’t. Andy, they’re


happy family.”

“They’re your family.”


shake my head, the word scratching my

throat and stinging my eyes. “No, they can’t ever be. Not

now. It’s impossible. They’re hers.” bite my nail. “Sarah

switched us, so they’re Holly’s. They’re her family, they

love each other. They deserve to be together.”

“But Rose—”

“I can’t—I can’t break them up, Andy,

can’t tell

them—can’t be that selfish.” sigh again, rubbing my eyes

with my sleeve. “I’ve lasted this long without them,

haven’t I?” swallow hard. “I’ll survive.”

“Rosie …”

“No, Andy.” stand up. “We have to go.”


“Rose, just listen to me for

sec. If you’re right, if

she is Trudie’s daughter—”

“She is!”

“Then Rosie, you have to tell them.”

“Andy! You’re not listening to me—”

“You have to tell them,” he interrupts, “because

Holly could have inherited Huntington’s.”



The wind tugs wildly at my hair, the salty breeze

filling my lungs as head along the harbor. love this time

of year. The chill in the air, the winter sunshine glistening

on the waves, the old year gone and done with and the

promise of whole fresh new one to come.

new year,

new start, new name

grin, suddenly warm despite the frosty air.

“Mrs. Holly Samuels.” The name tingles on my

tongue, and giggle like an idiot. can’t wait. The first time

ever laid eyes on Josh knew he was The One. smile,

remembering how serious and sexy he looked, studying in

the school library—till Melissa flicked

spitball right at


can still see his face as he turned around—

outraged—and flicked one straight back! And then he



wonder what he sees in me

It’s hardly my brain—not compared to Mr. Ivy

League Samuels. Not that I’m dumb, but it beats me how

anyone can study that hard; can use all that power and

strength in those huge sexy arms just to carry

schoolbooks; can enjoy being stuck in

dusty library for

hours on end when the sun’s shining so bright you just


have to be outside, when the pool sparkles so invitingly, or the sky’s so blue you have to go sail around the point to see if the sea matches—when there’s

whole world out

there just waiting to be explored!

Safe to say, it’s not our common interests that

attracted him either


my glittering personality? My hilarious sense

of humor? Ha-ha.

Looks? glance briefly at my reflection in window.



what? What do we have in common?

My pace slows, and shiver suddenly, slipping back

into the shadowy doubts that have plagued me ever since

Josh started Harvard, remembering how frightened was

every time he called, always expecting him to tell me it

wasn’t working out, that he’d realized we’re total

opposites, that he’d met someone else

But instead he took me to New York for my

birthday—and proposed!

All my doubts fade with the sparkling memory of

my ring, my gleaming proof of his feelings.

Who cares why? Opposites attract, after all. We love

each other—that’s all that matters. We’re engaged!

The grin splits my face as race the last few blocks

to his house, unable to wait any longer, to suppress the

buzzing, fizzing thrill of this incredible secret longing to

burst right out of me, desperate to shout it from the


We’re getting married!



The clothes are almost perfect fit. look at myself

in the full-length mirror in Holly’s faded jeans and green

Gap hoodie, and shiver suddenly. It’s like I’m looking into

another life—the life

would’ve had: the clothes