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pillow. “I had the time of my life.”

“Good.” He smiles, kissing my forehead. “You

deserve it.”

wait till he closes the door. Then exhale.

It feels weird keeping this from Dad. I’m bursting to

tell him—that’s the whole reason we’ve rushed home

early, after all—but then

grin, remembering Dad’s face


as he jumped out from behind the sofa. Trust him to spoil

my surprise with one of his own!

glance at the door, then carefully pull the ring back

out, stroking the little gem with my fingertips. He’d know

by now, if it weren’t for the party—and if Josh weren’t so


can’t believe he wants to ask Dad’s

permission before we tell anyone—as if he’s go

Typical Josh. It’s all very well to do things by the book, but

it’s killing me keeping this secret—Dad and usually tell each other everything!

Well, almost everything. My hand falls to my

stomach. wonder if Mom were still alive if I’d have told

her yet

Probably not, not before Josh. smile. He’s not

the only one who can keep secrets. still can’t believe he

took me to New York for my birthday—the first time I’ve ever been on plane!—just because he knows how much

want to travel! That he proposed tilt the ring so it sends rainbows dancing around the room.

Now can’t wait to tell him my secret, can’t wait to

see his face! But first things first—not till we’re officially

engaged. If Josh wants to be traditional, I’ll keep things

traditional—I can at least do something the right way


take last long look at the plastic ring, then slide

open my bottom drawer, home of all my secret dreams—

the journals I’ve kept since was twelve; cut-out photos of

singers, movie stars and cute guys Melissa and fantasized

about marrying; brochures of exotic places we dreamed of


traveling, tucked inside the empty passport I’ve had since

was sixteen—just in case our dreams ever came true.

And dreams can come true. smile, tucking the ring

carefully between the brochures and the photo of Josh,

who’s been top of my list—circled with heart—since the

very first day met him

slide the drawer shut, then lie back on my pillow,


buried treasure, my precious secret, just waiting to be




It’s dark, terribly darkcan’t see

thing. grope

around helplessly, clawing and clutching, stumbling and

scratching, through endless stones and brambles and what

feels like ice. Then, suddenly, my feet sink into something soft, and it’s sand I’m walking on, its gentle caress cool and soothing between my toes

light flickers in the distance. walk blindly toward

it, warm breeze whispering in my hair

The wooden door opens easily, and

man looks

round and smiles, his black hair curling round his ears as

little boyhis miniaturescrambles to his feet

“You found us.” The man beams as they enfold me in

tight hug.

hold them close, sandwiched between the

man’s strong embrace and the child’s warm cuddle.

perfect fit, the missing piece. “Rosie, you finally found us.”

close my eyes. “You’re finally home …”


“Mmm …”

turn my head, enjoying the warmth

surrounding me, the softness against my cheek

“Rosie?” woman says. “Are you awake?”

“Wakey-wakey!” Suddenly the whole world

shudders and quakes and my eyes fly open.


The little dark-haired boy bounces over me, giggling

happily as sunlight fills the room.

blink hard and stare at him. Then smile.

“Ben!” blond curly-haired woman chides. “Ben, get


She sets down tray and grabs him round the belly

as he squirms.

“Sorry about that!” She smiles apologetically.

“How’re you feeling?”

“Um, fine thanks.” stare at her blankly.

“I’m Megan,” she says. “From the party?”

Party Pieces of last night float back to me like

puzzle. Fish and chips, the cake, the party

“Right, sorry.” gaze round the unfamiliar bedroom.

“Thanks for letting us stay over.”

smile as Ben grins

through her legs at me, his dark fringe flopping over his


“Oh, honey, you’re welcome—there was no way

was letting you guys go back to that and after your fall.

had to make sure you were really okay.”

“Oh, I’m fine, thank you.”

struggle into


position, and instantly my head pounds. “Ow!”

“Easy, honey.” Megan lays

cool hand on my

forehead. “I’ll give you some lotion for that bruise when

you come downstairs, but first: breakfast!” She plops

heaving tray of bacon and eggs onto my lap.

“Wow!” gasp.


“Don’t blame me!” Megan grins. “Jack always insists

on greasefest when he does breakfast. You don’t have to

eat it all.”

“Thanks.” smile, my heart racing as remember


Jack. My dad My real dad. And he’s made me


real English breakfast—eggs and proper

bacon, none of that streaky American stuff—and not

pancake in sight!

“The bathroom’s just across the hall, when you’re

done. There’s towel and spare toothbrush, and feel free

to use anything else you find.”

“Thanks, Megan,” tell her. “I’m sorry to be such an


“Don’t be silly,” she laughs, tucking

stray ringlet

behind her ear. “Make yourself at home.”

My heart soars. Home With my dad—I grin,

winking at Ben as he pinches piece of my toast—and my

little brother!

“Shout if you need anything. We’re just downstairs.”

Megan smiles, scooping up Ben. “And Holly’s around too—

if she ever gets out of bed!”

The toast sticks in my throat as the door clicks



My appetite gone, slide the tray onto the bedside

table, knocking something clattering to the floor.

“Shit!” lean down and gingerly pick up the broken

picture frame. turn it over and my heart stops. There


they are. The happy family. Jack and Megan and Ben—and

Holly, sticking out like

sore thumb with her chestnut

hair against Jack and Ben’s black, Megan’s blond.

Holly Woods

Trudie’s daughter

She looks just like her. The same hair, the same

eyes, the same bright smile

drop the picture like hot

coal, sweat cold on the back of my neck.

have to get out of here. can’t see her, can’t—

There’s knock at the door. stare, paralyzed, as it

swings open.

“Morning.” Andy smiles. “How’re you feeling?”

“Fine,” say, jumping out of bed and scowling at the

unfamiliar jogging bottoms and T-shirt I’m wearing.

scour the room. “Where are my clothes?”

“Well, since you drenched us both in Coke with your

dizzy spell last night, Megan’s doing

wash for us

downstairs,” Andy tells me, wearing

similar pair of

makeshift pajamas. “She insisted—said she couldn’t let us

leave with dirty clothes. She’s even doing my socks.” He

grins. “She’s brave!”

“Great,” say, pacing the room. “Fantastic. Brilliant!”