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“Thanks,” I murmur.

“The dock’s right there.” She points to a small table next to the wall.

I smile and take the iPod back and set it in the dock, without looking to see her choice. The sounds of Marvin Gaye’s, Let’s Get it On fills the room. I freeze, horrified realizing that she found an old playlist titled Make-out Music which I had made when I thought I still had a sexual chance with Rachel. Damn! Why hadn’t I deleted it?

My mind races wondering how I can explain this to Brooke, but I look up and she’s smiling and seems inspired. The buzz from the champagne probably isn’t hurting my cause either. Don’t be an idiot Nathan; she chose that playlist after all. It occurs to me to calm down and just go with it, so I give her an awkward smile back.

She sips her wine and then lifts her leg up and twists her ankle. “Help,” she implores.

“So…you really need my help?” I’m teasing her so she teases back, making it sound so damn sexy.

“Badly,” she suggests.

I step closer and lower myself to my knees in front of her.

The sound of her voice and the look in her eyes does something to me. I slide my hands around her ankles and rub my thumbs back and forth along her insteps. “Can I take these off for you?”

“Please,” she whispers.

I carefully unhook the first delicate strap and then pull it open, before slowly easing it off her foot. I know that she thinks I will merely move onto the other shoe, but I start massaging her gently.

She moans softly. “Oh, that feels so good.”

I smile and look down. Even her feet are perfect.


“Uh, huh?” I’m focused on her toes with their little painted toenails.

“I love your haircut. I especially love that he left some of that messy part on top; it’s just enough to pull on.” She reaches forward and winds her fingers in my hair, pulling gently.

If I wasn’t completely turned on a moment ago, I certainly am now.

“You cut your hair for me, for tonight…didn’t you?”

I nod, and shyly look up at her. Part of me doesn’t want that information to make her uncomfortable, the other part wants her to know that I would do anything for her.

“You look so damn sexy in that tux. Will you wear it again for me sometime?”

“Whenever you want,” I murmur as I caress her soft skin just above her ankle. I reach over and start to undo the other sandal.

“You know, Nathan, when the time comes I’m going to have a really hard time sharing you with another girl.”

Oh Brooke, you didn’t just say that, did you? I can’t help but look at her shocked.

She must take my expression the wrong way because her expression falls.

“Oh, but of course. You’re nothing like Arnauld. You probably couldn’t be with more than one woman at a time. Could you?”

“No, I wouldn’t want to be.” I state firmly before I think how she will react.

She nods as she watches me touch her. With one hand tenderly massaging the ball of her foot, the other runs up her calf, each stroke just a little higher.

She closes her eyes and moans again. I notice her legs pull further apart, just slightly, yet the suggestion is there. She lifts the hem of her dress up higher. I’m so excited I can barely breathe.

I picture kissing her between her legs and desire rips through me.

Oh Brooke, can I? Please…please…

Marvin Gaye’s seductive voice in the background is encouraging me to make my move and get it on with Brooke. When he sings how he’s held back the feeling for so long I shake my head knowingly. I also know I may never have this opportunity again.

My hands are now stroking each calf evenly and I take a deep breath and stop at her knees. I’m empowered, sensing the spirit of Marvin is with me. My fingers press into the soft skin, gently parting her legs far enough for me to fit in between. She opens her eyes just as I lean down and begin kissing her on the inside of her thigh, just above her knee.

Her sigh is ragged and wanting as I lower myself even closer. It gives me hope that she’ll let me pleasure her this intimate way. Rachel always said this was something I was truly great at. Now if I don’t get too nervous and fumble, it will be Brooke’s turn to find out why.

Animate Me / Chapter Fourteen / A School-Night Sleepover

Ooh, what does this button do?” ~Dee Deexiii

“Nathan,” she moans. “What’re you doing?”

I’m slowly trailing kisses up her i

“It’s a surprise,” I tease as I run my fingertips higher and higher.

“I like surprises,” she says softly as she edges her skirt up, her legs easing further apart.

Her skin is unbelievably soft; I savor every inch of sweetness as my lips feather over her. I’m intoxicated with the idea of having my tongue against her. It’s making me so excited that I struggle to stay calm. When my fingers finally stroke along the silk of her panties, she moans.

“I really, really like surprises,” she whispers.

She isn’t resisting at all. If anything, I can feel how much she wants this. It’s an unbelievable rush. I feel like Superman would if Lois had her thighs spread open for him.

I love the idea of Brooke’s delicate panties just disintegrating in my superhero hands, but instead I carefully loop my fingers under the lace that runs across her hips and gently pull down. She lifts up to help me, and we work together until she is bare—and I mean completely bare. I almost pass out with excitement when I see that she’s perfectly smooth between her legs. This is new territory for me that I’ve dreamed of navigating. I hope that I can live up to her expectations, since I already told her that this is something I’m really good at.

But once I start it all comes naturally because instinctively I want to please her more than anything. I quickly learn that the best part of exploring Brooke is how responsive she is. Her moans and whispers, along with the way she rocks gently against me tells me how good I’m making her feel. Every look and sigh is unbelievably motivating.

Do you have any idea what your reactions are doing to me Brooke?

I manage to resist the urge to unzip my trousers and get relief from the need to be touched. I have to resist, because this is all about Brooke…my chance to show her what my words ca

I start out slow, my tongue, lips and fingers softly working over her. Every time she begins to accelerate I slow down. I can feel the building and then the easing back, and I want to push all of her sensations as far as I possibly can.

At one point she gets frisky as I do this particular thing with my tongue. All of a sudden she randomly cries out, “The dress!”

“The dress?” I question, pushing the fabric out of the way again, and lifting up to face her.

She’s panting. “It’s got to come off…now.”

She won’t get an argument from me. I lean back on my heels and rise, as she pushes off the couch and turns. My fingers work the zipper with astounding speed. Next thing I know the dress is off and then the bra.

Good God, she’s naked before me.

And before I even have time to think about it she’s kissing me, unfazed by the idea of where my mouth’s just been, or the fact that she’s naked and I’m still in my tux. It’s like some James Bond movie.

My hands roam over every curve while we kiss: the swell of her hips, her soft breasts and her nipples tight with arousal. I discover a tiny dimple just above her bottom and I softly run my finger across it. Meanwhile I’m burning up with the sensation of her pressed against me. I can’t believe the way she’s kissing me…my God, I’ve never imagined kissing could be like this.