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When we arrive, Brooke’s movie star beauty is apparent to everyone. As we step out of the limo one of the security managers tries to usher us into the red carpet line. We notice our colleagues heading directly into the theater and we end up having to convince them that we aren’t actors and aren’t supposed to walk the red carpet.

Right before we step inside we are led to an area where we pose for press pictures. I gently slide my hand around the back of Brooke’s waist until I wrap my fingers along her side and pull her closer. I feel incredibly proud to be here with her. My smile is genuine as the flash captures us right as she looks up at me and smiles.

The energy in the air’s exciting but once we’re seated and the ceremony starts it gets dull pretty quickly. I don’t watch much TV so the nominees and shows don’t mean much to me. I only spark up when it’s a

“Are you nervous? I know we’re favored to win,” I say, searching her face for anxiety. If I were her I’d be a wreck.

“Yeah,” she admits, twisting her hands.

“You’ll do great, you’re a natural. I reach over and squeeze her hand and she smiles warmly.

“I’m glad you’re the one here with me, Nathan.”

My heart’s pounding when our category finally comes up, and two actors start a

She looks amazingly composed considering that I felt her trembling when I hugged her. Damn, she’s beautiful. I’m so mesmerized watching her that I don’t clearly hear her speech at first, something about accepting for the artist that created the show. But right before she ends, it seems like she’s searching for me in the audience. Her words cut right through me.

“This is for the animation artists who quietly put their hearts and souls into their work to create magic for us all. I’m honored to be a part of their world.”

I take a sharp breath and fall back against my seat. I can’t believe the way she makes me feel. Every time I think it isn’t possible that she could do or say anything to make me love her more, she proves me wrong.

She gives me a shy smile as she settles back into her seat. I lean in closer to her.

“Congratulations, Brooke. You were amazing up there.”

“Thanks. I think your Starbucks cup drawing brought me good luck.”

I smile warmly at her and whisper, “And just for the record, I’m honored to be part of your world.”

Luckily the hair guy, Bradley, had warned me how boring award ceremonies can get, so I came prepared. Well into the second hour, I pull out my mini-sketch pad and pencil and start drawing little caricatures for Brooke of the different people that we see on stage. She almost laughs out loud at the one of Ellen DeGeneres dancing with one of the guys from Glee.

When the ceremony torture is over we head over to the Governor’s Ball for what appears to be formal di

When I finally get back there’s some good looking guy standing too close to Brooke and handing her his card. I grip my drink so hard I’m lucky the glass doesn’t shatter. As I step up he looks at me and takes his cue.

“Okay Brooke, call me next week and we’ll have lunch.”

I wish I were one of those guys who could just haul off and punch him, instead I watch him walk away.

“Who’s that?” I ask carefully.

“Richard’s from Disney. He says he wants to meet with me about a potential joint project between the studios for charity.” She glances at me, watching to see my reaction. I can tell she isn’t completely convinced of his motives either.

“Yeah, I bet he wants to meet with you. Are you going to go?” I hand her the drink.

“I don’t know.”

I feel a wave of nausea wash over me. It’s one thing to know she’s with Arnold, but if she starts seeing another man too, I know I won’t be able to handle it. But before anything can get even more tense and awkward, Gene from Nickelodeon joins us and the industry banter starts up again. I just want to get the hell out of here.

When it is time to be seated Brooke looks at me and seems to sense that I’m at the end of my rope.

“Hey, are you all right?”

I nod, not wanting to reveal the jealous beast that is burning inside of me.

She takes my hand. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

“Are you sure? What about the people you should be talking to?”

“I don’t care about that. I’ve done my bit. Let’s go get a burger.” She grins and my heart soars. I whip out my cell phone and call our driver.

Once in the limo we crack open the chilled champagne and clink glasses before settling back into our seats. Due to traffic and construction it’s a slow drive back, so by the time we get to In-N-Out we’re already buzzed.

There’s nothing like the vision of Brooke in her evening gown, perched in a plastic seat, waiting for me to bring her a Double-Double, animal style. The Emmy sits grandly on the Formica-topped table. I can only imagine what the other diners think of us, but I don’t care.

I undo my tie and the top few buttons of my dress shirt so I can breath. We laugh as we eat, her doing goofy impressions of the speeches while I draw the corresponding caricatures in my little sketchpad. More than once she takes a napkin and wipes the ketchup off my chin. This is how I like my Brooke. This is how we should always be.

We’re even more boisterous in the limo ride back to her house. We finish off the champagne and put our feet up so we are practically lying down. I open up the skylight so we can look at the stars. Something about the vastness of the night sky makes me feel like anything is possible.

When we reach her house I sign for the driver and walk her to the door.

“Thanks for letting me take you Brooke…” I start, hopeful that this isn’t goodbye.

“You’re not leaving yet!” she laughs as she takes my hand and drags me in. “I have some wine open in the fridge.”

Yes! I follow as she pulls me along.

She hands me the bottle while she grabs two glasses and we head back to the living room. I notice she’s walking a little fu

“Are you okay?” I slide off my jacket and drop it over the edge of a chair.

“Yeah, it’s just my feet are killing me. I can’t wait to get these shoes off.” She lowers herself onto the couch as I uncork the bottle and pour the wine. I hand her a glass and watch her lips skim the edge as she takes a sip.

“We need some music,” she suggests as she settles against the cushions. “Do you have your iPod with you? I don’t want to get up and look for mine.”

I nod slowly. “Yeah, but I’m not sure there’s anything you’d want to listen to on my playlists.”

“Don’t be so sure, handsome. Here, let me see,” she teases as she reaches towards me.

I remove my iPod from the inside pocket of my jacket, then hand it to her. “Be gentle,” I implore.

She takes another sip as he skims the many playlists. She grins widely and looks up at me. “The Carl Stalling Project? You have Looney Tunes music on your iPod!”

“Yes,” I admit, my cheeks turning red. “I think it’s cool. Stalling was brilliant.”

“It is cool,” she agrees. “But that’s not the mood I’m looking for.” Her eyes light up as she makes a different choice and then hands it back to me. She gives me a coy look with one eyebrow raised. “Very interesting playlists.”