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When we pull away, I gasp for breath, then stutter, “I-I-I’m not done.”

“No, you’re not,” she grins, as she eases back down on the couch, her legs falling open as she pulls me down.

Again on my knees, I slide my hands under her bottom and pull her closer. She is warm and wet, pink and soft, a landscape to wander with my tongue as my fingers push into her. Every part of her is beautiful.

“Do you know how incredible you’re making me feel?” she asks, her fingers weaving through my hair.

Her words give me the confidence that sexually I could be good for her. I’ve never felt like this before with anyone—not even close.

Inspired, I rise up higher to kiss her again. This time I’m more assertive, my arm wrapping around her waist and pulling her into me. Working my way down her neck, I take my time with her breasts before finally settling back between her legs. Within moments I’m lost in her again. I never want to leave.

“Oh, God,” she groans. “You’re amazing…ahhh…” She tugs on my hair, pulling me closer as her legs wrap around me.

Just about then it hits me: I’m on my knees, between her legs, about to make Brooke orgasm with my outstanding oral skills. It’s almost too good to be true. This event will always be noted as one of the most satisfying accomplishments of my life. I groan loudly with pleasure and this seems to be the spark lighting her fuse.

Her power’s astounding as she starts to climax, her fingers digging into my shoulders as her hips thrust forward. She’s all passion and fire, more woman than I could’ve ever hoped for… a lit rocket, soaring past me into the dark night.

When her cries subside, I pull back and gently rub her knees, waiting for her to catch her breath. Her eyes are glassy, and her skin’s flushed.

“Are you okay?” I ask, starting to worry a bit. She looks disoriented.

She laughs, and then as if talking to herself, asks, “Am I okay?”

“Brooke?” I ask again, hoping she can focus.

“Oh, Nathan…whatever am I going to do with you—Mister, I’ve got a surprise for you.”

“Do with me?”

But before she can answer, she pulls a throw blanket over her shoulders, slides off the couch and joins me on the floor.

“Were you really as into that as you seemed?” she asks as she leans her head back on the cushions watching me.

“Yes,” I reply, looking down, suddenly embarrassed.

“Wow…just wow.” She says happily.

She lifts my chin with her fingers, and looks me straight in the eyes. “You are wonderful,” she says softly.

I grin ear to ear as she reaches out and takes my hand.

“Are you still hard?” Her blanket is bunched between us; otherwise my situation would be so glaringly apparent that she wouldn’t need to ask.

“Are you kidding?” I groan, even more embarrassed.

“Show me,” she whispers.

Show me? Holy hell, what’s she going to do? I say a silent prayer to the oral sex Gods before I lift up and tentatively unzip my tuxedo trousers. While I fumble to push my pants and boxers down, she reaches over and wraps her hand around me. Oh my God. Please, please, Brooke, don’t let go.

“Oh wow,” she moans, studying me.

I gasp, watching her lick her lips, admiration in her eyes. I feel a surge of hope as she keeps touching me.

My head rolls back. “When you look at me and touch me like that…it makes me crazy. I swear, you’re going to make me come.”

She stills, her warm hand still holding me possessively.

“What do you want, Nathan?”

My heart’s pounding, I’m too overwhelmed to speak. I want her to keep touching me. I want to see her slide me between her lips. I want to make love to her. I want everything. She’s naked, apparently still aroused, and only inches away from me. But how can I tell her all the ways I want her?

Lucky for me she has her own ideas.

“Can I take you in my mouth?” she asks, with a taunting smile. Does she know she’s just made me impossibly harder?

Oh my God. Do I want to be in her mouth? Does the Road Ru

“Yes,” I say evenly, trying not to sound desperate. I decide not to tell her that I’ve never had that done to me.

She looks extremely pleased and happily sinks down. I watch her, while I frantically try to suspend my disbelief. Just the look of her hand grasping my thigh and her soft lips wrapped around me is almost more than I can take. The last thing I logically remember before I tumble into a lust-filled state is her slowly ru

She’s moaning like she loves doing this to me…for me. It’s so incredibly intimate; my heart is racing ahead before the rest of me can catch up.

“Oh, Brooke.” I groan as I observe her mouth full of me, her beautiful breasts in full view just below. This time she moans louder and everything starts intensifying.

I’m lost in the hot, wet swirl of her mouth. She’s moving like she intends to pull every little bit of pleasure out of me—like there’s nothing else in the world she would rather do. It’s all too much; my damn traitor body—it’s happening too fast.

“I’m go

Both of her hands grip me as she rubs the head across her lips before taking me in again. Yes, she nods, her mouth so full and her eyes smiling.

I let go, an explosion of surging intensity, and she takes it all. Her desire to satisfy me makes me crash past every moment I’ve ever felt wrong, because now I feel completely right.

When I eventually return to consciousness she grins at me and I grin back bigger.


A short while later I’m in her arms. She’s in mine, and I don’t ever want to let her go.

“Can I tell you something?” I ask cautiously. We’ve both settled down. She’s put on a robe, and is tucked tightly under my shoulder.

She looks up at me and waits.

“I really don’t want you to go out with that guy, Richard, from Disney.”

“Why would it bother you if I did?” She runs her hand across my chest. “You almost sound jealous,” she teases, smiling.

I can’t smile or tease back because this is bothering me too much. “Maybe I am. I don’t want you to date him, or even worse, sleep with him. I don’t want him kissing you either.”

“Is that because you think it will change how I feel about you?”

“Well that’s part of it,” I admit.

“Are you getting all possessive on me now?”

“Maybe I am. Does that upset you?”

“Well, what if I get possessive if you and Dani or another girl get closer?”

“That’s not going to happen.” I reply. “But would you get possessive?”

“Definitely,” she admits softly. “Although I would try to be good. We should promise to always be friends…no matter what. Okay?”

“With benefits?” I ask confused.

“I want to be with you like this but that’s up to you and the girl. Not everyone can handle the kind of strange set-up Arnauld and I have.”

Not everyone would want to, I think. If you were mine, I would never share you Brooke.


Some time passes before I realize we haven’t spoken for a while and we’re both dozing off. I rub my eyes and gently rock Brooke.

“Brooke, it’s late, I better go.”

She blinks as I rise off the couch. As I take a step forward I sway, all the exhaustion and liquor of the evening hitting me. I drop back down onto the couch and run my hands through my hair. “I don’t think I should drive.” I find my jacket and fish the phone out. “I’m going to call a cab.”

“Don’t be silly,” she insists, taking the phone from me. “Just stay here with me.”

“On the couch?” I ask, not wanting to presume where I would sleep.

“No, just sleep with me. I’ve got a big bed and I promise not to take advantage of you.”