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“Oookay…” She looks so damn confused, it’s kind of adorable.

“So… my mom and dad said the money was mine, however I wanted to use it. They gave me a few options, just to bank it, donate some, invest some, but what they really thought I should do was maybe buy a house near campus. That way I didn’t live on campus and couldn’t be distracted by the ‘college life’, that’s what they called it, no frat houses and stuff. I think they knew that I wanted to focus on ball, and I might get sidetracked if I lived there. They trusted me enough to live on my own and make my own decisions. Plus, when I finished I could rent it out and make a killing because of its location. At the end of the day it was up to me what I did with the money. They would have been fine with me blowing it all in Vegas. Okay, maybe that’s a little far… shit…”

I look at her and she still looks confused. She’s waiting for me to continue, so I do.

“Dad looked at a couple of houses, and one weekend we went up and walked through them all. I ended up buying one, Kayla. It’s this tiny cottage type house, on its own, not an apartment or anything. It has 3 bedrooms and a porch and a little backyard, it’s pretty decent.”

I look at her and wait for her to say something.

“Say something,” I tell her.

“Um, good job? What? I don’t know what you want me to say. That’s awesome, Jake.”

“But you didn’t answer.”

“Did you ask a question?”

Shit, I didn’t. She has no idea where I’m going with this.

“Move in with me?” I ask, looking straight at her.

“WHAT!? I can’t do that, Jake. It’s your house, and you need to focus, that’s why you bought it right?”

“I bought it with the plan that Cam and Logan would live with me. But they want to live the ‘college life’,” I say, rolling my eyes.

“If you really wanted me to live with you, why are you just asking me now?”

“Because I don’t want you to be a stripper!” I blurt out.

“WHAT?!” she says through a laugh.

“I’m just kidding, truth is, I wanted to ask you a long time ago, but I didn’t want you to think I was asking you with like… other intentions. I du

“Jake, stop!” she says, giggling. I’m rambling like an idiot.

The thing is, I really want her to move in with me, even if it’s separate rooms. I just want to be around her, all the time, any way I can. Forever.

“Are you sure?” she asks cautiously.

“More sure than anything, ever.”

“Okay,” she smiles.

“Okay? As in okay, you’re go

She nods her head a few times, smiling back.

“You, Mikayla Jones, have just made me so happy.” I pull her closer to me. She’s straddling my waist now, in her bikini. I grab her ass once and kiss her forehead, I want to do more but she pushes me away and stands up.

“I have so much pla

“We can take a trip tomorrow if you want, I have photos of it on my computer we can look at.”

“Well, come on then, show me…” She stalks towards the house.

“Sure,” I yell out. “Just… I need a minute,” I say, holding up a finger.

She stops and looks at me questioningly. I point to my dick. She laughs out loud, shaking her head and walking through the back door. I got it bad.

Chapter 31


After my dick settles, I head up to my room to get my Macbook and show her the pictures of my house. Our house.

When I get to my room, she’s already there, sitting on the bed, still in her goddamn bikini.

I don’t look at her too long because I know I’m already hard again and I haven’t even touched her. Her, in that bikini, with so little between us, on my bed.

Kill me.

I try to keep my breathing even and try not to trip over my own feet as I walk to sit at my desk. I open my macbook and switch it on, then turn around to tell her a bit about the house.

When I turn she’s right in front of me, my eyes level with her tits, her nipples poking out through her bikini top.


She sits on my lap and turns us in the chair so were facing my desk again. She’s wearing virtually nothing and I’m in workout shorts, the material so thin I’m sure we can feel each other.

She makes a strangled moan as she situates herself to get more comfortable. On. My. Dick.

I rest my chin on her shoulder and start pressing buttons on my macbook to bring up the photos.

Her hair smells like roses, it always smells like roses. I run my nose across her jaw, breathing her in.

She sighs and moves on me, moaning so quietly you’d miss it if it wasn’t the only sound in the room.

I have to clear my throat a few times before words even begin to come out.

“So, this is the house from the outside…” I start, trying so hard to keep my mind from going where it’s going.

“Uhuh,” she says, but her eyes are closed and she’s breathing heavily.

My mouth goes dry.

I move to the next picture.

“And this is the kitchen…”

“mmhmm” her eyes are still closed, her lips parted, almost panting. She’s moving on me, so slowly.

I move to the next one.

“And this is-"

My words get cut off when she grabs my hand and lowers it to her stomach, lower and lower until they’re down her bikini bottoms and I’m touching her.

“Fuck,” I grunt out into her shoulder, as she starts riding my fingers. My dick is so fricken hard I could swing it and hit a home run.

She starts moaning and moving and I can feel her wetness leaking on knuckles. I start to kiss her neck, but she abruptly stands up.

I look at her confused.

Then she turns and sits back down, straddling me, on my chair. She’s kissing my neck and trying to rip my shirt off at the same time, grinding on me, and I’m so fucking close I can’t handle it. I take my cap of and she takes it from my hands. I remove my shirt and she puts my cap back on, backwards, “Keep this on,” she says huskily.


We stare at each other for a minute before she starts ru

She moans and her head falls backwards, giving me perfect access to her neck. I take it with my mouth and start kissing, licking, sucking… moving lower and lower until her nipple is in my mouth and she’s grinding on me, moaning with every movement. My hands move to go under the front of her bikini but she grabs it and opens her eyes. My mind’s so buzzed with lust I have no idea what’s going on. She’s still holding my hand when she whispers, “Lock your door, Jake.”

So I do.

I roll us in the chair, in the same position, over to my door, and I lock it.

The next second, she’s on her knees in front of me, pulling my dick out of my shorts.

“Fuck, Kayla.” I don’t know if the words are actually said, but I know I sure as hell think it.

Just before her head dips down I stop her.

“Are you doing this because I asked you to move in with me, like a tha-"

She laughs once. “No, Jake, I’m doing this because I want to. Because I’ve wanted to for so long now. Because you fucking turn me so much and being around you all the time is driving me fucking crazy. And because I so much more than a lot like you.”