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His hands reach out to take both of mine, his fingers playing with the rings on my right hand. He lifts it to his mouth and kisses my ring finger, like it’s the most natural thing in the world for him.

“So that was crazy, right? What Logan said,” he asks.

“Yeah, I mean, I guess so. But not everyone finds someone they want to be with this young. Even for a little bit, you know?”

“Yeah,” he agrees. “It sucks for him. Not having someone, I mean.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

A comfortable silence falls over us for a few minutes, both of us looking elsewhere.

Then he laughs a little, “You know my parents still make out like teenagers sometimes, I’ve seen it.”

“Really?” I ask. “That’s so fricken cute.”

“You mean gross?”

We’re looking at each other now.

“No, Jake,” I say quietly, shaking my head, “I mean cute. Could you imagine finding someone you can’t keep your hands off?”

He laughs once, “Yeah, Kayla. I can actually.” He’s looking straight at me.

“And then like, 20 years from now, you still feel the same way. Could you imagine how good that would be?” I ask.

He’s still staring at me, concentrating on my words, “Yeah, Kayla. I can imagine exactly what it would be like.”

His gaze is so intense.

Like looking into the sun.

I have to look away.

He stands up abruptly and pulls me up with him. We walk and end up sitting on the edge of the dock, our feet in the water, him sitting behind me, me between his legs, looking out into the water.

“It’s nice out here.” I say.

“Mmhmm,” he murmurs.

His arms are around my waist, hands folded together on my lap. His chin on my shoulder.

I feel his nose move to behind my ear and I hear him inhale deeply.

“Did you just sniff me?” I ask, giggling a little.

“Yep,” he says, popping the ‘p’, “You just smell so goddamn good, Kayla.”

His hand moves my hair to one side and his nose rubs the back of my neck a few times.

Then his nose is replaced by his mouth and I shiver under his touch. Goosebumps breaking out on my skin and not from the cold.

He’s kissing me softly and slowly, and his mouth goes lower down my back, my skin bare from my tank top. He kisses down a line in the middle of my back until my tank covers me and then he begins to move upwards again.

I don’t say anything. It takes everything I have to try to keep my breath even and avoid moaning out in pleasure.

His mouth finds my shoulder and he opens his mouth, his tongue coming out licking, then he sucks the skin there.

It’s so erotic. I’m rubbing my legs together trying lessen the tension that’s building. His hard as a rock behind me, I can feel it through his shorts, rubbing against my ass.

His hands move to my thighs and his palms are flattened on the inside of them as he slowly pushes my legs further apart, my short denim skirt shifting higher with the movement.

My head tilts back at the thought of what he’s going to do and I can feel the wetness soaking through my panties. I want him so badly to touch me, any part of me. His left hand roams higher on my stomach until it’s just under my breast, his right hand moving higher on my thigh, my body shakes with anticipation.

His left hand moves higher until it’s softly cupping my breast, and I groan with the feel of it. His right hand moves so his fingers are grazing the outside of my panties. Right there.

He strokes me a couple of times, through the material, before he stops and breathes out heavily.

“Fuck,” he mutters, more to himself than me. “You’re soaked, Kayla.”

“What do you expect?” I breath out. “You’re touching me.”

He groans softly then moves my panties to the side and slips one finger in.

My mouth instantly goes dry and I begin panting, my chest heaving with my heavy breaths.

“Shit,” he growls, then removes his hands from me. I whimper at the loss.

“Kayla,” he says, his voice hoarse, his hands on either side of him now.

It takes me a while to find my voice and calm down. “Mmm?” I finally get out. I turn my head to look at him. His face right there, within an inch of mine, our lips almost touching.

“I think… I think… that maybe, I mean, I think I’m fall-"



“Fuck,” we both say.

Chapter 30


“It’s official, I’m going to be a homeless, jobless college student.” I huff out, picking at my fries.

Jake and I are sitting at a picnic table near the concession stand at the batting cages, the rest of his friends are here too.

“Maybe I should defer for a year, save up some money and work full time?” I ask, more to myself than anything.

He looks at me for a while. “You don’t have any other choice? Surely there’s financial aide or something?”

“It’s too late for that, college starts in a few weeks.” I’m sad. I’ve looked at all options and it all leads to dead ends.

Lucy and Cam come to sit with us. Heidi is watching Dylan bat, Logan’s pitching to him. He sure as shit is no Jake.

“What are we talking about?” Cam asks, pinching one of my fries. I shove the whole thing at him. I’m too depressed to eat.

“Just how I’ll get to experience college, while living on the streets, panhandling for cash.” I fake pout as I watch the others at the cages.

“Why don’t you ju-" Cam starts before cutting himself off.

I turn back to him, he’s looking away. I look to Lucy and Jake and they won’t look at me.

“Why don’t I just what?” I ask them all.

“Um, nothing… I was just going to say…” Cam stumbles around his words for a while, obviously thinking of something to say. “I know, Stripper! You could totally do that.”

Lucy smacks her palm on his forehead, he flinches and rubs at it. “You, my dear Cameron, are a pig!” she states.

They all chuckle for a little.

“You guys laugh now, but I may end up having to.”

Jake stops laughing instantly.


“Hey, so there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

I lightly kick Kayla’s bare legs.

It’s a couple hours after we get home from the cages, late afternoon.

She’s laying in the back yard in a white bikini.

She’s hot as hell.

She sits up and moves her sunglasses to the top of her head.

I sit down in front of her, position my legs under hers and pull her towards me so she’s straddling my legs, but not so close that my junk is touching hers. Just enough so I can look at her and maybe touch her, just a little.

She looks at me, and waits.

I take my cap off, run my hand through the back of my hair, then put my cap back on, backwards, so she can see me.

“I uhh… shit.” I blow out a breath.

“Whats wrong, Jake?… you’re like… all nervous and sweaty and… what’s going on?”

“So my grandma…” I start, she sits back a bit, confused about where this is going. “She started a college fund for me when I was born.”

She relaxes a little.

“Anyway…” I continue, “she started this fund, I don’t know, mom says she comes from a family with old money, whatever that means. Anyway, the money was there when I finished high school, but the thing is, I mean, I obviously got a full scholarship so I didn’t really end up needing the money for that.”