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Wayne was like special forces and all that shit. THAT is exactly what I need! Not some dumb boy who's going to argue on the phone with me as to whether or not I need help.

I must've got Wayne's attention because he comes ru

Wayne is rapidly assessing the area with his eyes. I think he thinks I was attacked, and there's a rapist ru

"Jadyn, what's wrong? Why are you on the coffee table?"

I put my finger up to my lips to tell him to shush, and then I slowly, secretly point down at the spider on the floor. The spider has been sitting halfway between the patio door and me. It's been staring at me, sizing me up, trying to figure out just how many webs it will take to catch me and make me a year's worth of meals. But when it heard Wayne's voice, it moved ninety degrees to face him. I'm feeling a little scared for Wayne, but he's ex-military, right?

He can deal, I would think.

Wayne looks down at the massive spider. And what does this ex-special forces guy do?

He shudders and shakes his head at me. "HOLY SHIT!! That's a big fucking spider. Spiders give me the willies."

"Me too. The spider has been staring at me, pla

"I can see that."

But Wayne's brave, so he says, "You got any big gloves?"

About twenty minutes later, Phillip strolls leisurely through the front door.

"Phillip, it's been TWENTY minutes. The office is only six minutes away DURING morning traffic! You didn't even hurry!"

"I needed to get gas. So where is this HUGE spider?" He looks at me in that way. That way people do when they think you're a stupid idiot, and they're just humoring you.

Which makes me really mad.

"Phillip, you should've been so worried about me that you drove over here on fumes, and when the car ran out of gas, you should've ditched it, and ran as fast as you could to save me."

He rolls his eyes at me. "I think maybe we're being a tad overdramatic?"

"No! I AM NOT! And you missed out. Wayne was outside in his yard, and so I screamed like a maniac from the coffee table. He came over and saved me, and the spider was so big, it gave even him the willies. And he's an ex-RANGER! And I'm just little old me!!!"

Phillip starts to protest, but I continue. "Yes, Phillip, the ex-ranger, special forces, top military guy told me he wished he brought his gun it was so big. And yes, he did kill it. Well, eventually."


"Yes, well, first, he put on oven mitts because I didn't have any kind of protective gloves. He also used a spatula, which is now in the trash. Then he took a paper bag and like herded the spider into the bag with the spatula. He has the spider in the bag on his deck if you'd like to go now and see its carcass."

I watch Phillip go over to Wayne's deck. Wayne walks in his condo, comes back out with beers for the two of them, and shows him the bag.

I go on a massive spider hunt. Checking everywhere I can think of, making sure he had no friends in my house.

Phillip comes back over with a beer in his hand. "Wow. I'm sorry. That WAS a big freaking spider."

"I know. I'm very traumatized," I pout.

He sets his beer down, pulls me in close, and starts kissing down my neck. "Let's see if I can help you forget about the spider."

"Phillip, you didn't save me. You don't get to have thank you sex. I should be having sex with Wayne."

"Hmmmm, but I'm here now, and he's calling all his friends to come over and see the dead spider."

He lets go of me, and for a second, I'm worried he doesn't want me after all. But he gives me a grin, locks the patio door, then picks me up and throws me over his shoulder like I'm a sack of something.

I scream and giggle as Phillip carries me through the maze of boxes and into our bedroom. He tosses me on the spider free bed.

"I think maybe I need to earn my own, uh, special forces badge."

And, wow.

Oh my.

I really should find big spiders and have a neighbor kill them for me more often.


I don't know about special forces, but I'm pretty sure Phillip could medal in sexual olympics.

Phillip and I are in the car heading to Kansas City. He's signed a lease on a temporary office space, and we're actually ordering the office furniture today. Once we're done, we're meeting Lori and Da

Phillip excitedly says, "I got an email yesterday. The custom Nikes just shipped!"

I'm about to reply when my phone buzzes. I look down and see a text from Da


I'm about to type a smart ass remark about him needing me, but then I notice how the words are all in capitals, and there are no winky faces. A feeling of dread washes over me. Something's wrong.

Me:  Da



Me:  Do you want us to come? I'll cancel our appointments.


Me:  You won't. Like you can't. We'll be there as fast as we can. What happened?


I told him we'd be there as fast as we can, but I can't say anything to Phillip.

Not yet.

I can barely breathe.

I'm in the middle of a flashback.

Phillip's talking on the phone with his dad.

We're rushing to the hospital.

Phillip's dad meets us at the door.

He takes my hands and tells me my mom didn't make it.

I'm rushing up to see my dad.

It's been four years, but it feels like yesterday.

I close my eyes.

I see my dad.

I hear him say, Angel.

I lay my head on his chest.

He stops breathing.

Phillip says, "Princess, what's wrong? Why do you look like you just saw a ghost?"

I close my eyes tight and take a deep breath. "Da

Phillip grabs my hand tightly, looks worried, and drives faster. "We'd better hurry then."

While Phillip drives, I say a very long prayer.

I pray that they're okay. I plead with God not to take them away from me too.

I'm surprised I still pray. I prayed hard for my dad, but it didn't work. I hope it works today. I've texted Da

After what seems like an eternity, but is really only a couple hours later, we pull up to the hospital. We get out of the car, and Phillip grabs my hand, pulling me quickly toward the hospital entrance.