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"Here's a little secret for you, Jadyn James. I was going to tell you I loved you that night. You would've been the first girl I ever said it to that I felt like I really meant it. Like I wasn't just saying it for sex. I was also going to give you my fraternity pin. Make it official."

"You wanted to pin me? I would've passed my candle, got serenaded, and everything?"

"Yeah, you would have."

"So why didn't you ask?"

"I was kinda nervous. I wasn't sure how you felt. It bothered me how tight you and Phillip were. Da

"And I told you Da

"I know, but you lived with them both. You never once invited me to stay with you. You always stayed at the frat house, and I don't know, I was nervous, then I got drunk, then things got all fucked up. You know the rest."

"The rest. As in I left."

"I felt so bad the next day that I called my mom. She told me to send you the prettiest roses I could find and to send lots of them. I said I was really sorry on the card. I even signed it love Jason, but it didn't work."

"The problem was, it seemed like it wasn't just that one time. Like you were always looking for a fight. I was used to being around guys that avoided fights. That didn't need to prove their worth by fighting. I realized that wasn't the kind of guy I wanted to be with."

"I'm not like that anymore. I've grown up, graduated, got a good job, and I know what I want. I think it's fate I ran into you tonight."

"I'm glad you got your life together, Jason. I'm happy for you. So what is it you want?"


"Me? I'm engaged!"

"Yeah, but you're ONLY engaged. You aren't married yet. Officially, you're still single."

"But I wa

"I think you should marry me."

"Marry you?"

"You have to admit, we had fun together. And this summer when we hooked up, it was amazing. We have amazing chemistry."

"We were both drunk, and you never called. I wouldn't call that amazing chemistry."

"I got the feeling you didn't want me to call. Like you were maybe sorta dating someone."

"Oh, so my maybe sorta dating someone scared you away, but my being freaking engaged doesn't?"

"Let me see the ring."

I proudly show him all two gorgeous carats of it. Even in the dark bar, you can see how it catches the light. I love my ring.

Jason holds my hand and studies it. "I could do way better than that."

I know that's his way of slamming Phillip. Like the ring isn't big enough or something. What he doesn't realize is that it's the ring of my dreams, so he totally just slammed my taste too.

He gets off the barstool and wraps his arm around my waist. "Marry me instead."

I open my mouth to say something, but he's like, "I'm not done. Don't settle for marrying your friend. That's what people do when they can't find anyone else. Like if we're not married by the time we're thirty, we marry each other.

"It's not like that with Phillip."

"I think it is. I think if you and Phillip were that amazing together, you would've gotten together in college. I'm serious, marry me. We'll call Phillip afterwards and break it to him gently. Tell him the wedding's off, that we got married. We'll fly to Vegas tonight, get a suite at the Four Seasons, and buy you a new ring. A ring that will put this one to shame. I'm talking massive. Five or six carats, all for you. Then we'll find you a sexy white dress and get married."

"Your parents would kill you."

"Not once I told them who I ran away with. You'd have anything your heart desires. Always. That's what I can give you, Jadyn James."

With Phillip's coldness tonight and my total insaneness (even if it's happy insaneness) with the wedding pla

I look at Jason.

Jason is adorable and sexy, and I'm kinda flattered by this.

I mean, now I have two guys who wa

"Jadyn James, I do love you. Marry me, and I promise you a great life. What do you say?"

"I say you should've told me you loved me and pi

He looks embarrassed. "I tried to tell you, after."

"What do you mean?"

"I went to your house after I sent the flowers, but you weren't there. Phillip answered the door, told me it'd probably be best if I left you alone. Da

Well, shoot. Now I feel sorry for Jason. I feel bad I didn't thank him for the flowers, and that I didn't hear what he had to say. I got mad, and hurt, and I walked away. Someday, I'm go

I remember after Phillip picked me up from the dance. I ate ice cream and whined on his shoulder. I really liked Jason, but Phillip told me I shouldn't be with a boy who didn't treat me with respect. He told me I deserved better. He sounded just like my dad did when he used to talk about Jake, and for the first time ever, I took Phillip's advice concerning a boy.

"Jason, I'm sorry I didn't thank you for the flowers."

"It's okay," he says, and seeing a flicker of hope, he wraps me in a hug. I don't mind the hug because it feels like one of those closing-a-chapter-of-your-life hugs.

Well, it does until Jason starts hugging my ass. "I'm serious, Jadyn. Vegas tonight? Happily ever after?"

Happily ever after.

I can't help it. Whenever those words cross my mind, I see Phillip's face. I know he's my happily ever after even if he did ignore me tonight. I sure hope I'm right about Phillip.

"I can't. I love Phillip. I wouldn't want to hurt him."

Jason gets his haughty look. "He'd get over it."

"Maybe I'm not that easy to get over, Jason," I say in a smart ass tone. The thought of Phillip getting over me easily makes me mad.

Jason snarls back. "Fine, but when you divorce your friend in six months because you were wrong, don't come looking for me. This is a one-time offer."

"Then you don't really love me, and I definitely made the right decision. Good to see you, Jason."

He's like, "Whatever."

I grab the full pitchers off the bar, yell at the bartender to put it on my tab, and hurry back to the safety of my friends.

Even though I know I did the right thing, my encounter with Jason has my mind spi

Phillip waited up for me. "So did ya have fun? Who all was there?"

"Katie, Lisa, Joey, Neil, and, um, Jason O'Co

"I hate that guy."

"So I heard. He told me how he came to the house to apologize and what you said to him."