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"I think we should start someday today and buy it. I thought you'd be more excited about this."

OMG. I might start hyperventilating.

"Really? Are you serious? I didn't think you were interested. I didn't wa

"Well, that was before I had that kind of money sitting in the bank."

I smile. BIG.

"So Princess, is that a yes?"

I fling myself on Phillip, jump into his arms, and wrap my legs around his waist. He twirls me around while I kiss him.

"That's a yes," I finally say. "In case you couldn't tell."

"I figured. Hell, I didn't get this much excitement out of the ring. Should we go tell them we'll take it?"

"Not just yet," I say. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him some more.

Phillip was looking much like Cooper tonight after work. He was laying across the couch with the remote control glued to his hand.

I laid across him and started doing some things he likes, usually a surefire way to get him into bed with me. All of a sudden, this a

Now I'm sorry, but you could have a two-hour romp in bed, come back, and the golf game would be going pretty much the same. And excuse me, but isn't this why they created highlights and DVRs?

I probably should have jumped up and down naked. I probably should have screamed, I need some attention here!

Instead, I asked if he wanted to grab a drink with some friends.

He said, "Naw, you go, I'm tired."

So now, I'm headed to the bar. Talk about looking for attention in all the wrong places. I'm also wondering if Pastor John is prophetic.

Is Phillip getting sick of me already?

Is he going to stop wanting me?

I'm sort of embarrassed to admit it, but this bar is like my second home. Not quite the home Keggers was down in Lincoln, but it's where we all hang out here in Omaha. It's rare that I don't see lots of people I know.

But tonight is different. There are a lot of guys here that I don't recognize.

It's like they dropped off a busload from the hot guy's home.

I mean seriously, Phillip is hot.

We know that.

And most guys don't even come close in my opinion. A guy has to like have it all for me to even give him a second glance. I'm not into ski

Normally, my typical guy is like a real man. He could be a mechanic, or a cowboy, or a linebacker, whatever, but he has to have good muscles and an adorable smile.

Oh, and good teeth.


But I do like a perfect smile.

And tonight, it's like someone is holding a casting call for Jadyn's Perfect Type. Cuz as I'm sca

Later, when I walk back to use the restroom, four guys hit on me. Even after I said I was engaged, they kept trying.

I swear, I didn't even flirt back. I was too shocked to flirt.

When I get back from the bathroom and sit down next to Joey, Katie, Lisa, and Neil, I realize a cosmic shift has occurred.

Is it because it's the first time I've been here alone since we got engaged?

Does an engagement ring make a girl more attractive?

Do all the boys realize I'm serious about settling down, and so now I'm a more attractive mate?

Or am I more attractive to them because I'm committed, and it could just be a no strings attached fling?

Or has the shift changed me and how I look at guys? Like you want what you can't have.

Do I really wa

Phillip is so structured, and there is security in that. But what if I want something different? Like, I love desserts. My very favorite is chocolate cheesecake, but if I had to eat it every night, wouldn't I get sick of it?

What's so wrong with wanting to have like a piece of apple pie one night and maybe a nice poundcake with strawberries the next?

I think Barbie may have been on to something.

A really hot guy sits down next to me. He was one of the guys I turned down on the way to the bathroom.

And he's hot.

Not the Phillip, sweet dreamy kind of hot, but more the Da

Like he's really hot. Did I say that already?

But the more he talks, well, the more bored I get.

I guess I do like a little brain behind the brawn. If a guy can't get my very witty and amazingly intelligent sarcasm, then he's a dud.

I want this guy to leave, so I flash the engagement ring his way again, but I think he might be too dense to know what it means.

Normally, Joey and Neil would be all over it. Like they'd just tell the guy to leave. That I'm taken. But Neil is busy fawning over Katie, and Joey is trying to pick up some chick. Lisa is drooling over the guy, but she's trying to act disinterested.

I touch her arm and say, "I'm going to the bar." I said it in a way that let her know the guy was all hers, and I would take my time coming back.

I grab the two empty pitchers off our table, say something vague about being back, and head to the bar for refills.

The bar is super busy, so I squeeze between two guys sitting at the bar, swing the pitchers onto the bar, stick my boobs out, and flash a big grin in the bartender's direction.

The guy sitting to my right spins his barstool around, and I find myself standing between Jason O'Co

Jason purrs, "Jadyn James, look at you all gorgeous and shiny."

Jason has always called me Jadyn James because his name is Jason James O'Co

"I hear you got engaged."

"How did you hear that?"

"My parents told me. They also told me I should've never let you get away. They always ask me about you, how your doing and stuff. They thought you were smart, fu

"Aw, that's so nice. I liked your parents too."

"What about me?"

"What do you mean, what about me?"

"Did you like me?" He gives me an adorably sweet little curve of his textbook lips and a flash of expensive and perfect teeth. "Did you love me?"

I think about how to answer that.

"At the time, I thought I was in love with you."

"I was in love with you," he says sweetly. "I think I'm still in love with you."

I ignore the still in love with you part and say, "It felt like we were in love, but you never told me."

"Remember your winter formal?"

"How could I forget that? You ruined it!"

"No, before that, before I got drunk. How did you feel about the night, about me?"

"I felt great. Had a hot date, loved my dress, loved my hair. Honestly, before you got drunk, the night felt kinda special. I mean, it seemed like it was go