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Me: Because you lost your virginity to her and she didn’t really love you?

Dallas: Ha! No. I’m pissed because I spent a bunch of money on her and then she does that. Although, really, we had no long-term potential. She’s way too high strung for me. It was like dating Tigger with boobs.

Me: OMG. She totally does bounce around like Tigger. Still, I’m sorry.

Dallas: I’ll survive. It’s not like we were going out. I’m still talking to other girls.

Me: Good. I’ll see you later.

Me: Dawson and I are in our hotel room. Where are you?

Katie: I’m at the dorm.

Me: Dallas told me you got drunk and were making out with Tyrese?

Katie: I think maybe it was more than making out. A lot more. I think we had sex. What if I get pregnant????!!!

Me: Oh, wow. Why do you think you had sex? Do you remember it?

Katie: Kind of. I remember thinking we were going to and then that’s it. I’m so embarrassed. And I’m FREAKING out. I think he was drunk too. What if we didn’t use anything?

Me: CALM down. It will be okay. Are you okay? Do you want me to come home?

Katie: No. But do you think maybe you could talk to him? I’ve been throwing up and I look like shit. A

Me: Did he take advantage of you?

Katie: I wanted to leave with him. Would I have if I wasn’t drunk? No.

Dawson sees me frowning. “What’s going on?”

“Katie hooked up with Tyrese last night. Well, this morning, I guess, after the party. But she was really drunk and isn’t sure what happened. She’s freaking out because she’s pretty sure they had sex. Katie’s not on the pill or anything, so if they did it and didn’t use protection . . .”

“She’s been getting drunk a lot. It’s getting a

“I know. I talked to her about it. What should we do? Should I just call him and ask him if they did?”

He pops another French fry in his mouth, chews it while thinking, then says, “Let me.”

I give him a kiss on the cheek. “You are so adorably sweet. You know that, right?”

“I don’t think I do,” he teases. “Why don’t you show me?”

“Text Tyrese, then I will probably be needing a shower.”

“I was thinking we could stay here until almost curfew. Do all sorts of fun stuff. Enjoy the privacy.”

“That sounds like the perfect day. Room service and you.”

I lean back on the bed and stretch out like a cat while Dawson is texting.

“They did hook up. Twice. He says they may have used a condom the first time but not the second. He was drunk too.”

“That’s bad.”

He shakes his head. “It’s definitely not good. You know, he’s gotten at least two other girls pregnant.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“He’s not at all careful.”

I start to text Katie then put my phone down on the bed. “I can’t tell her this over a text.”

He studies my face for a second. “Tell her we’re heading there.”

“You are seriously the sweetest boy I have ever met,” I tell him as we’re packing up.

He sets his bag on the bed and pulls me into his arms. “I love you. And she’s your friend. You need to be there for her.”

“I know, but a lot of guys would say it’s her problem and to stay in bed with them.”

“Oh, trust me, I thought about it. But I know you won’t be able to stop worrying about her. And it’s not like we can’t come back here if we want. Or go to my room.”

On the short drive back to school, I text Katie.

Me: Dawson and I are on our way.

Katie: OMG!! I look horrible!

Me: He won’t care.

Katie: We did, didn’t we?

Me: Yeah.

Dawson sits on Katie’s bed and tells her what he knows.

Katie starts bawling, so Dawson pulls her into a hug.

I sit on my bed with A

I look at A

She looks shell-shocked and I can tell what’s going on in her mind.

She mutters, “I’m never, ever having sex in high school.”

I grab her hand. “You’ve been an awesome friend to Katie. Thank you for that.”

“I don’t know what to do. I have no experience with stuff like this. What do we do? Just wait and pray she’s not pregnant?”

“Um, no. Hell no. We need to get her that Plan B pill.”

“What’s that?”

“The morning after pill?”

“Oh, I’ve heard of that. I guess I never really knew what it was for.”

“Basically, if your birth control fails, you can take it. But I’m pretty sure you have to be eighteen to get it without a prescription.”

“So we have to tell someone?”

“That or she has to call her doctor for a prescription.”

“She’s not go

“No, I wouldn’t think so. Do you think boys can get it?” I ask, looking at Dawson, my eighteen-year-old boyfriend.

“Let me look online,” A

“What’s it say?”

“It says that she needs to take it right away. They say the sooner the better but there’s a 72-hour window. Some things I’m reading say 17, others say 18. So I’m not sure. But definitely anyone, boy or girl, can get it if they’re over 18.”

I go sit down next to Dawson and Katie. She’s calmed down some. “Okay, so the first thing we need to worry about is pregnancy. You need to take the Plan B pill. Like right away.”

“I’m not calling my doctor. He’s friends with my parents!”

“Well, if you were eighteen, you wouldn’t need a prescription but since . . .”

Dawson interrupts me. “I’m eighteen. I’ll go.”

Like I said, the sweetest boy ever. And if I wasn’t sure before, I am now.

I am in love with Dawson.

Katie gives me a huge hug, then starts crying again. “I feel so bad. So guilty. So slutty. So stupid.”

“It’ll be okay,” I say, praying that it will be.

Dawson grabs my hand. “Ride into town with me?”

As we’re walking back out to his car, I ask, “Shouldn’t we make Tyrese do this? Shouldn’t he have to take some responsibility? I feel like we should make him. But I don’t want to embarrass Katie by involving him.”

“Tyrese is a friend. He’s fun to party with, but he isn’t respectful of women. To him, they are all hoes. I know for a fact that he won’t help. He got a girl from the dance team pregnant last year. Hers was one of the spots you tried out for. We’re better off taking care of it ourselves.”

Monday, October 10th

Putting it out there.


It’s the typical Monday morning after a big dance. Half the people who went together don't ever want to go out with that person again and the other half are all lovey-dovey.

Riley is clearly in the lovey half.

"I think I'm go

"I think if you want to be exclusive, that's a good idea. Are you talking to anyone else?"

"No! I stopped talking to other girls when I started talking to her. Is she still talking to other guys?"

“Um, I think so."


"Remember when you first asked her to hang out and she was still talking to a guy from home?”

“Yeah. Has she hung out with him?"

“No. But I know they still text each other."

“That kind of pisses me off."

"I don't think it should. Have you told her she's the only one you're talking to?"


"Then I don't think you can be mad. Just talk to her."

"Now I don't want to."

"Don't be a brat. You survived Homecoming and don't hate each other,"

"What Katie did to Dallas was pretty shitty.”

"Yeah, it was. How’s he doing?"