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“Do you like watching girls grind on each other?”

“I like it better when we grind on each other. Don't forget you promised me a dance.”

“I won’t.”

“Great shoes by the way.”

“You noticed my shoes?”

“Yeah. The stones on the heels were catching the light when you were dancing. It looked really cool. Peyton asked me to take some pictures. Wa

He holds up his phone and scrolls to a picture of us dancing. There is light dancing all around my feet.

“Oh, that is cool. Will you send me that?”

“Sure. So did you do that to Whitney?”

I laugh. “Yeah. She got the Barbie Goes Clubbing makeover.”

“I’m surprised.”

“That I'm nice to people?”

“That you're nice to her after what she did to you.”

“Honestly, I mostly did it for Jake. He's my friend. And if that means Whitney won't hate me as much, all the better.”

“Just when I thought I had you all figured out, you surprise me again.”

I load up a plate with bacon and other breakfast foods.

“Was it a good surprise?”

His eyes bore into mine.

He nods, then smiles and steals a piece of bacon off my plate, popping it into his mouth. “This is good. We did good with the party, don’t you think?”

I look around. “Yeah, Aiden, we did good.”

I finish filling our plates with some fruit, a couple muffins, fried hashbrown patties, and French toast sticks. I don’t even think about the calories. I know I’ll burn them off dancing.

Dawson laughs about how much I eat of the kind of junk food I usually avoid.

“We're go

He pulls my hand up to his lips and kisses the back of it. “I can think of some fu

The party starts out fun, but as the night rolls on, the drama grows.

We take a break from dancing and Whitney runs to the restroom.

She comes marching back out with a pissed look on her face. Rachel and the minions are behind her and they all look to be in tears.

“Those backstabbing bitches,” she rants. “They all practically jumped me in the bathroom and bitched me out for dancing with you. For coming in the limo with you.”

“Well, I am practically your sworn enemy. You’ve confused them. They don’t know who the hell to like.”

Whitney breaks out in laughter. “They couldn’t find their ways out of a paper bag without me.”

“I don’t know what you said to them, but they’re all crying.”

“They’re all drunk. Which is something I am not.” She reaches in Jake’s pocket, grabs his flask, and drinks whatever was left.

Then she looks at Dawson. He takes the flask out of his pocket and hands it to her. The three of them do multiple shots.

Once it’s finished, Jake and Dawson go on a hunt for more alcohol.

I sip on my water for a few minutes and then go back out to dance.

Maggie is dancing with Parker, Nick, Logan, and Aiden, so I join them. Hard to believe that two of the hottest guys at school don’t have dates.

Aiden tells me it’s time for our dance and pulls me into his arms.

I pull out of his arms and dance with a more respectable distance between us but, really, we’re all sort of grinding on each other.

For the first time all night, they play a slow song. Aiden pushes his leg between mine and moves his hips against me. I feel the fog in my brain start to collect. Like it always does when I’m near him.

But, no.

I can’t.

“I told you, I can't dance with you like that anymore.”

He grins at me. “Can't blame a guy for trying.”

I gave him a sad smile. I had fun dancing with him. I don't know what kind of game he's trying to play. Maybe it’s just that gods are used to getting their way. Or maybe not getting a Homecoming date bruised his ego.

“What?” he says when he sees my pout.

I shake my head. “I’m just disappointed that you'd say that. But it shouldn't be a surprise. Have fun tonight, Aiden.”

I stop at the dessert table, grab a cheesecake square, then go sit down with Whitney.

“The boys still aren’t back,” she slurs.

I can tell that the alcohol she was chugging early is starting to affect her.

While I’m eating my cheesecake, I notice that Whitney is watching Peyton and Camden, who are doing some very dirty dancing right in front of us.

Jake and Dawson finally make it back to our table. Jake is stumbling a bit.

“Where have you been?” Whitney yells at him.

He goes to sit down, misses the chair, and falls flat on his ass.

Dawson drags him to his feet and helps him sit on the barstool.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Mission accomplished,” he says. He slides a flask under the table to her. She openly chugs from it.

I give Dawson a kiss. I can tell he’s a little tipsy and I’m happy he’s not drunk like Jake.

I hand him my bottle of water.

He takes a swig and says, “We’re heading back to the hotel now. I just called the driver.”

“That sounds like a good idea.”

“Jake and Whitney both drunk is going to get ugly. I don’t want them to ruin our night. I’ve had the best night with you.”

I give him another kiss. “I’ve had the best night with you too.”

He grabs my hand and says, “Come on, Jake. Let’s go.”

As we head out the door, Peyton and Camden follow us.

“Hey, bro, can we hitch a ride back to the hotel?”

“Yeah, sure,” Dawson says.

We all pile into the limo.

Whitney is swaying just sitting still. She’s looking from Dawson to Jake to Camden and it sort of reminds me of when I was standing in my entryway with Sander, Brooklyn, and Cush and wondering what in the world made me think having them all in one place was a good idea.

I guess at least she’s drunk.

Jake has his arm sloppily wrapped around her.

She whispers to Jake, but she’s drunk, so we all hear exactly what she says to him.

And I probably won’t be repeating it.

She tries to give both Dawson and Camden one of those looks that tell a guy that he doesn’t know what he’s missing.

Dawson and Camden laugh at her.

She ignores them, pushes Jake into a corner of the limo, and starts making out with him.

Dawson pulls me a little closer and says quietly, “I ordered us room service. It will be there when we get back.”

“Yum. What did you order?”

“Chocolate covered strawberries to go with the rest of our champagne and . . .”

“URRGGGG,” goes Whitney, and then proceeds to puke all over the floor of the limo, somehow, thankfully, managing not to get a drop on my leather skirt.

Got to give the girl points for that.

She wipes her mouth on Jake’s jacket then lies across the back seat of the limo and starts crying.

Jake slides away from her, holding his hand up to his mouth. Then he starts gagging.

I quickly reach over to roll down the window just as Camden gags and adds to the pile of puke on the floor.

Jake sticks his head out of the window like a dog.

Peyton leans over to me and says, “Is this awesome or what?”

Sunday, October 9th

Tigger with boobs.


Dawson and I wake up late in the afternoon.

“I’m starving,” he says, as his stomach growls.

“Me too.”

We grab the menu, decide what we want, and he orders it.

When he sets down the phone, he attacks my neck and says something about how we have twenty-five minutes to kill.

While we’re eating, I hear my phone buzz.

I dig around the room, find my bag, and check my messages.

Katie: Where the HELL ARE YOU!!! I HAVE to talk to you about last night!!!!!!!

Dallas: Katie was making out with Tyrese last night after you left. Like we were dancing together, having fun. I come back and she’s making out with him. We’re done.

Me: Dallas! Are you okay? Are you upset?

Dallas: I’m more pissed than anything. Really, I feel used.