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"Well, he was still talking to other girls. So he hung out with one of them last night. And one of them is a girl that's in your math class, so next period should be interesting. Do you think Mr. Miremadi would notice if I sat in there, just to watch the fireworks?"

“He never takes roll and none of us ever sit in the same seat. He probably wouldn't notice."

“He doesn’t in our class either, and I have math the following period anyway. If he says anything, I’ll say I got confused.”

“Let’s sit in the back. I want to try and stay out of that mess. I feel bad since I set them up."

"And then she took poor Dallas' virginity."

"I know. And now I'm afraid he's going to feel heartbroken and used."

Riley laughs out loud. The teacher gives him the evil eye and he tries to stop, but he can't.

"What's so fu

"Guys generally don't feel that way about sex. We’re not girls,” he whispers.

We have to stop talking while our history teacher gives his lecture. He stops a few minutes before the bell is due to ring and allows us to talk quietly.

Riley says, “Speaking of Homecoming. We made it through without any kind of incident.”

“I know. I’m feeling better about it. You’re right. It couldn’t have been him. No way he’d wait this long. You can stop sleeping on my floor.”

“Does that mean I get the rug?”

“We’ll see.”

The bell rings, so we gather up our stuff and file out of class. Riley follows me into math, where we take seats in the back.

Katie walks in later, but doesn’t seem to notice us. She sits up front next to Jordan, who she was sort of seeing before Homecoming. I suspect that she was nervous about seeing Dallas and sat next to the first friendly face she saw.

A few minutes later, Dallas strolls in with his arm wrapped around a girl. Not the casual my-arm-is-wrapped-around-her-shoulder but the tight-we-can’t-get-close-enough-around-the-waist version.

Our teacher isn't in the classroom yet. He usually wanders in with his third cup of coffee of the day right before the bell rings.

Dallas acts like he's totally into the girl. She giggles at him and even gives him a kiss before they sit down next to each other.

I glance at Katie. She’s pretending not to watch, but I can tell she is because there are tears shimmering in her eyes.

"I feel bad for Katie," I whisper to Riley.

"I think she deserves it."

"Tyrese took advantage of her."

"Maybe it will teach her a lesson. She’s always drunk. What does she expect? And when she's drunk, she's pretty forward. I didn't tell you this, but she was all over me one night. A girl who keeps putting it out there like that shouldn’t be surprised when someone takes her up on it.”

"Yeah, I guess that's true. She was really freaked out yesterday though.”

"Dawson told me."

"He was so sweet. Like, the way he helped her. I think I fell a little more in love with him."

"Weren't you already in love with him?"

"Yeah, but I don't doubt my feelings anymore."

"So, what should we do about those two? Think it will just blow over?”

"I'm not sure. I think I’ll text her.

Me: You doing okay? He's just trying to hurt you because you hurt him.

Katie: I know. Where are you?

Me: Me and Riley are way in the back. I didn't want to look like I was taking sides. Riley was hoping for fireworks.

Katie: Maybe I should give him some.

Me: Katie, don't. It won't help. Jordan looked like he was being nice to you.

Katie: So I shouldn't yell at Dallas that he sucked in bed?

Me: Did he?

Katie: No. He was sweet. It reminded me of my old boyfriend. A little awkward, but sweet. Like he didn't seem very experienced.

I show Riley her text. "Should I tell her?"

He nods his head yes.

Me: You were his first. He's been with other girls and done stuff, but he was waiting to do it with someone special.

Katie: He thought I was special?

Me: Yeah.

Katie: Fuck my life.

Thrown under the bus.


Dawson is being adorable and feeding me pieces of a juicy orange.

I guess Riley’s not the only one in the lovey-dovey half. I feel blissfully happy.

“You’re so cute,” I whisper to him as Rachel and the minions set their trays on the lunch table.

“You need to take your trays and go sit somewhere else,” Whitney says to them. “You're not welcome here anymore. You’re not going to talk shit about me and then sit at my table.”

Rachel stands there frozen. She’s not sure what to do.

“Wait. Why do we have to leave?” Minion #1 says. “It’s not our fault Rachel’s a bad friend.”

Rachel looks at her in disbelief. She can’t believe she’s being thrown under the bus.

“Who did you vote for?” Whitney asks the girl.

“You,” Minion #1 says.

“And you?” Whitney asks Minion #2.

She glances at Rachel, gives her sorry eyes, then looks straight at Whitney and lies through her teeth. “You, of course.”

Whitney nods at her, like a Queen does to barely acknowledge people.

“And what about you?” she asks Minion #3.

Minion #3 hangs her head and whispers, “Peyton.”

I have a new respect for Minion #3. You gotta give the girl credit for telling the truth.

Whitney has a fiery look in her eye.

“Aren’t you going to ask me why?” the girl asks in an i

Whitney plays along. “Why?”

“Because Rachel told me to.”

Or not.

Wow. This table is like a snake pit.

“The three of you may stay at the table,” Whitney a

Rachel looks at the minions for support. Any kind of support.

None of them will even make eye contact.

So she turns to Peyton.

Peyton glances at Whitney. A silent agreement passes between their eyes. Probably the secret threat.

Rachel says to Peyton, “I voted for you. Do you want me to leave? Whitney doesn’t own this table.”

Peyton takes a deep breath and sits up straighter. “She doesn’t own this table, but you shouldn't have talked trash about her. Friends don't do that to each other.” Then she puts on her bitch face and says, “Bye.”

Rachel is desperate. She points at me and says, “So Keatyn, the girl we all hate, gets to stay? But I have to go?”

“Yes,” Whitney says coolly. “That should be a good indication of my disappointment in you.”

The minions don’t dare look up. They are staring down at their lunches, but not moving to eat them.

“You are the biggest bitch,” Rachel says.

“Better than being a backstabber,” Whitney replies flatly.

Rachel balls up her fists and goes, “Ohhh.” Then she looks at the other girls and says, “We don’t want to sit here anyway. Let’s go.”

The girls don’t move.

They know better.

The girls give Rachel a little headshake, letting her know they have no intention of going anywhere.

Rachel leaves her tray on the table and runs out of the lunchroom crying.

I think about going after her. Telling her that Whitney’s acceptance shouldn’t matter. The only thing that should matter is what you think of yourself.

But since she called me Keatyn, the girl we all hate, I’m thinking I’m not the best person to deliver that message.

Follow my script.


During drama class, our teacher goes over the rehearsal schedule.

“We want a great production, so we expect everyone to attend all rehearsals. If, for some reason, you feel you ca