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He was yelling now, and Leah stood there, her eyes pooling with tears. Because they weren’t talking about Scott anymore.

And all at once, she realized what had happened tonight was so much bigger than him.

On some level Da

And Scott had tossed it in.


“You were just doing what I asked,” she said, her voice trembling, and Da

Her words cut off suddenly as she burst into tears, and she cupped her hand over her mouth.

Saying those words out loud had completely demolished her, because it wasn’t hypothetical anymore. It wasn’t something that might happen someday. That phone call made it real. The date was set. It was so close.

He was in front of her immediately, pulling her into his arms, and she covered her face with her hands as she sobbed into his chest.

“Please don’t cry,” he crooned softly, ru

Leah’s breath hitched as another sob fell from her lips, stifled by his shirt.


His voice was dejected, cracked into a million pieces, and she hiccupped repeatedly, trying to calm down. Da

Everything stopped.

Her tears. Her breathing. Her heart.


Her heart came back alive in her chest, pumping wildly, every beat sending those magnificent words coursing through her body, repairing her from the inside out. And for that one moment, all the guilt and anxiety and fear and frustration vanished. The only thing that existed for her was the immeasurable co

“I love you too,” she whispered, her breath hitching as the tears slipped over her lashes.

He closed his eyes and exhaled, and for a moment, his face relaxed, and everything was gone for him too.

Leah lifted her chin, closing the distance between their mouths, and Da

“So much,” she whispered in between kisses, and Leah felt his lips curve into a smile against hers.

She brought her arms up around his neck, and he tightened his hold on her, lifting her off the floor. Leah wrapped her legs around his hips, and he walked them back to her bedroom, their lips never breaking contact.

As soon as her back hit the bed, she arched up, pulling her sweater over her head, and when she tossed it across the room, she could see that Da

There was urgency in their movements, earnestness in their kisses, fueled by the phone call, the fight, their declarations. Within two minutes of entering the bedroom, their bodies were already joined, and they clung to each other, clutching and clawing and gasping and still needing more. It was like they couldn’t get close enough, and the desperation left them zealous and feral.

The unrelenting movement of Da

The intensity of it left them both gasping and shaking, and they held each other, kissing and whispering until their hearts finally slowed and their breathing evened out.

Eventually, Da

“I have a favor to ask you,” he said softly.



“Why does he want to talk to her?”

“He’s already spoken to her a few times, but they’re finalizing everything now. He’s trying to establish the relationship I had with Bryan. If the judge recognizes that this was about family, and not some college bar brawl, he might be more understanding.”

“So he wants to talk to her about your childhood?”

“Yeah. Our childhood, right up through when it happened.”

“Oh,” she said softly.

“The thing is, I’m not sure how long this meeting with me is go

“I’ll take care of her,” Leah promised softly. “We’ll go get a cup of tea somewhere. Have some girl time.”

“It’s on a weekday, though.”

“So I’ll take the day off.”


“Do what again?” she asked, trailing her fingertips over his waist, and she felt his stomach muscles twitch in response.

“I won’t lose it like that again. Tonight was…” He shook his head. “It’s out of my system.”

Leah lifted her head, resting her chin on his chest as she looked at him. “No, it’s not,” she said softly. “And you can’t expect it to be.”


“I know what you meant before,” she said, laying her head back down on his chest as she played with his fingers. “That you don’t want to live the next two months under a cloud of dread. And I agree. We should try to enjoy as much of it as we can. But there will be days when we can’t ignore it. And that’s okay, Da


“You are incredible,” he said tenderly, ru

“Well, that’s too bad, because you’re stuck with me,” she said, and he smiled up at her, using his hand in her hair to pull her mouth down to his.

The sound of her phone beeping with a text message interrupted the silence, and Leah lifted her head, breaking their kiss.