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“Yeah. I saw it on the hook and was afraid it was go

The towel dropped to the floor as Leah’s hand fell limply to her side, and she pressed her other hand to her forehead.

“Can you tell me the next time you do that, please? I just almost had a heart attack.” She crossed the room to where her jewelry box sat on her dresser.

“Sorry,” he called sheepishly from the closet.

She approached the box and flipped it open with hands that were still shaking.

And then she froze.

The box was completely empty, save for one glittering diamond right in the center.

But it wasn’t her necklace.

It took her a second to register what she was looking at, and when it finally clicked, she whirled around.

Her eyes landed on Da

All at once her legs felt too feeble to support the weight of her body, and Leah reached behind her and gripped the edge of the dresser, trying to keep herself steady.


“I spent sixteen months away from you, Leah,” he said, his voice rough with emotion. “And I don’t ever want to be without you again.”

Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew she should be taking it all in, memorizing every last detail of what was happening: how gorgeous he looked in his suit, the way his tousled black hair adorned the blue of his eyes, the way his lip trembled ever so slightly with the effort to contain his nerves, or his emotion, or both.

There was a strange pressure building in her chest, making her feel like she was about to laugh hysterically or burst into tears.


She dropped to her knees then. Not just because her legs had given up on supporting her, but because she needed to be as close to him as possible.

“Yes,” she said through a tearful laugh. “Yes yes yes yes yes.”

She took his face in her hands and pulled his mouth to hers, and his arms slipped around her waist, drawing her against his body.

“Yes,” she kept whispering between kisses, and she felt his lips curve into a smile against hers.

He broke the kiss and reached up onto her dresser, pulling the ring from the box before he turned back toward her. Leah watched as he lifted her hand and slid it onto her finger.

She stared at the ring—his ring—on her hand, and a wide grin broke out over her face as she lifted her eyes to his. Da

“Oh no,” she breathed, her eyes growing wide as she patted the pads of her fingers beneath them. “How bad is it?”


She dropped her head with a huff, and Da

She could feel the diamond pressing into the skin of her pinky as he held her hand, and a smile lit her face again, ruined makeup be damned.

“Come on, Marilyn Manson,” he said, lifting her left hand and placing a kiss just below the ring. “Let’s get you cleaned up. We have an engagement party to go to.”

First of all, I ca

I hope you enjoyed reading Leah and Da

I’m truly blessed to have some of the most loyal and enthusiastic fans. I’ve always been a writer, but you guys made me an author. Thank you all so much for helping to make one of my dreams a reality.



To my husband: for your love, endless support, encouragement, and the many hours you’ve given me to write story after story. There’s a little piece of you in every one of the heroes I write.

To my test readers: Beth, Joa

To Sarah Hansen: cover designer extraordinaire. Your vision and talent surpass my expectations every single time. Thank you for always talking books with me and for being so incredibly awesome.

To Katja Millay: from the very begi

To Mollie Harper: for making sure my hospital scenes were medically accurate. Your tough love makes me a better writer and your quick wit makes me smile.

To Aestas: my ba

To Madison Seidler: for somehow finding the time in your insane schedule to help me out when I needed it most. Thank you for your advice, your kindness, and your hilarious autocorrect fails.

And to all the readers, fans, and bloggers: I wish I could thank you all by name. Each one of you has played a role in my success, and I can’t thank you enough. You keep me smiling, laughing, and most importantly, writing. Hugs and love to you all!

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