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She turned around, finally acknowledging the person holding her, and she tried to remove the arm from around her waist as she made a move for the door again.

Sarah tightened her grip. “Hey,” she said calmly. “Let him cool off. He’s with Kyle. He’ll be fine. Just give him a minute.”

Leah turned to look at her sister, her shoulders sagging in acquiescence as she fell back on the barstool behind her.

Her eyes instantly welled with tears.

“What are you crying about?” Sarah said. “He’s not hurt.”

Leah turned her head and stared at the door as her chin began to quiver.

“It was just a few punches, Leah,” she said with a tiny laugh. “It’s not the end of the world.”

“I can’t believe this,” Leah mumbled, shaking her head.

“Oh, please don’t tell me you’re mad at him. You know Scott deserved that. In fact, he’s had that coming for a long time.”

She glanced at Sarah. Of course she didn’t understand. How could she?

“I’m just a little shaken up,” Leah said, and Sarah reached over and rubbed her shoulder.

“Alright, well, you can relax now. Kyle will come back and get us when he calms down. Here,” she said, handing her a beer. “Drink.”

Leah took a careful sip, struggling to swallow it.

“If you want the truth,” Sarah said, “I kind of wish they had let that go a few minutes longer. Scott could have used the lesson in humility.”

Leah sat there, staring at her beer as her stomach churned. Of course Sarah thought her reaction seemed excessive. She didn’t know that this was more than just some bar fight. She didn’t know what this could have meant for him.

Leah replayed the scene in her mind, recognizing all the places she should have handled the situation differently. She could have asked Sammy for help as soon as Scott wouldn’t let her leave. He would have tossed Scott out in a second if he was making her uncomfortable. She should have done everything in her power to diffuse the situation before Da

Leah looked down and shook her head, because if she were being honest with herself, she should have handled the situation long before that. She should have dealt with him as soon as he started contacting her after their breakup, instead of taking the easy way out and ignoring him all this time. So in truth, she had brought this all on herself.

And consequently, she had brought this down on Da

The image of Da

She had left him no choice.

And what would have happened if he’d gotten arrested tonight protecting her? How would that have looked to the judge trying to determine if he was a violent criminal?

Leah swiped under her eyes as she willed her heartbeat to return to normal, but it was in vain. Every second that passed caused the knot in her stomach to grow tighter. Where was he? What if Kyle wasn’t able to calm him down? What if Scott went after him again outside?

She took another sip of beer, and the taste made her feel like she was going to be sick. Leah pressed her fingers to her mouth and closed her eyes.

She felt Sarah nudge her with her elbow, and when Leah opened her eyes, Sarah nodded toward the front of the bar. Kyle stood in the doorway, gesturing for Leah to come outside, and she pushed off the stool so quickly that it crashed back against the bar as she made her way through the crowd.

As soon as she stepped outside, she looked around frantically. “Where is he?”

“He’s in the car. He’s okay now, but I’m thinking you guys should probably call it a night.”

She nodded quickly. “Okay. Thank you,” she said. “I’m sorry about your night—”

“Don’t worry about it,” Kyle said, cutting her off as he put his hand on her back. “You okay?”

Leah forced a tiny smile and nodded, and then she turned and kissed Sarah on the cheek, telling her she’d call her tomorrow.

As Sarah and Kyle went back into the bar, Leah turned and walked briskly through the parking lot toward Da

She pulled the door open and slid into the seat, closing it softly behind her, waiting for him to say something. To do something.

Nearly a minute passed, but he remained in the same position, unmoving and silent.

If he was angry with her, he had every right to be. She had been irresponsible, and because of it, he had to risk everything to defend her.

Leah kept her eyes trained on the dashboard as she chewed the inside of her lip. She wanted so desperately to talk to him, but she also knew that timing was everything. If he hadn’t fully cooled off yet, she didn’t want to say or do anything that would aggravate the situation.

After a minute she saw Da

The entire drive home was spent in silence. Da

As they pulled into the empty space in front of Leah’s apartment, her eyes began to sting with the threat of tears. She wanted him to say something—anything—and when he didn’t, she dropped her eyes, nodding softly before she turned and exited the car.

As soon as she was outside, the tears she’d been fighting all night finally spilled over, and she picked up the pace, desperate to get inside the refuge of her apartment.

Leah pushed through the door and walked straight to the kitchen table, dropping her purse before she splayed her hands over the wood and bowed her head. And then she heard the front door close softly behind her, and her breath caught in her throat as she lifted her head.

She hadn’t expected him to follow.

Leah kept her back to him as she tried to pull herself together. There were a million things she wanted to say, but she didn’t know where to start, or where to draw the line for that matter. All she knew was that she wanted to make this better. The last thing she wanted to do was fight with him.

“I’m so sorry, Leah,” he said suddenly, his hoarse whisper cutting through the stillness.

She turned around to see him standing in front of the door, his head down as he played with the keys in his hand.

“What are you sorry for?” she asked, her voice barely audible. “This is all my fault.”

His hand instantly stilled as he lifted his eyes to hers. “Your fault?” he asked. “You think this is your fault?”

She nodded her head imperceptibly, her eyes trained on him.


“How is it your fault that he’s a disrespectful prick?” he asked, lifting his eyes to hers. “How is it your fault that he tried to intimidate you?”

Leah opened her mouth to answer, but Da

He turned quickly, whipping his car keys across the room; they crashed up against the front door with a clatter, and Leah jumped, pressing her lips together.

“How is it your fault that I fucked up? I fucked up, Leah! I keep fucking up! And you paid for it! Just like Bryan paid for it! Just like Gram’s paying for it, and Jake, and Tommy and everyone I give a shit about in this world is paying for it!”