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“Esme,wake up, you are safe,” she heard, as strong hands shook her, slightly.

Openingher eyes, Esme realized that she was wrestling with Justin, and quieted. Lady A

“Oh,my,” Esme mumbled, shaking off sleepiness. Then stronger, with tears welling upin her eyes, she said “I am sorry if I scared you. I had a bad dream. I wastrying to scream, but could not, at first.”

"Well,you certainly succeeded in the end," Justin said, smiling as he brushed atear off her cheek. "You are safe here for now. Although, I am sure youwould like to be with people you know. There is still some danger to Isabel,and your brother, that needs to be worked out."

"Iwant to go home. Mayhap, I would feel better there," Esme said.

"Aye,I am sure you would," A

Justinrose, and moved toward the door, as he said, "Mayhap, you should getyourself together, then come downstairs, Esme. Richard can explain thesituation to you, as clearly as he feels is wise."


Alittle later, Richard explained to Esme, why she would have to stay with A

Herrescuers, Justin and Richard, stayed there to rest up for two nights, beforeleaving to continue their maneuvering, to contain Avery, they claimed. Esmehoped it had nothing to do with her screaming in the night, now that she hadmanaged to dislodge the hand that had kept her silent when she was kidnapped.Mayhap, Justin just wanted to go someplace, where he could sleep, Esme thought.He had been given the chamber across the passageway from her, and seemed to bethe first one, to hear her screams.

Chapter 6

Ithad been a couple of days since his "wedding", during which time, Brant had been given water to wash with, in themornings. Serfs brought him food, and drink, at appropriate times of day thathe found himself consuming with some trepidation. He half expected to discoverthat they had drugged him, again. The guards frequently got tankards of ale forhim, that he had not been given, during his first few days there. In betweenmeals, he mostly lay on the bed, waiting to see what came next. Other than theguards, and serfs, he had seen no one since the wedding.

Atfirst, he expected them to make other demands of him, but now he realized theproof of the wedding, was all they really needed. Robert was known by all, tobe his trusted friend. Richard seemed to have close ties to Isabel, so he couldact on her behalf. The two of them could control both forces, with just theproof that Brant and Isabel had wed, for some time.  Though it was a depressing thought, he couldbe held here for weeks, possibly months, before anyone got suspicious.

Whenthe serf came to get the tray from the evening meal, Brant was informed thatthey would bring him water for a bath, if he wanted them to. When he indicatedhe wanted the water, he was directed to the other part of his cell. He went in,and lay on the bed, knowing they would not open the outer door, unless he wassecurely locked in. He knew there would be no chance to escape, unless some onemade a mistake. When he heard the chains that operated the center door, for thesecond time, he rose, and walked into the other room. He was surprised to findthe serf, Alisa, there inside his cell.

“Iam leaving the girl to check yer wounds, and help yewith yer bath. If ye do not like being in there, with just yerself all thetime, ye better not give me any trouble, when I come back to get ‘er atmidnight,” an older serf, outside of the cell said.

Whenthe older woman finished her speech, she gave the younger one a disapprovinglook, before closing the outer wooden door.

“Goodevening, Alisa,” Brant said, as he noted that several fresh wine skins, hadbeen left on the table.

“Goodevening, My Lord. You are looking much better, than when last I saw you,” thegirl replied.

Shereached up to remove the mantle, that was wrapped aroundher head, and shoulders. Brant watched as the wrap was neatly folded, and hungover the back of a chair. He noted the delicate neck, and collarbone, that hadjust been exposed, indicating the serf’s small frame. What the rest of herfigure looked like, remained a mystery, under the loose gown that she wore.

“Iam feeling much better. In fact, the only lasting reminder,is a slight soreness in my shoulder. Come, and help me with my tunic,” Brantsaid.

“Aye,My Lord,” Alisa replied.

Shemoved forward to comply, but he sensed a coolness, areservation, that made him wonder if the task at hand, was not to her liking.Once his torso was freed of clothing, she looked at the wound on his shoulder.

“Youmay have a slight infection in that cut,” she offered, in assessment. “Whenyour bath is done, I can put a salve on that, to relieve the discomfort.”

Brantuntied the laces on his chausses, and had her assist in removing the tightfitting garment from his legs, while he gauged her mood. The girl stood tenselyaverting her gaze, from his now naked form. The wench was definitely notpleased that they had sent her to him.

Ashe moved to step into the tub, Brant offhandedly asked, “How old are you,Alisa?”

“Oneand seven, My Lord,” she answered, as she stood waiting, to provide whatassistance he requested.

Brantlowered himself into the water, and reclined back, resting his head on the sideof the tub. As he relaxed in the warm water, he pondered why they would sendthis obviously reluctant serf, to him. Normally, male guests, traveling alone,were provided with some tart, if they so desired, who was more than happy tobathe them, and let them toss her skirt, for some type of reward. He hadseveral of them at his Castles. He had tried most of them out himself, to seethat they were not likely to offend a guest. All of them had lewdly, ogled hisnaked form. This girl did not even look at him. Was she sent here as somepunishment? The old woman who had brought the girlhere, certainly gave the girl several disapproving looks as she left her here.Or, were they just testing him, to see how he would deal with the reluctantgirl?

Brantsat up in the tub, and instructed, “Come, and scrub my back and hair, Alisa.”

Shepicked up the soap and sponge, to lather his back, silently. After latheringhis hair, and rinsing it with fresh water from a bucket, she moved to his side.Holding the soap, and sponge, she questioned, "My, Lord?" awaitingword, as to what he desired she do next. Brant reached out, and she placed thebath items into his hands, so he could finish washing himself. She moved backseveral steps, to wait for him to finish.

Ashe rose from the tub, Alisa stepped forward, with a bath sheet in either hand.Brant took one, and standing naked in front of her, dried his face, and torso.Her gaze remained level, looking at his face, yet not quite meeting his eyes.He reached out to return the damp sheet to her, and motioned for the dry one.When she handed it to him, he wrapped it around his waist, before turning, andinstructing her to dry his back. When that was complete, Brant sat down at thetable, so she could dry his hair, and see to the achy, wound on his shoulder.