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Enemy of My Enemy

By Carm Nicosi

Copyright © 2012 by Carm Nicosi

This work is a novel. Any similarity to actual personsor events is purely coincidental.

Chapter 1

Averycautiously moved toward the postern gate, grateful for the full moon to lightthe way. Yet, at the same time, he was concerned that the light increased therisk of being found out, by the lookouts. When he was within a few feet of thedoor, it opened to allow him entrance. The brazen Lady pulled him against her,as she used her body, to push the door closed. He tolerated the long, intimatekiss she gave him, before turning to pull her toward the living quarters, andher bedchamber.

Peggywas really, just a stupid slut, but she could be entertaining in bed.Unfortunately, he was not really interested in her charms anymore. Still, a fewyears past, she had no qualms about betraying Lord Eric, her estranged husband,to Avery.

Manyyears ago, Avery's sire had raided some of Lord Eric's properties, starting ahalf-hearted war between the families. Although, Lady Peggy had a daughter withEric, the lady felt no genuine loyalty to her husband. At one and eight, Peggyhad been half Eric's age, when they wed. She had slipped Avery into herhusband's stronghold for a tryst, as well as telling him all she overheard ofEric's plans. Unfortunately, that came to an end, when Eric found out that Peghad been unfaithful. Eric was away for nearly six months. When he returned todiscover Peggy with child, he knew the babe was not his. So Peggy was sent to oneof her husband's remote Castles, until the child was born. After that, she wasbanished, with the babe, to her dower property.

Thegirl Ha

Unfortunately,Esme's half-brother became Lord, then. That warmonger turned the series ofskirmishes between the families, into an all out war. Lord Brant set aboutavenging his father's death, by attacking Shandley Keep. Avery's father wasmortally wounded in the keep's defense, and died from his injuries, severaldays later. Although they did ultimately prevail at holding the fief, thevigorous defense took a huge toll on his family’s resources. The keep was aprime property. It was very important, as it consisted of several tenantspaying money rents, as well as orchards that produced most of the fruits andwines, for all of Avery's holdings. There was also grazing for a large herd ofcows that were needed to make dried meats for army rations, and hides for theta

Averyabsently ran his hand over Peggy's stomach, and breasts, as she worked to untiethe laces on his chausses. While at the same time, he recalled how he hadpetitioned for peace with Brant. The blackguard had demanded one of Avery'sproperties, as a good will gesture. Brant claimed that Avery's father hadstarted the war, by stealing from Brant's family lands. His demands wereunacceptable to Avery, as it would leave him with less than three quarters, ofhis father's original holdings. Brant had already taken enough of Avery's lands, he would not be getting more, without a fight.

Peggyhad freed him from his chausses, so he pushed her down on to the bed. Twas important that the Lady was happy with him right now, to gainher cooperation. He let his mind wander to thoughts of Isabel, with herglorious chestnut hair falling loosely to her waist. He pictured hergreenish-hazel eyes, flashing with fury, as she spit in the Duke's face. Theimage stirred his desire to barely controllable levels. Then, he did what hehad to do, to keep Peggy happy so she would help him.

Afterward,Avery held her in his arms, and lied to her about how much he wished he couldsee her openly. He reminded her, that if Peggy's stepson knew about them, Brantwould see that their relationship did not continue.

"Youknow he captured another one of my Castles, recently. Unfortunately, he hasattacked with such a large force, that I am always on defense, so there hasbeen no chance to kill the blackguard," Avery lamented.

"Twouldbe wonderful if he were dead, so we did not have to sneak around anymore,"Peggy said.

"Moncheri, I have a plan that would put me on offense, butit would require your help. Mayhap, you would object, as it involves yourdaughter," Avery said.

"Iam for anything that would let us be together. I love you, and want to shout itto the world," Peggy assured him. "First, I was trapped wed to Eric,as he would not agree to set our marriage aside. Then, if Brant knew about us,he would never let me see my daughter. If either one of them found out aboutus, they might have sent me back to that dreadful castle, where I was sent tohave our Ha

"Youknow Brant only allows you to see Esme a few weeks every year. Furthermore, shewill only inherit about a fifth of her father's holdings. With him dead, youcould see her all the time, and she would inherit all of her father'sholdings," Avery reminded Peggy, to make his case.

"Aye,with him gone, I could live with my very rich daughter, all the time,"Peggy agreed.

"Peggy,what I was thinking, is that I would be able to draw him out, without a largeforce, if he were trying to pay a ransom, for his sister. Tell me, if you donot like the idea. You see, if you have her come here forone of the few visits he allows, I could take the girl. You trust me, do younot? You know I would not let any harm come to your child, right? I would neverwant to see you hurt, mon cheri," Avery pleaded,reassuringly.

"Well,of course I trust you. I just wonder if you are sure you can finish him off. Ifhe survived, and knew I helped you, I might never see Esme, again. If anythingwent wrong..." Peggy's voice trailed off.

"Nay,mon cheri, it would be set up, just like the ambush ontheir father. Forces he believes are on his side, will meet him en route to payher ransom. When my group approaches, they will join me against him. The factthat he has been double-crossed, will be his lastrevelation. As soon as he is no more, I will return Esme to you. I assure you,at no time, will the girl be in any danger. If I thought there was any risk toyour daughter, I would find another way," he said, as earnestly as hecould.

Allhe really cared about, was getting rid of Brant.However, Avery knew it would be best, to try to keep the girl safe for a while,to allay suspicion.

"Aye,then I will help you," Peggy said. "I will beg for her to be allowedto visit, and let you know, as soon as I know, when she will arrive. You hadbetter make sure nothing happens to her, and that Brant is dead, though."

Tokeep the Lady happy, and believing she was about to get everything she desired,he began to kiss her. Avery rained caresses over Peggy until he judged, she wasonce again ready. Then once more, he indulged himself in fantasizing about theLady Isabel, whom he could not have. Even if their fathers had not beencousins, he would need the Lady for a strategic alliance, if he failed to killhis enemy by treachery.