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Whenshe finished, he motioned for her to sit at the table with him, and poured somewine into the chalice, that had been left with the wine skins. Brant handed thechalice to the girl, watching as she took a drink, and set it down on thetable.

"Mostserfs who assist me with my bath, tend to flirt openly," Brant said."You do not seem very desirous of sharing my bed."

"Iwould rather not," Alisa replied softly, before raising the chalice, andtaking a larger drink.

"Youdo not like being with a man?" Brant asked, in amusement.

Theyoung girl blushed, as she took several more drinks of wine. She kept her eyesfocused on her drink, making no effort to answer his question.

"Alisa?"Brant questioned, demanding an answer, as he leaned forward to refill herchalice.

Hercheeks turned a darker pink, as she replied, "I have never been with aman."

Shedid not add, that what she had been told she would be expected to do, sounded unpleasant.

Brantlaughed, as he said, "I find that hard to believe."

Hereyes shot up to meet his gaze squarely, as she testily retorted, "I find,men see a pretty face, or nice figure, and they go after it. You wear looseclothing to hide your figure, and cover your face, they do not know if you areten, or one hundred, and do not investigate. Although, I haveheard of a few occasions, where a maid has had to lie about her age, to avoidbeing mauled, by some marauding knight."

"Sowhat you are saying is, you have been lucky," Brant laughed.

Alisashrugged as she sipped her wine. She hoped he would quickly give up on thisline of questioning. She did not see any way to answer truthfully, nor was aplausible lie coming to her mind.

Brantleaned over, and refilled her chalice, again. He wondered if someone had awarped sense of humor. Had the girl been caught lying about her age? It wasaccepted, that the Lords, and knights, had their pick of the unmarried maids,and serfs. It was their due for providing protection, for the people within theland boundaries. Was it her punishment, to be locked in here with a man, whowas very accustomed to women on command? They certainly knew he had not touchedone for a week, at least. They had to know, she was not likely to escapeintact.

Brantchanged the subject to more mundane topics, asking if she lived at the Castleor in the village. She shrugged that question off. So he told her how dull itwas, to be locked up with nothing to do all day. He noticed she appeared to bemore comfortable, with that line of conversation. Then, the bell soundedoutside, indicating the hour of nine o’clock.

“IfI tell the serf who brought you to me, you refused to see to my comfort, wouldyou be punished?” Brant asked.

“Aye,likely,” she replied, setting the chalice on the table. He noted that afrightened look crossed her face, momentarily. She continued, “I did notrefuse, I said I would rather not, My Lord.”

"Standup, Alisa," Brant ordered.

Shewatched him closely, as she rose to her feet swaying slightly, probably fromthe wine. Then, he instructed her to remove her gu

AsBrant rose from his chair, she could see the clear proof of his arousal,through the bath sheet, still wrapped around his waist. He reached for herwrist, before turning to pull her back toward the bed, while she dragged herfeet, pulling against him, slightly. At the edge of the bed, he pulled heragainst him for a long kiss, before pressing her down on her back. When she didnot resist, Brant removed her shoes, and stockings. Then positioning himselfbetween her feet, began ru

"Pleasestop," she pleaded, as she felt his hand brushing lightly over the insideof her thighs, pressing her legs apart. Once again, he asked if she wasrefusing, though he knew it would not matter if she did.

"Nay,"she whispered, knowing it would not matter if she did refuse. He had everyright to force her.

Brantcontinued to use his hands, to work the chemise up her body, while his lipsfollowed behind them, and his body pressed her legs apart. Alisa felt him graspher wrists with one hand, after removing her last garment over her head, as hebegan to enter her body. His other hand, firmly grasped the back of her head,holding it immobile, while he covered her mouth with his, kissing her as hequickly plunged into her body. She cried out into his kiss, and struggled topull her hands free, as a burning ache spread between her thighs. Brant heldhis body still, keeping her helplessly pi

Alisalay still, with her hands raised over her head, right where they were, when hereleased them. She was trying not to think about the act that had just beencommitted on her body. His kisses, and caresses, had been nice, creating awarm, relaxing feeling in her body, so she had passively let him continue,until he entered her body. That had hurt at first. Then it was justuncomfortable, and a little appalling, to have him panting, and sweating onher. She wanted it to stop, but he had her pi

Alisafelt Brant place several light kisses along the side of her neck. He raisedhimself up on an elbow, and she inwardly sighed, relieved that he was finallygoing to let her go. He gently turned her face toward him, placing a light kisson her lips, before ru

Lookingat him in alarm, she whispered, "No, not again."

"Yes,again," Brant said in a soft soothing tone. "I will not hurt you thistime."

Hewithdrew slightly, then pushed back inside of her acouple of times.

"See?That does not hurt does it?" he asked.

Herepeated the slow movements in, and out, of her body, while repeating thequestion, until she shook her head in the negative.

"No,I am not hurting you," Brant whispered, continuing his slow pace. Then, hebegan saying, "Just relax. It feels good to have me inside of you, doesn'tit, Alisa? Think about it."

Brantcontinued to repeat that, until she decided he did feel good. Then, he feltreally good as her muscles tensed, as if to grab him, and hold him inside her,while spasms of pleasure engulfed her body. Alisa clung to him moaning inreaction, as she heard him moan, his passion spent, before collapsing on herbody, again.

Thistime when his breathing slowed, he rolled off of her, onto his back, and pulledher against his side. Alisa for her part, just let himposition her head on his shoulder, and her hand on his chest, under his hand.Her shocked mind, seemed to be incapable of focusingon anything.