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Nerul said lightly. "It seems to me that the young lady is free to choose her own partner now."


Chapter 11

Merl ordered his servant to bring hot water and leave it outside the wash tent. Draping a towel

over Tashi's shoulders, he poured a warm jugful over her hair, whisking it expertly from her neck

and letting it drip into the basin.

She wondered where he had learned the skill of washing a woman's hair but did not dare ask.

Neither of them spoke as he massaged in some perfumed soap, his fingers lingering as they


brushed the nape of her neck. Tashi felt goosebumps all down her spine and prayed that he

would not notice her response to his touch. Rinsing the suds from her hair, he then applied the

dye. The water turned orange-red in the bowl.

"The professor is an expert in dreaming up these disguises. A very useful ally," Merl said,

breaking the silence as he wrapped a towel around her damp hair. "I'm in charge of our spy

network in Mollinder and, thanks to the professor, we are able to give our agents a new

appearance when needed.

He even has a dye for skin to make you as dark as your friend, Prince Ramii, 193

though I would hate to see that on you. Your skin is beautiful--the color of milk."

Tashi knew that her cheeks were definitely not the color of milk--more the color of raspberries.

No man spoke to a woman like this in the Islands.

Courting was done by the exchange of poetry and hints. Merl was about as subtle as a brass


"Too much flattery, sir," she replied, shifting to finger-dry her hair in front of the stove.

Merl took a comb and began to untangle her locks. "You ca

Highness. I speak only the truth. I fear you have been neglected if you think my praise excessive.

A beautiful woman should hear such words from all her admirers. There!" He stepped back.

"Now all you need are some clothes. I have sent for some to be laid out for you in my chamber.

Allow me to show you where that is."

He offered his arm and led her to his room. On the bed was a long green gown, scoop-necked in

Eastern fashion.


"I'll leave you to change," he said, kissing her fingers.

Tashi slipped out of her shirt and pulled the gown over her head. It fell in a full skirt from her

hips and was cinched by a belt embroidered with white lilies. She guessed it must have once

belonged to one of the ladies of the ac Mollinder family. Pacing to the mirror, she presented

herself for inspection, amazed and confused by the transformation. She was used to seeing

herself in the many layers of the Blue Crescent robes; now she stood in a gown that clung to

every curve of her body. Her


neck felt exposed. She knew from Fergox's court that this was normal for a lady in these lands,

but it made her self-conscious. And her hair: it now rippled over her shoulders, shining with a

copper flame.

Merl coughed outside the door. "May I enter?"

"Yes, I'm ready," Tashi replied, though she felt far from prepared to meet anyone just yet.

Merl stood in the doorway and paused dramatically, holding out his hands.

"You are a vision of loveliness, Princess. You were beautiful in your rags; you are radiant in your riches. My little cousin indeed."

"I'm not sure," Tashi said, putting her hands to her cheeks. "It's not how an Islander would dress."


"Exactly. You're an honorary Brigardian now. Trust me, you will do very well."

He escorted her back to where the others were waiting.

"May I present her ladyship, the copper lily of the ac Mollinder family."

The men rose on her entrance, Ramil wide-eyed, Gordoc beaming proudly, but Nerul looked sad.

"It was my mother's dress," he said softly, leading her to a cushion beside him. "But I think she would be pleased to see you wearing it, cousin, as it becomes you so well."

Ramil was not pleased when Merl made the suggestion that the Princess, as suited her role as

family member, be provided with quarters in the commander's tent.


"Surely you see, Prince, that it will be easier to hide your presence among us if we separate

you?" Merl said smoothly. "We can say you are a mercenary soldier come from the southern

desert. Our giant here is Brigardian so no one will wonder that he joined us."

As much as Ramil hated the idea of leaving Tashi to be sweet-talked by a man he had decided

was an unbearable flirt, he could think of no sensible protest to raise against what was a sound


"Will you be all right, Tashi?" Ramil asked, which was his way of enquiring if she minded being abandoned to Merl's assiduous attentions.

"I'll manage," she replied, amused by Ramil's sullen expression. She knew that Ramil had never 202

desired her as a woman--he'd been quick enough to make his distaste plain back in Gerfal--so

she thought he was being merely protective of her. That he might be jealous did not cross her


"You clearly have ways of getting news from Gerfal, Your Grace," Tashi said, turning to her host.

"Is it possible to pass a message to my people and to King Lagan to tell them we are safe?"

"There are Brigardian exiles in Falburg who keep me informed of court gossip," Nerul explained.

"We have a number of ways of communicating but in winter most news comes via the fishing

fleet as the mountain passes are closed. You can certainly send a message that way."

"And could we return by sea?" Ramil asked eagerly.

Nerul shook his head. "Your chances of success are slight. The Pirate Fleet searches every vessel and is being


very thorough since your escape. Coded messages may pass where people ca

"Pehaps Prince Ramil might be able to hide himself amongst a crew?"

suggested Merl. "But I'm afraid the Princess would stand out--there are no women on board

those boats."

Ramil was not going to let the Brigardian noble separate him from Tashi so easily.

"I gave my word to the Princess that we would escape together so I will not abandon her in


Brigard. If I did this, her people would probably declare war--

and rightly so--as Gerfal is to blame for allowing her to be abducted in the first place. No, if we

travel to Gerfal, we go together. But not by sea, it would seem."

"Not by sea," echoed Nerul. "But there is still much that can be done as we wait for word from your father. Fergox will not sit still while the snow falls.

This is the time of preparation before he unleashes his forces. We should make that interval as

difficult for him as possible."

"Upset Fergox?" Ramil lay back on his cushion and gri

Tashi felt at ease in the tent room that had been given over to her. For the first time in Brigard

she was in a space both comfortable and simple. Her bed was a canvas stretched over poles,

warm and soft with ample cushions and sweet-smelling blankets. Hangings woven with golden

flax and marsh flowers decorated


the walls, making the chamber feel as if it belonged to this landscape, a hidden corner of the

Fens. More dresses had been found for her and a fur-lined cloak, but best of all a pair of snug-

fitting leather shoes.

Left alone to perform her rituals in the privacy of her room, she found new peace in saying the