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his eyes. Not fear, thank the Goddess, but speculation.

"My spies tell me you endured the ungentle persuasion of the priests of Holin and refused to

convert. The townsfolk are convinced you have demonic powers and that the escape was down

to your evil arts," Nerul said, examining her face for her reaction.

"Then the townsfolk are gullible fools." Tashi folded her hands together, taking the demure

stance of the Fourth Crown Princess in the Hall of the Floating Lily.


"But it is useful to Fergox for them to believe this as it makes his lapse in security less glaring. He wants no hint of weakness about his rule. He argues that no one can protect themselves against

a demon on horseback."

Nerul drummed his fingers on the table. The girl gave nothing away. "He has vowed to burn you

at the stake in the town square when he catches you, you know, Princess."

"At least he no longer wishes to marry me. I should be thankful for small mercies."

Nerul frowned. "But what should I do with the pair of you, that is the question.

If Fergox gets wind of you being here, he will no longer ignore our presence in this damp corner

of his world. He has written us off as too difficult, content to box us in and cut off our lines of

communication when and where he can, but with you here, that all might change."

"There is a hundred thousand herald reward for your recapture, Princess,"

Merl added in his soft, smooth voice. "Only fifty thousand for you, Prince, I'm afraid."


"I'm deeply offended," muttered Ramil, trying to catch Tashi's eye and make her smile. He was less worried now that he'd met Nerul as he felt certain that here was an honorable man.

Whatever Nerul decided about them, it would not be to betray them to the enemy.

Nerul stopped drumming, having come to a decision. "Your arrival here is obviously a problem

for us, but I would prefer to see it as an opportunity. I have before me representatives of the last

two free nations-- the next targets on Fergox's list. Before you sits the head of a resistance


movement that spreads far beyond this sorry-looking bog. I have relations with similar groups

throughout the Empire, even in Fergox's capital, Tigral. Fergox thinks he is invincible. He keeps

on expanding his rule but forgets about the people he has walked over. His slaves are so badly

treated they have little to lose and much to gain if they were to rise. We will not remain crushed

by his war machine, but we need arms and allies. Together we may be able to knock him from

his throne once and for all."

Ramil had no hesitation. "I know I speak for my father when I say that any assistance we can

offer your resistance will be yours for the asking. All I need is a method of communicating with

him and I am sure he will fulfill my words with deeds."

Nerul turned to the Blue Crescent Islander. "Princess?"

"Your Grace, you will know that I share the rule of my lands with my sisters so am not

empowered to undertake alliances without their agreement,"

Tashi said formally. "Also my current status is under question since 189

my abduction. I have no idea what steps have been taken either to restore me or to replace


"Perhaps I can help you there," Nerul said. "I have an excellent source in King Lagan's court who keeps me well informed. The Blue Crescent were going to declare war on Gerfal but were

convinced by King Lagan that he was i

Briony is guest on your ships as a pledge of good faith. But as to what is happening in your court

at home, I have no idea, I'm afraid. I have insufficient funds to buy information from an Islander

and I have never yet succeeded in placing one of my own spies on Rama, more's the pity."

"No, that would be difficult," Tashi said, allowing herself a small smile of satisfaction. It was very hard indeed to imagine an Easterner successfully infiltrating the court, not least because they

would look like a duck among swans and be caught out at the first ritual. "If I am still recognized 196

as the Fourth Crown Princess, I promise I will ask my sisters to look favorably on your request."

"We could use your help at sea. That has always been our weak point. No rebellion can survive

starved of supplies. Speaking of which, I have been most deficient as a host. You have not eaten

or drunk anything since your arrival and we must repair the oversight. Come with me. We were

about to have supper and it's already laid in the room beyond."

As they relaxed after the meal with a glass of wine and a handful of hazelnuts, Nerul looked

thoughtfully at Tashi.


"I think, Princess, that we should best keep it a secret that you have joined us--secret from our own people, I mean. As you are no doubt all too aware, some of them entertain strange ideas

about the Islanders and no one is above temptation. A hundred thousand heralds might test the

loyalty of even my most faithful men." He looked over at Melletin, who with Professor Norling

had joined them for supper. "Did you tell your men to keep their mouths shut?"

Melletin nodded. "I told them you would separate them from their manly pride if they squeaked

so much as a word."

Nerul gri

how to keep a secret?"

Melletin and Norling murmured their assent.

"But won't they realize?" Tashi asked. "I don't exactly blend in." She gestured to her hair. No one in the East had such fair hair; the lightest color being a mousy brown.


"I'm afraid it will necessitate a disguise on your part, Princess. If you would consent to wear the clothes of one of our ladies, you could dye your hair.

Professor, do you have something the lady could use?"

"Yes, yes, that's very simple. What color do you fancy?" Norling rifled through his bag.

"I suggest red," said Merl with a lingering look at Tashi. "Then we can say she is a distant cousin who has returned from her education abroad. This will both


explain the accent and account for her escaping Fergox's purge."

"Then red it is. It will wash out, of course. I brewed it myself for our spies."

Norling placed on the table a vial of dark liquid.

Merl snatched it up before Tashi could take it.

"As we ca

you, Princess? We have a wash tent through here."

"I ... er ... I ... " Tashi tried to think of a polite way of refusing.

"It is no trouble and I'm sure you understand the necessity of not being seen about camp as you


are," Merl continued smoothly.

Ramil fumed as he watched Tashi being led further into the family rooms of the tent. Nerul

gazed after the pair, his expression thoughtful.

"It seems my brother has taken a shine to our guest," he said, stretching his muscular arms

above his head and yawning.

"The Princess Taoshira is . . . was my betrothed," Ramil said hotly.

Nerul gave him a sharp look. "Is or was?"

Ramil rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. He no longer knew. "Our marriage plans were

interrupted by our unexpected jaunt to Brigard."

"Oh? My sources tell me that she had called the alliance off just prior to her disappearance,"