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pinewood. Ramil guided her to a chair and placed a paper dragonfly on the table in front of her.

"See, I kept it."


She pulled his horse from her pocket: it was an unrecognizable wad of paper after its dunking in

the river. Her hand was shaking with a mixture of excitement and fear. Surely someone was

going to stop them?

Ramil closed his fingers over hers.

"Don't, my love, it's going to be all right."


Tashi shut her eyes: everything was happening so quickly she felt as if she had left her common

sense back at the palace. "Tell me what's been going on. I've been locked away from news--from

everything--since I came back.

How is your father?"

"Victorious, thanks to you. The Blue Crescent arrived in time to swing the battle in our favor. We suffered many losses but Gerfal did not fall."

"And what happened to Fergox?"

"I killed him." Ramil watched her anxiously. He knew he had rushed her into this marriage, but there had seemed no other chance to snatch her away from that oppressive court.

"Gordoc? Melletin? Yelena? The professor?"


"All alive. Gordoc is training my army for me--he's now General Ironfist and loves his uniform.

He sends his love. Melletin is my prime minister and a very fine one he is too--I hardly have to

do a thing. Yelena would have headed my government, but it appears that she and Melletin are

due to have an addition to their family in the New Year so she suggested I pick him. I'm sure her

turn will come. My grandfather is looking after Thunder and my throne for me while I go and

find myself a wife."

Tashi put her hands to her cheeks. Yesterday she had been a disgraced devotee; now she was

wife to the ruler of most of the known world!

Ramil hesitated, then continued.

"Duke Nerul is back in charge of Brigard. Merl has been injured in a duel with a jealous husband, but not seriously."


Tashi chuckled softly. "No more than he deserves."

"And I've sent Professor Norling to be the new Inkar of Kandar. I think in a few years they'll be the best educated of all our subjects."

"You have been busy. I am amazed and humbled. And definitely not worthy of you." She opened

her eyes and turned them on him. "Thank you for rescuing me again."

Ramil pulled her onto his knee. "I was only returning the favor. You've rescued me more times

than I can count. I need you with me, Tashi. I can't do this on my own. I want to be a good king

and make Holt into a free country, where people can worship their own god--or goddess--and

not be afraid." He put his hand on hers, pressed against her stomach. "I want lots of children to fill the palace with life and laughter." He kissed her neck. "But most of all, I want to be your husband and make you happy." He smiled. "I've got to get that bit right, or one of my generals 405

will thump me."

Tashi stroked the back of his hand thoughtfully. "But, Ram, you must know that things are

different now. I bring nothing to you--no position, no alliance."

"Hush," he said, kissing her lips, "just as well I married you if you're going to bring up all sorts of ridiculous things like that."

She pushed him away, hand flat on his chest. "But it's true."

"Oh yes, as you well know all I ever saw in you was your navy." Ramil rolled his eyes.



"I'm being serious. I'm not your equal now."

"No, you're far better than me. I'm still struggling to catch up with you. You'll make a brave,

generous, kind queen: that's what our people need. They're lucky I've got such good taste."

She raised a sceptical brow.

"Look, Tashi, I'm not doing this as a favor to you; I'm doing it for me. I've known for months now that I can't live without you. Will you be so cruel as to deny me my happiness?"

Put like that, she knew she could not refuse. They'd have to risk failure together. Or maybe, with


him at her side, even success? Tashi bent her head towards him.

"I love you, Ram."

"And I love you, my dragonfly princess."

The sounds of the ship leaving harbor filtered through from above. The room began to sway.

Ramil met Tashi's eyes with a mischievous look. "Now, wife, we have a long voyage ahead of us

with no interruptions, no affairs of state to sidetrack us." He brushed his fingers against the

lacings at her neck. "Isn't it time you returned that shirt to its owner?"

The End


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