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And the food! I just had the best breakfast of my LIFE… something called Nutella on this freshly baked— still warm from the oven— bread. Oh my God, I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

Anyway, hope you and Dad are well!

Ciao for now!



To: Jane Harris >

Fr: Cal Langdon

Re: Time to talk

Since you seem so reticent to discuss this face-to-face, I see no alternative other than to continue our eversation. I believe you were saying something to the effect that I ought to mind my own business where matters of Mark’s heart were concerned, and I was busy maintaining that I felt it my duty as a loyal friend to warn him of the emotional and financial jeopardy in which he is placing himself. Have you given the matter more thought, or are you still blinded by the romance of the thing?



To: Cal Langdon

Fr: Jane Harris >

Re: Time to talk

Oh my God, I can’t believe you’re e-ing me from the front seat AGAIN. CUT IT OUT!



To: Jane Harris >

Fr: Cal Langdon

Re: Time to talk

What other choice do you leave me when you won’t speak to me in person? I haven’t budged from my position that these two are making an enormous mistake. Have you, perhaps, come around to my way of thinking? I notice you seemed reluctant to leave the pool today when your friend Holly was urging us to get ready for the trip to Castelfidardo….



To: Cal Langdon

Fr: Jane Harris >

Re: Time to talk

Because I was having a nice time at the pool! At least until YOU showed up there.

And no, I haven’t changed my mind. Holly and Mark belong together, and I don’t understand why

anyone would think otherwise.

And I’m not “blinded by the romance of the thing,” as you put it. It’s sweet, that’s all. And if you do anything to try to ruin it, you’re a creep!



To: Jane Harris >

Fr: Cal Langdon

Re: Time to talk

A creep?



To: Cal Langdon

Fr: Jane Harris >

Re: Time to talk

You heard me. Or read me. A CREEP. Only a creep would try to talk his best friend out of marrying the girl of his dreams. Don’t even tell me that isn’t what you were up all night doing down there on the terrazza.



To: Jane Harris >

Fr: Cal Langdon

Re: Time to talk

How do you know what I was up all night doing? You went to bed at ten.



To: Cal Langdon

Fr: Jane Harris >

Re: Time to talk

I just happened to get up to get a drink of water, and I saw you out there. You and Mark.

But it didn’t work, obviously. Or we wouldn’t be making this trip to Castelfidardo, now, would we?



To: Jane Harris >

Fr: Cal Langdon

Re: Time to talk

I didn’t get a chance to speak to Mark, due to the fact that the excessive amount of alcohol he put away at di



To: Cal Langdon

Fr: Jane Harris >

Re: Time to talk

Oh, please.I could drink Mark under the table. He’s always been a lightweight. He was probably just trying to keep up with you. That doesn’t mean ANYTHING.

Besides, every guy has the right to let off a little steam before he gets married.



To: Jane Harris >

Fr: Cal Langdon

Re: Time to talk

> every guy has the right to let off a little steam before he gets married.

Re: Time to talk

You’re so weird. Seriously. Are you this way about EVERYTHING? I mean, do you have to overthink every little thing? Don’t you ever just DO stuff, without thinking about it first?

Or is it BECAUSE you did something once, without weighing the consequences, and got burned, that you are so anti-marriage?



To: Jane Harris >

Fr: Cal Langdon

Re: Time to talk

And I suppose you’re going to claim you haven’t been dreaming about your wedding day since you were seven? Dressing your Barbies up in bridal veils and walking them down the aisle with poor hapless Ken since you were nine? Sketching designs of your dream wedding gown since your teens, and viewing every male you met after the age of twenty as potential husband/father-of-your-children material, weighing his earning potential against his looks and assessing the chances of his remaining faithful to you?



To: Cal Langdon

Fr: Jane Harris >

Re: Time to talk

You didn’t answer my question.



To: Jane Harris >

Fr: Cal Langdon

Re: Time to talk

You didn’t answer mine.



To: Cal Langdon

Fr: Jane Harris >

Re: Time to talk

Fine. Yes, I had Barbie weddings. Yes, I’ve sketched bridal gowns.