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Ninja drummed her fingers on her lip. "That is strictly traditional. Possibly even orthodox."

"See?" I said, persuasively. "How do you get more sincere than that? I promise that as soon as she's back on the throne, she will never accept money for doing the Cake ceremony ever again. In the meantime, I've got to ask you to be patient. We still have an uphill battle to get her back safely to her homeland and restored to the throne."

Almost in unison, the society of Cake practitioners sighed.

"It's so romantic," the Gargoyle said. "I can't wait to see how it ends. Is she going to publish a sequel to her diary?"

"I have no idea," I said. "Will you let me and my friends go now? Can Hermalaya keep practicing the way she has? Maybe if you think of her guests as patrons, it wouldn't sound so bad?"

Ninja gathered her companions around her, and they had a quiet but very animated conference. It broke up. Ninja turned back to me.

"You have a deal, Skeeve." She clapped her hands, and three of the women ran to untie Massha and help her rebling. The Gargoyle handed back Nunzio's crossbow and helped him brush down his suit. "Let's see how Princess Hermalaya does, and maybe we'll even throw some business her way. Please tell her we are at our sister's service. If there's ever anything we can do to help her, all you have to do is call. Uh, after four o'clock, if you don't mind. That's when I get off work."


"It seems my reputation has preceded me."

Massha, Nunzio, and I bounced into the office. Bu

"Not that," I said, holding up a hand. "I don't have any income to report at the moment. In fact, I have a complaint."

"A complaint?" Bu

"Gleep!" My dragon had heard my voice, and came ru

"I hope this contest is over soon,' Bu

My dragon stopped sliming me and sat back on his haunches. He favored Bu

I sat up. I wiped my face with one hand and scratched the dragon behind his eye ridges with my other. Gleep crooned.

"I almost wish I was back there now," I said. "Look, when everybody agreed that the contest was to amass the greatest wealth possible for our respective clients, right?"

"Right," Bu

"Aahz is sabotaging us," I said. "He's interfering with practically everything we're doing to try and earn money for Hermalaya. Someone told a toymaker here in the Bazaar he could make dolls in her image. Somebody went around selling the idea of ripping off the Cake ceremony. All of that points to Aahz,"

"That's a pretty hefty accusation," she said. "Do you have any tangible proof? Has anyone actually named Aahz?"

I grimaced. "Well, no, not used his name ... but I know it's him! Who else would have all the details of Hermalaya's life at their fingertips so he could lie about them?"

"Well, anyone who has a copy of her diary, for one," Bu

"Yes, but..."


"There he is!" Aahz pointed a claw at my nose. "What do you think you're doing, making a mess of my assets like that?"

"What?" I goggled, "I never touched your assets. What assets?"

Tananda, Matfany, and Guido all appeared behind Aahz, looking at me reproachfully.

Aahz turned to Bu

"Me?" I knew my voice went up to a squeak.

"Yeah, you! Who else would want to ruin the displays when I finally got everything negotiated to run like a top'? Who has a stake in seeing my enterprise fail? You."

I felt steam come out of my ears.

"I would never do anything like that." I protested. "I never saw your displays. In fact. I have spent the last week trying to deal with the damage you did to me and MY client. Poor Hermalaya hasn't been so embarrassed in her life. People ate calling her a phony. She's the most genuine person in the world! She used to be a respected head of state, and now she's an action figure. I fee! responsible for setting her up—for putting her in a position where someone i used to trust more than anybody could make her feel like a fool."

"Used to trust?" The veins in Aahz's eyes burst into relief. "Listen, you Klahdish pip-squeak

A piercing whistle burst in my eardrums. Both of us stopped talking. Bu

"Gentlemen! If I may use that term without bursting into cynical laughter. You." she pointed at me. "I already heard from you. You!" she pointed at Aahz. "What is Skeeve supposed to have done to you?"

Aahz glanced sideways at Matfany, who was holding himself aloof from interacting with any of us. He looked pretty disgusted, not that I cared what he thought. I was glad that Hermalaya wasn't safely back in Possiltum.

"I ... made deals with a number of prominent businessmen who would take an interest in Foxe-Swampburg in exchange for financial consideration. It involves a certain amount of visible advertising on local landmarks."

"Glaring, vulgar displays," Matfany added.

"Yeah, it all depends on how you look at it!" Aahz snapped. I could see the honeymoon was long over between the two of them. "I conceded to local interests to ..."

"... Tone them down a little," Tananda put in, when Aahz had hesitated too long.

"Yeah! They were toned down!"

"To a dull roar," Matfany put in.

"Let me finish!" Aahz bellowed.


"Go on," she said to Aahz.

He frowned. "From that point, they should have been fine. Then, all of a sudden, the images started fading right off the rocks and buildings. Whole billboards disappeared overnight! Salamanders started going out, or they lost their grip and fell. The Firedrakes' Union steward complained to the Geek, and he came to me. Matfany's guards questioned the protesters ..."

"Protesters?" I asked.

"Shut up," Aahz said. "They didn't have anything to do with it. The whole mess smacked of magikal interference." He glared at me. "And who has the greatest interest in seeing me fail? Skeeve!"

"I didn't do anything!" I said. "Bu

The Swamp Fox was outraged. "Sir. you have no right to make such accusations."

"He's just trying to misdirect you," Aahz said. Typical behavior of someone who is guilty,"