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Nira — female green priest, Jora’h’s lover and mother of his half-breed daughter, Osira’h. She was held captive for years in breeding camps on Dobro, then freed.

Okiah, Jhy — former Speaker of the clans, died on Jonah 12.

Okiah, Kotto — Jhy Okiah’s youngest son, a brash and eccentric inventor who created many i

old Battleaxe — nickname for former Hansa Chairman Maureen Fitzpatrick.

O’nh, Tal — second-highest-ranking officer in Ildiran Solar Navy, mentor to Hyrillka Designate Ridek’h. He was blinded by Rusa’h in a faeros attack on his septa of warliners.

Osira’h — daughter of Nira and Jora’h, bred to have unusual telepathic abilities. She was a special envoy to the hydrogues.

Osquivel — ringed gas planet, site of secret Roamer shipyards; also, the name of a new perso

Otema — former ambassador from Theroc, green priest sent to Ildira, where she was murdered by Mage-Imperator Cyroc’h.

OX — Teacher compy, one of the oldest Earth robots, instructor and adviser to King Peter; his memories were mostly wiped during Peter and Estarra’s escape from Earth.

Palace District — governmental zone around the Whisper Palace on Earth.

Palomar, Ronald — former Hansa Chairman who served between the administrations of Maureen Fitzpatrick and Basil Wenceslas.

PD — one of two Friendly compies formerly belonging to Admiral Wu-Lin, taken as “students” of Sirix during the black robot uprising.

Peroni, Cesca — Roamer Speaker of all clans, trained by Jhy Okiah. Cesca was betrothed to Ross Tamblyn, then Reynald of Theroc, but has always loved Jess Tamblyn. Nearly killed by the black robots on Jonah 12, she was saved by the wentals and is now infused with wental power; she has joined Jess in his work for the wentals.

Peroni, De

Peter, King — formerly Raymond Aguerra; Great King of the Hansa, married to Estarra; he escaped Earth and established a new Confederation on Theroc.

Pike, Zebulon Charles — one of four surviving grid admirals after the black robot uprising and the hydrogue war.

Plumas — frozen moon with deep liquid oceans, site of Tamblyn clan water industry, nearly destroyed by a tainted wental inhabiting Karla Tamblyn’s body.

Prime Designate — eldest son and heir apparent of Ildiran Mage-Imperator.

Prism Palace — dwelling of the Ildiran Mage-Imperator.

Pym — abandoned Klikiss world resettled during the Colonization Initiative, now the site of a large Klikiss subhive.

Qronha — a close binary system, two of the Ildiran “seven suns.” The system contains two habitable planets and one gas giant, Qronha 3, where all skymining was destroyed by hydrogue attacks.

QT — one of two Friendly compies formerly belonging to Admiral Wu-Lin, taken as “students” of Sirix during the black robot uprising.

Relleker — former Hansa colony, destroyed by hydrogues. Now resettled by Roamer clans and Confederation colonists, known for its new cutting-edge technological industries.

Rememberer — member of the Ildiran storyteller kith.

Remora — small attack ship in Earth Defense Forces.

Rendezvous — inhabited asteroid cluster, once the center of Roamer government before it was destroyed by the EDF.

Reynald — eldest son of Father Idriss and Mother Alexa, killed in hydrogue attack on Theroc. Also the name of King Peter and Queen Estarra’s firstborn son.

Rheindic Co — abandoned Klikiss world investigated by Margaret and Louis Colicos; the central transfer point for the transportal network before the Klikiss recaptured it from General Lanyan.

Rhejak — former Hansa colony, an ocean world of reefs, medusa herders, and fishermen. Rhejak was the site of a pla

Roamers — loose confederation of independent humans, primary producers of ekti stardrive fuel.

Roberts, Branson — former husband and business partner of Rlinda Kett, also called BeBob; his ship is theBlind Faith.

Rod’h — experimental half-breed son of Nira and the Dobro Designate, second oldest of her children.

Rusa’h — former Hyrillka Designate who degenerated into madness after a head injury and began a revolt against the Mage-Imperator. Rather than allow himself to be captured, he flew his ship into Hyrillka’s sun, where he merged with the fiery elementals and has returned as the faeros incarnate.

Saga of Seven Suns— historical and legendary epic of the Ildiran civilization, considered to be infallible until Anton Colicos and Rememberer Vao’sh proved otherwise.

San Luis, Zia — one of the four surviving grid admirals after the black robot uprising and the hydrogue war.

Sarein — eldest daughter of Father Idriss and Mother Alexa, Theron ambassador to Earth, also Basil Wenceslas’s lover; she helped Estarra and Peter escape from the Hansa, but chose to remain behind on Earth.

septa — Ildiran Solar Navy battle group composed of seven ships.

septar — commander of a septa.

shizz — Roamer expletive.

Sirix — Klikiss robot, leader of robotic revolt against humans skymine — ekti-harvesting facility in the clouds of a gas-giant planet, usually operated by Roamers.

skysphere — main dome of the Ildiran Prism Palace, equivalent to a throne room.

Solimar — young green priest, treedancer, and mechanic; Celli’s boyfriend.

Soul-threads — co

Speaker — political leader of the Roamer clans.

Spiral Arm — the section of the Milky Way Galaxy settled by the Ildiran Empire and Hansa colonies.

splinter colony — an Ildiran colony that meets minimum population requirements.

Steinman, Hud — old transportal explorer, discovered Corribus and decided to settle there. After the black robot attack on Corribus, he and Orli Covitz were the only two survivors; they joined the Cre

Stoner, Be

streamer — fast single ship in Ildiran Solar Navy.

Sweeney, Dahlia — DD’s first owner.

tal — military rank in the Ildiran Solar Navy, cohort commander.

Tamblyn, Caleb — one of Jess and Tasia’s uncles, stranded on Jonah 12 after the faeros destroyed his water tanker.

Tamblyn, Jess — Roamer in love with Cesca Peroni, infused with wental energy.

Tamblyn, Karla — Jess and Tasia’s mother, frozen to death in ice accident on Plumas, revived by tainted wentals.

Tamblyn, Ross — Jess and Tasia’s brother, betrothed to Cesca Peroni, killed in the first hydrogue attack on Golgen.

Tamblyn, Tasia — Jess’s sister, who left the Roamers to join the EDF, captured by hydrogues at Qronha 3 and freed by Jess. Now she and Robb Brindle have joined the Confederation military.

Tamblyn, Torin — one of Jess and Tasia’s uncles, twin to Wy

Tamblyn, Wy

Tamo’l — experimental half-breed daughter of Nira and a lens kithman; second youngest of her children.

Telink — instantaneous communication used by green priests via worldtrees.

Terran Hanseatic League — commerce-based government of Earth and Terran colonies, also called the Hansa, managed by a Chairman and a figurehead King.

Theroc — forested planet, home of the sentient worldtrees, currently the center of the Confederation’s government.

Theron — a native of Theroc.