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thism faint racial telepathic link from the Mage-Imperator to the Ildiran people.
Thorh eldest noble-born son of Mage-Imperator Jorah; former Prime Designate who joined Rusahs rebellion; he died on Dobro.
torch trees worldtrees possessed by faeros, filled with living fire but not consumed.
transgate hydrogue/faeros point-to-point transportation system.
transportal Klikiss instantaneous transportation system.
treedancers acrobatic performers in the Theron forests.
treeling a small worldtree sapling, often transported in an ornate pot and used by green priests for telink.
Troop Carrier perso
Twitcher EDF stun weapon.
Tylar, Crim Roamer detainee on Llaro, father of Nikko, rescued by Tasia Tamblyn and Robb Brindle.
Tylar, Nikko Chan young Roamer pilot, son of Crim and Marla; Nikko was one of Jess Tamblyns first water bearers to deliver wental water; his ship is theAquarius.
Unison standardized government-sponsored religion for official activities on Earth, whose spokesman is the Archfather, a paid actor.
UR Governess-model Roamer compy, formerly held at Llaro with other Roamer detainees; she lost one of her arms protecting several children during an attack by a Klikiss scout.
Usk breakaway Hansa colony, populated mainly by farmers, site of a horrific pogrom led by General Lanyan and the Archfather of Unison.
Vaosh Ildiran rememberer, patron and friend of Anton Colicos, survivor of the robot attacks on Maratha; one of the only Ildirans ever to survive the isolation madness caused by separation from other Ildirans.
Verdani organic-based sentience, manifested as the Theron worldforest.
Voracious Curiosity Rlinda Ketts merchant ship.
warglobe hydrogue spherical attack vessel.
warliner largest class of Ildiran battleship.
Wenceslas, Basil Chairman of the Terran Hanseatic League.
wentals sentient water-based creatures.
Whisper Palace magnificent seat of the Hansa government.
Willis, Admiral Sheila one of only four remaining grid admirals to survive the battle of Earth; she defected to the Confederation after refusing to slaughter colonists on Rhejak.
worldforest the interco
worldtree a separate tree in the interco
Yarrod green priest, younger brother of Mother Alexa, a devotee of Kolkers telink/thismphilosophy. He was killed by the faeros on Theroc.
Yazrah oldest daughter of Jorah; his official guard.
Zannh Adar of the Ildiran Solar Navy; eldest son of Mage-Imperator Jorah.
Ive worked on the Saga of Seven Suns for nearly eight years, and even though I originally envisioned a vast epic spa