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faeros — sentient fire entities dwelling within stars.

featherviper — poisonous serpent from Theroc.

Fitzpatrick, Maureen — former Chairman of the Terran Hanseatic League, grandmother of Patrick Fitzpatrick III, nicknamed “Old Battleaxe.”

Fitzpatrick, Patrick III — General Lanyan’s protege in the Earth Defense Forces, presumed dead after battle of Osquivel but captured by Roamers. Later, he abandoned the EDF, stole his grandmother’s space yacht, and went in search of the Roamers; now he is married to Zhett Kellum.

Frederick — previous Great King of the Hansa, Peter’s predecessor, assassinated by hydrogue emissary.

Freedom’s Sword — outspoken protest group that is attempting to oust Hansa Chairman Basil Wenceslas.

fungus reef — giant worldtree growth on Theroc, carved into a habitation by the Therons.

Gale’nh — experimental half-breed son of Nira and Adar Kori’nh, third oldest of her children.

Gold, Jerome — Sullivan and Lydia’s adult son.

Gold, Lydia — Sullivan’s wife.

Gold, Patrice — Sullivan and Lydia’s adult daughter.

Gold, Philip — Sullivan and Lydia’s teenaged grandson.

Gold, Sullivan — former administrator of the Hansa’s modular cloud harvester at Qronha 3, which was destroyed by hydrogues; temporarily held captive by Ildirans, then quietly returned to Earth by Rlinda Kett and Branson Roberts.

Gold, Victor — Sullivan and Lydia’s adult son.

Golgen — gas giant where Ross Tamblyn’s Blue Sky Mine was destroyed; now it is the site of renewed Roamer skymining, particularly by clan Kellum.

green priest — servant of the worldforest, able to use worldtrees for instantaneous telink communication.

Guiding Star — Roamer philosophy and religion, an inspirational force in a person’s life.

Gypsy— space yacht flown by Patrick Fitzpatrick III, renamed after he stole it from his grandmother to search for Zhett Kellum.

Hansa — Terran Hanseatic League.

Hansa headquarters — pyramidal building near the Whisper Palace on Earth.

Hobart — Roamer clan, operators of a skymine on Golgen.

Horizon Cluster — large star cluster near Ildira, location of Hyrillka and many other splinter colonies. Most of Rusa’h’s rebellion took place in the Horizon Cluster.

Huck, Tabitha — engineer aboard Sullivan Gold’s cloud harvester, held captive by Ildirans and turned her talents to helping in the war against the hydrogues. A devotee of the green priest Kolker’s joined telink/thismphilosophy, Tabitha was killed by faeros when they reemerged from the dead sun of Durris-B.

hydrogues — alien race living in the cores of gas-giant planets, allied with the black robots and defeated by a combined force of verdani, wentals, Solar Navy, EDF, and Roamers.

Hyrillka — Ildiran colony in the Horizon Cluster, from which Designate Rusa’h began his rebellion. When battles between faeros and hydrogues threatened to extinguish one of Hyrillka’s suns, the population was evacuated and taken temporarily to Ildira. The current Hyrillka Designate is the boy Ridek’h.

Idriss, Father — former ruler of Theroc, husband of Mother Alexa and father of Reynald, Beneto, Sarein, Estarra, and Celli.

Ildira — home planet of the Ildiran Empire.

Ildiran Empire — large alien empire, the only other major civilization in the Spiral Arm.

Ildiran Solar Navy — space military fleet of the Ildiran Empire, much of which was devastated defending Earth during the end of the hydrogue war. Many warliners were being rebuilt in large orbiting shipyards over Ildira before the recent faeros invasion.

Ildirans — humanoid alien race with many different breeds, or kiths.

Isix cats — sleek feline predators native to Ildira; Jora’h’s daughter Yazra’h kept three of them, though one was killed by faeros.

jazer — energy weapon used by Earth Defense Forces.

Jonah 12 — icy planetoid, site of Kotto Okiah’s hydrogen-extraction facility, destroyed by Klikiss robots. Caleb Tamblyn was stranded on Jonah 12 after faeros destroyed his water tanker.

Jora’h — Mage-Imperator of the Ildiran Empire.

Juggernaut — largest battleship class in Earth Defense Forces.

Jupiter— Admiral Willis’s flagship Juggernaut.

Kamarov, Raven — Roamer captain, destroyed with his cargo ship during a secret EDF raid. Patrick Fitzpatrick III gave the order to fire on him, following instructions given by General Lanyan.

Kellum, Del — Roamer clan leader, in charge of Osquivel shipyards and many Golgen skymines; formerly engaged to Shareen Pasternak, who was killed by hydrogues; father of Zhett.

Kellum, Zhett — daughter of Del Kellum; married to Patrick Fitzpatrick.

Kett, Rlinda — heavyset merchant woman, captain of theVoracious Curiosity, now serving as the Confederation’s Trade Minister.

kith — a breed of Ildiran.

Klikiss — ancient insectlike race, long vanished from the Spiral Arm, leaving only their empty cities, recently returned to take over their former worlds.

Klikiss robots — intelligent beetlelike robots built by the Klikiss race.

Klikiss Siren — sonic device developed by Kotto Okiah.

Klikiss Torch — a weapon created by the ancient Klikiss race to implode gas-giant planets as a defense against the hydrogues; their design was rediscovered by Margaret and Louis Colicos, who tested the device at the gas giant Oncier, thereby unwittingly provoking the hydrogue war.

Kolker — green priest stationed on Sullivan Gold’s cloud harvester at Qronha 3, held captive by Ildirans. Kolker discovered a way to unite telink andthism, thus forming a new pseudo-religion, but he also unwittingly created a pathway for newborn faeros to spread. He was killed during the faeros invasion of Ildira.

Kori’nh, Adar — leader of the Ildiran Solar Navy, killed in a heroic suicidal assault against hydrogues on Qronha 3; mentor of Zan’nh.

Ko’sh — Chief Scribe of the Ildiran rememberer kith; despite the Mage-Imperator’s orders to correct and revise theSaga of Seven Suns, Ko’sh resisted all changes.

Kulu, Dr. Jane — Hansa scientific adviser, assigned to assist Chairman Wenceslas in creating technological “miracles.”

Lanyan, General Kurt — commander of the Earth Defense Forces.

lens kithmen — philosopher priests who help to guide troubled Ildirans, interpreting faint guidance from thethism.

Lightsource — a realm on a higher plane composed entirely of light. Ildirans believe that faint trickles of this light break through into our universe and are cha

Liona — green priest assigned to Del Kellum’s skymine on Golgen and then to the Osquivel shipyards.

Llaro — abandoned Klikiss world, site of a human colony and also a POW camp for Roamer detainees. The Klikiss invasion overwhelmed this colony, killing many of the people; only a few colonists escaped.

Lotze, Davlin — Hansa exosociologist and spy, sent to Rheindic Co, where he and Rlinda Kett discovered how to use the Klikiss transportal system. Later, he left Hansa service and went in hiding to live on Llaro with other Cre

Mage-Imperator — the god-emperor of the Ildiran Empire.

Manta — midsized cruiser class in EDF.

Maratha — Ildiran resort world with extremely long day and night cycle, abandoned since Klikiss robots took over.

Maratha Prime — primary domed city on one continent of Maratha, destroyed by Klikiss robots.

Maratha Secda — sister city on opposite side of Maratha, destroyed by Klikiss robots.

Mijistra — glorious capital city of the Ildiran Empire, site of the Prism Palace.

Muree’n — experimental half-breed daughter of Nira and a guard kithman, youngest of her children.

Nahton — court green priest on Earth, assassinated by Chairman Wenceslas when he tried to send a warning to Theroc about an impending EDF attack.