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when a person is found credible and persecuted (case of Mrs. Tamara Minakina I.D. No. 2316-6978, T94-07405). Our refugee process had been

extremely long and stressful. The hearing had continued over two years ( five full days), then we had to wait for the decision for 19 months ( total almost four

years), and for an another year I had waited for the Judicial Review. As a result, we must leave Canada, although we, especially my teenage son, have

become much more Canadian then even Russian or Israeli. During these years the situation in Israel had worsened for people like us: hardliners and the

ultraorthodox had come to power and had passed laws against christians. They constantly declare that Israel is a state created by Jews for Jews only. Many

prominent politicians and human rights activists like me (parliament and government members Shulamit Alony, Yosi Sarid and others) have received death

threats. Certainly my family and me would face a great risk to our lives there. We are ready to present numerous documents that prove that our situation in

Israel was unbearable and that we indeed qualify to receive refugee status according to the Refugee Convention. Such an attitude towards our cases by

Toronto's IRB leads us to a conclusion that there is a bias in this office against any refugee claimant from Israel and that their decisions are not objective. We

are ready to discuss this issue at any level in front of any auditorium in order to prove that IRB of Toronto has violated the promises, which Canada gave to

the United Nations (to give refuge to the persecuted or discriminated people). I am writing about the case of my family, but there are others who have also

encountered the same unjust inhumane and unreasonable threatment from the IRB. I know that Canada has high humanitarian values.

I'm attaching some documents I hope you will be interested to read ( letter from Mrs. Sarmite D. Bulte, Member of Parliament and letters from my lawyer Mr. Gerald W. Postelnik) Sincerely, Alexander Orlovsky family

Alexander Orlovsky - 41 I.D. No. 2839 - 1984 ; Tribunal's No. T93-12990 Rima Orlovsky - 43 I.D. No. 2839 - 1992 ; Tribunal's No. T93-12991

Alexey Orlovsky - 18 I.D. No. 2839 - 1993 ; Tribunal's No. T93-12992

Canadian Jewish Congress calls upcoming conference speaker an anti-Semite

TORONTO - A group that's organized a health conference in Toronto says it wants proof The Consumer Health Organization of Canada has invited US based author Eustace Mullins to speak at the Total Health conference later this month.

He will speak on "the Rockefeller medical monopoly."

The Canadian Jewish Congress says Mullins is a high-profile racist who has written anti-Semitic and anti-black tracts.

Conference organizer Libby Gardon says if the CJC can prove its allegation they'll reconsider their invitation to Mullins. "Of course they have to have proof. What right do they have to smear somebody without proof?"

Gardon says she's known Mullins for years and she's never heard him utter an anti-Semitic word. She calls him a gentle soul.

Bernie Farber, of the CJC, says he's sent the proof. A 100-page package of information on Mullins, including excerpts from his writings.

Farber says if the conference doesn't cancel Mullins, he'll ask the immigration department to keep the man out of Canada.

The Total Health conference is dedicate to showcasing alternative and natural health products and services.

4. Politically and Criminally Motivated Jewish Medical Mafia

Medical Racketeering and Covert Information

THE MEDICAL MAFIA: How To Get Out of It Alive and Take Back Our Health and Wealth

by Guylaine Lanctot, M.D.

The medical establishment works closely with the drug multinationals whose main objective is profits, and whose worst nightmare would be an epidemic of good health. Lots of drugs MUST be sold. In order to achieve this, anything goes: lies, fraud, and kickbacks.

Doctors are the principal salespeople of the drug companies. They are rewarded with research grants, gifts, and lavish perks. The principal buyers are the public - from infants to the elderly - who MUST be thoroughly medicated and vaccinated...at any cost! Why do the authorities forbid alternative medicine? Because they are serving the industry, and the industry ca


by Joachim Schafer.

Guylaine Lanctot, author of The Medical Mafia, lost her medical license for writing that book. She was brought before a 'kangaroo court' whose verdict was predetermined despite the presence of Lanctot's numerous expert witnesses. This book provides a complete account of this incredible travesty of justice. 237p.


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Read about the suppressed history of vaccines, discover the exact ingredients in each shot, learn medical tactics designed to deceive parents, and marvel in disbelief over the wealth of contrary vaccine studies and supplementary references accessible to everyone, including authorities. Example: A recent study in Lancet (April 29, 1995) found a significant link between the measles vaccine and bowel disease. Those who received the vaccine were 3 times more likely to develop Crohn's disease and more than twice as likely to

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