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permanent discrimination of these people, which takes place in Israel. That discrimination forced masses of them - talented, highly educated and highly skilled,

who could not get rooted in Israel - to seek a refuge in Canada, the country, which guarantees human rights and had signed the International Human Rights

Convention and UN Refugee Convention.

During the last few years, these people have constantly encountered an unexplainable bias and prejudism not only in the Immigration and Refugee Boards

(IRBs), but at every level of the Ministry of Immigration. I consider that it is my duty to draw your attention to the fact that the minister of Immigration Mrs.


of the Canadian Jewish Congress fulfilling their wishes: the ex-Soviet Jews from Israel are "PERSONA NON GRATA"s in Canada. Mrs. Lucie

is a convert to Judaism; she had repeatedly visited Israel during six years to work in the Israeli Kibbutz. She has demonstrated her sincere love to the state of

Israel and to Zionism. How could occur that it was not clear that as the Minister of Immigration such a person could not be impartial in her policy, which

influencing the fate of thousands of refugees from Israel? The IRBs and her Ministry are totally, and systematically ignoring the following facts:

1. Tortures and abuse of power by police in Israel. (Appendix # 1)

2. Brutal persecution of the dissidents, even members of knesset and government. (Appendix # 2)

3. Brutal persecutions of people whose religions is not Judaism, and ethnic minorities. (Appendix # 3)

4. Persecution of missionary activists. (Appendix # 4)

5. Severe abuse of children and women, especially non-Jews. (Appendix # 5) 6. Extreme political power of the ultra orthodox Jews and the tyrrany of the

religious courts in Israel. (Appendix # 6)

7. Lack of the Constitution. (Appendix # 7)

8. Lack of parliamentary elections and accountability of the MPs like in the western countries. (Appendix # 8)

9. Lack of an independent judicial system and powerless of the human rights group etc. (Appendix # 9)

I would like to draw your attention also to the fact that the ex-husband of Mrs. Robillard, (Head of the Israeli-Canadian organization) was removed from

Israeli refugee cases as a judge in Montreal because of his passionate partiality and violations of the rules. I hope, that you will not consider this letter as an

attempt to put pressure on the government. Our goal is to draw your attention to that problem. Actions of the Ministry of Immigration and Refugee Board put

under a doubt the Justice of Canada's immigration policy as whole, and make a bad image in the world. I am sure that You, the Parliament and the whole

society would not be indifferent towards such an unbearable situation. Therefore, I am asking you and the members of your opposition cabinet, which

controls the immigration policy of Canada, to investigate the influence of the pro-Israeli lobby on Canadian immigration policy. I am asking you to investigate

the real situation of the ex-soviet Jews and non-Jews in Israel as independent and objective politician. I am certain that the enclosed materials will allow your

analysts to make conclusions and to apply to the Canadian Minister of Immigration with the request to explain why Canada has shut the door before the

ex-soviet Jews who have applied for a refugee status in Canada. The official statistics hides this fact by showing numbers of Palestinians as refugee claiments

from Israel. We enclose the statistics for 1993-1994, which shows the policy differs in Ontario and Quebec and changes according to the influence of the

pro-Israeli lobby. Now I do not know any former Soviet-Israeli claiments who had received a refugee status anywhere in Canada. Moreover, I know about

cases when refugee claimants had been turned back to Israel straight from the airport without a chance to prove their claim. The famous Jewish writer, a

Canadian, member of Russian and Canadian Writers Assiciation Grigori Svirski had written the next in his affidavit and in his open letter to Mr. Chretien: "

Mr. Prime-Minister, have you ever seen these refugees from Israel Jews, Russions, half-Jews, who are appealing to the Canadian justice and who now

after the so widely publicized ruling of the Federal Court - have been practically deprived of last hope? When these people, who are being slowly murdered

by the state, come together , it seems that they are all receiving radioactive or chemical treatment for cancer. Grey exhausted faces with dull eyes. They know

very well everything about Israeli "freedom" to go where you are being led ("Traitors!" - shouted Shamir to those passing Israel by) as well as about Israeli

"democracy" (to elect only those who have been selected by the party elite)... For these people, almost finished off by PAKIDstan ("pakid" is a Hebrew

word for bureaucrats) and now also by Canadian bureaucracy as well, our Orwellian judge now publicly a

"One does not flee from freedom and democracy!" What wilfuness! What cynicism! Mr. Prime-Minister, my dream is that these exhausted battered people

should not be returned to where they in desperation fled from. ..... ...cheating and brutal violation of the rights of the newcomers, more and more of whom

are being escorted "only to Israel", have come deeply rooted every day practice, while the free countries, advocating "human rights", are accepting this as

something normal. .... I am really worried by all this. As well as by something else. Will our Canada stay free and democratic after such outraged violation of

the rights and human dignity of Russian Jewry, who were unfortunate enough to get entrapped?"

As an example to support our statements let's consider my immigration case: Accoding to the section 2(1) of the Immigration Act ( as enacted by R.S.C.

1985 (4th Supp.), c.28, s.1): "Convention refugee" means any person who (a) By reason of a well - founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion,

nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion, (i) is outside the country of the person's nationality and is unable or, by reason of the

fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country... - Although the panel had not find any lies or contradictions in the testimonies of the three

of us; - Although I had been persecuted and threatened for my political opinion; - Although our statements had been supported by much material from Israeli

Press; - Although few eyewitnesses had testified on my behalf before the panel; - Although we have physical evidences of attacks on my son and me;

Although there had been a sexual assault of my wife; - Although the police had never protected us (me and my son) and my spouse from physical attacks and

sexual assault, but opposite, the police had beaten me several times; Although my son became an invalid (uncontrolable urine flow at night time) after he has

been physical assaulted by his peers because he is not a Jew and obviously not circumcised; - Although we did our best to get rooted in Israel for two years,

we had to leave this country after the final threat to pay with my wife's and son's lives if I don't stop my intentions to defend human and civil rights of the new

repatriants, the panel had determind us not to be convention refugees! If we are not suitable to this status, so who are? My case is not an exception between

the decisions of the Refugee Boards. The refusal to make positive decisions in definition of the status for refugees from Israel became a rule in Toronto even