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drinking beer or liquor.

Recently, the San Francisco-based Wine Institute helped some California wineries get

permission from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) to add a label

referring consumers to the federal dietary guidelines to learn the "health effects"

of alcohol. But anyone who actually sent for the document would discover that the

government's advice on alcohol is mostly cautionary.

Inflamed by the belief that the wine industry was using the label to make it appear

that the government was suggesting Americans drink for their health, Senator Strom

Thurmond (R-SC), whose daughter was killed by a drunk driver, recently won a battle

for the BATF to hold hearings on whether the "health effects" label can legally be

affixed to every wine bottle. They're scheduled to take place in a number of U.S.

cities in late spring.

Today the Wine Institute touts its product on its website with studies and press

releases. One quotes David Pittman, Ph.D., researcher at Washington University in

St. Louis: "In societies such as France, Italy, Spain and Portugal, where wine and

overall alcohol consumption is higher than in the United States, they just don't have

as many alcohol-related problems such as drunk driving and underage drinking."

That would be news to France.

The world view that the French are able to control their drinking habits is untrue,

according to Pierre Kopp, professor of economics at the Sorbo

released the first French study estimating the cost of legal (alcohol and tobacco)

and illegal drugs. Kopp estimates that alcohol costs France $18.5 billion (U.S.)

each year. Drinking is responsible for nearly 53 percent of overall social costs of

alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs, he reports. (A

billion for tobacco and $2 billion for illegal drugs.)

But even these high alcohol economic cost figures are underestimated, cautions the

researcher, because he left out alcohol-related crime and accidents, which comprise

some of the largest costs to society in the United States. Kopp focused on public

and private money spent on medical treatment, lost productivity, absenteeism,

uncollected taxes, unpaid health contributions, and preventive measures.


"Consumption is exceptionally high and the final bill is extremely heavy. Alcohol

accounted for 42,963 deaths in France in 1997."


When "60 Minutes" introduced the French Paradox to America, Morley Safer featured

only one French scientific authority - Serge Renaud, a trendsetter in alcohol

research who still maintains that "there is no doubt that a moderate intake of wine

(one to three glasses per day for a man) is associated with a 30- to 40-percent

reduction in mortality from all causes." In its first issue of the new mille

the prestigious British journal Lancet noted in a short profile of Renaud that his

enthusiasm for alcohol and the French Paradox is hardly unanimous today among his

French peers. In fact, at least two of the scientists instrumental in early French

Paradox research today disagree with Renaud's belief in the central role of alcohol

in a lower coronary heart disease rate.


What's new for both men is the MONICA Project established by centers around the world

to MONItor trends in Cardiovascular diseases and relate them to risk factor changes

over a 10-year period. Established in the early 1980s by WHO, its final data were

highlighted last September at the European Society of Cardiology in Barcelona. De

Lorgeril reported there that the WHO data were 75 to 90 percent higher than France's

statistics for coronary heart disease deaths.

The cardiologist said he scrutinized alcohol-related deaths and found that French

men, "who drink too much," have the highest rates of liver disease and - by far

more upper gastrointestinal cancer, and were more likely to die in accidents, by

suicide, or as a consequence of crime than men of other nationalities. While men in

Sweden can expect to live 76.5 years on average, a French man's average lifespan,

said de Lorgeril, is 74.1 years.

Dr. Ian Graham, a professor of epidemiology at Trinity College in Dublin, said that

de Lorgeril's statistics suggest that the lower rate of coronary deaths in France are

due "to competing causes of death" - many more French men might die early from

alcohol-related causes before they have the opportunity to die of heart disease.


In 1998, a pharmacist who is a director at the French counterpart of the U.S.

National Institute of Health handed then French Health Minister Bernard Kouchner a

report that had the effect of "a sort of a bomb." In what has become known as the

Roques Report, Bernard Roques classified drugs on the basis of their danger to the

public rather than their legal status. Based on scientific data, alcohol took first

place along with heroin and cocaine; tobacco took second place with amphetamines and

LSD; and marijuana was in the third, least dangerous group.


Written by Hilary Abramson; edited by James F. Mosher; copy edited by Pam Gle

Copyright 2000 Marin Institute for the Prevention of Alcohol Other Drug Problems

The original article from which the above excerpts were taken can be found on the

Marin Institute web site at www.marininstitute.org/NL2000.html.

Drink Like the French,

Die Like the French

by David Jernigan

The truth is finally starting to come out: If Americans drink alcohol like the

French, we will die like the French.


Nearly 43,000 French people die each year from alcohol-related causes, roughly the

equivalent of 200,000 American - double the number who currently die a

alcohol-related causes in the United States.

According to the World Health Organization's Global Status Report on Alcohol, the

French drink 54 percent more alcohol than Americans, and die of liver cirrhosis 57

percent more often.

Yes, fewer French people die of heart disease than would be expected given their

fatty diets. However, French men in particular die prematurely in disproportionate

numbers, and alcohol-related problems are often the cause.

In 1991, Morley Safer's "60 Minutes" report on the possible heart protective effects

of drinking red wine led to a 44 percent increase in red wine sales among Americans.

Assiduous lobbying by wine makers prompted the Department of Agriculture (USDA) for

the first time to make positive mention of alcohol consumption in its Dietary

Guidelines for Americans.

Now wineries want to label their products as health food. In 1999 several wineries

convinced the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) to permit an

ambiguous label on wine bottles suggesting that people write the USDA to learn more

about the "health effects" of drinking alcohol.

Further pressure from the Wine Institute and complaints from Senator Strom Thurmond,

author of the warning label currently on alcohol bottles, prompted BATF to open the

entire issue of putting health claims on alcohol bottles for public comment. The

BATF is expected to hold hearings on the topic around the nation this spring.

To date, no U.S. government agency has recommended that Americans drink alcohol to

protect themselves against heart disease.


The push to put a health benefits label on alcohol bottles is a marketing ploy, pure